11-24-2020, 09:18 PM
Heyo! This is my solo playthrough of the procedural hexcrawl I've been working on. It's almost entirely built off of random dice tables I've found or created myself. I play it as an exploration based, strategy, worldbuilding game. The system is pretty straightforward, although complex in it's diversity. I start with ONLY humans, and ONLY Fighters, Rangers, and Rogues. Everything else I can unlock through in game mechanics. Whether that's by befriending a group of Goblins or finding Dwarves in the mountains. It works kind of like a "prestige" system wherein every time you die, you can potentially start stronger characters. I also play it as a kingdom building game and focus on strategy and resource management. My own personal D&D meets Civ.
Each hex is 6 miles, and I make 3 checks per hex. One while entering, one while in it, and one while leaving it. For ease of tracking I make each check take an hour. The things I can roll include Nothing, Combat, Encounters/random events, Resources, and Exhaustion. The world slowly fleshes itself out as I explore, and it's uniquely dependent on the Combats, Resources, and Encounters I roll.
Okay here goes!
Ahmir and his 3 adult children, Amora, Lachlan, and Rowan - along with a small crew, have left home in search of adventure. From a similar setting to medieval Earth, they set sail on their grand voyage. After months at sea, and many drunken debates over whether they'd ever even find land, the tall pines came into focus, like magnificent spears stabbing into the sky. The points of the trees met with dark rolling clouds and skin-stinging rain. At last, they had found their new home. Attempting to make landfall, however was risky. The violent waves and heavy rain turned catastrophic as the ship was slammed into the rocky coast, and rendered useless-at least for travel. The first few days were spent altering the ship to become the new town or base of operations.
This is the story from here on:
Weather Check: Clear-Hot-light breeze. The blistering sun climbs quickly and shines through a cloudless blue sky, the only refuge being the light occasional breeze.
7AM: The family eat a breakfast together on the rocks near the beached ship. Discussing the plans for the day.
7:30AM: Ahmir and Lachlan discuss the best course of action as Rowan and Amora sharpen their blades.
D6-1 for direction. South East.
8AM: The group snuffs the fire, gather their supplies, and head out.
Hexgen: Fungal infested forest
9AM:Travel Check: (Nothing)
Lachlan notices the bright pink/red striped mushrooms everywhere. Ahmir and Lachlan warn the party not to eat random mushrooms.
10AM: Travel Check: Combat: Random page in MM (Goristro) https://jsigvard.com/dnd/monster.php?m=Goristro
(LOL of course I run into a CR17 first encounter.)
Roll distance/visibility check: 120feet away, don't notice each other. THANK GOD!
11AM: Travel Check(Nothing)
12PM: Travel Check: Encounter: A Viking has slain his friends. He says the armor he wears is cursed and made him do it. “Kill me, before I kill you too.” as he fights back tears and makes his way towards you. A dark spirit does reside within the armor.
Here I just played out combat using a battlemap and tokens. This is just the write up
T1: As the man moves towards the group, they all instinctively draw their bows. The man doesn't stop and so Amora releases her arrow, sticking him in his left shoulder. He howls in pain but thanks her and presses forward. Ahmir releases his arrow next sticking him in his right shoulder. A second howl from the deranged man. His face contorts, snaps both arrows and he attempts to throw two daggers at Ahmir and both miss. Lachlan fires off his arrow in a fit of rage and it sinks into his left breast. Rowan unsheathes his sword and rushes forward swinging the blade. The steel meets his exposed arm, leaving a deep gash.
T2: Amora fires another arrow and it misses narrowly sticking into a tree behind the man. The man's eyes roll back in his head, as his face continues to twist, he grabs his scimitar and swings at Rowan slicing him from shoulder to ribs. A second strike follows immediately as he ducks and his blade finds Rowans left leg. Rowan reels in pain, the man smiles devilishly as he releases a dagger from his hand hitting Rowan square in the chest. Rowan's body slumps heavily against the ground, crunching the leaves as he lands. Ahmir screams in fear of his son. Lachlan goes to fire another shot, but seeing his brother fall limp, he stumbles and 3 arrows spill onto the ground. Rowan's eyes struggle to open, barely holding on.
T3: Amora now shaking from rage, fires a well placed arrow sticking the man in his stomach. He keels over from the impact. Ahmir inspired by Amora's shot fires his own. It misses, flying off into the distance. The bearded man slowly raises his head, now home to a smile that isn't quite human. His head cocks and he grabs 2 daggers from his belt, unleashing them so fast it may have been one throw. Both daggers collide with Amora's chest and her body goes limp. Lachlan gracefully grabs one of the arrows off the ground and a second later it sticks the man a second time in the stomach. He howls and falls to one leg. Rowans eyes open as he coughs up some blood.
T4: Ahmir screams as he watches two of his children fall to the ground. He rushes forward blindly in a mad rage swinging his short sword. The man ducks to avoid the strike, but Ahmir is ready with a dagger in his left hand which finds the underside of the man's jaw. He thrusts the blade further into the skull of the man before pulling it out violently. His heavy body thudding against the ground. Ahmir rushes to Rowan's aid, and then promptly checks on Amora. Doing everything he can to stabilize his children.
Yikes. That was tough!
12-3PM: Ahmir spends a few hours tending to the wounds of his family, who all eventually come to. Although in rough shape. They survived. While Amora and Rowan rest, Lachlan and Ahmir search the bodies of the fallen. (D4+1 dead vikings) 4.
(I randomly rolled on my humanoid loot tables that I pieced together.)
The first body had only 2 coins, 1sp and 1cp.
The second body had, what at first seems like a smooth, polished stone turns out in fact to be a cameo [4 gp]. The cameo portrays an elven maiden, her long hair cascading over her shoulders and a tiger lily positioned by her ear. The glass is deep green, changing to chalky white where the image is carved. [Total 4 gp]
A ransom note from a kidnapper who has their family held hostage with a looming deadline and a crazy task to accomplish. (Uh, WHAT?!)
The third body had 6sp, 12cp, and 4gp.
And the fourth had a pair of beeswax candles [1 cp each], perfumed with lavender, have been jammed carelessly into a pocket. The candles were originally shaped like dancing girls, but as they have burned down, the wax has deformed the 'dancers' strangely. Only the legs and hips remain clearly defined. [Total 0.02 gp]
As well as 2 Platinum Pieces, 1 Gold Pieces, 4 Silver Pieces, and 4 Copper Pieces
They also had 1 scimitar, 3 short swords and 4 daggers.
The party took a short rest and healed up using their hit die.
4PM: Ahmir and his family decide to head back to the ship for the evening. The sun is going to set soon. And shelter - I'm sure, is vital!
The party travels South West towards the coast.
Hexgen: Forest
(Does the fungus continue in this hex?) No.
The fungus doesn't seem to grow here. Lachlan is pleased as he thought the entire forest may have been infested.
Travel Check: Resource(plant)(Fairy Bells): A leafy green plant that springs up in clusters, the majority of the plant is rather uninteresting, save for the violet flowers that seem to bloom almost year-round. When the wind blows through the flowers, their seeds rattle around inside and create a curious ringing sound, much like tiny bells. Many rural children enjoy picking them and weaving the flowers into their garments, which then jingle as they run and twirl. There is also a legend that the sound of the flowers ward away evil spirits, a legend that is partially true. Any fiend must make a DC 15 Constitution save in order to approach within 10 feet of the fairy bells or anyone wearing them.
Amora spots a small cluster of leafy green plants with beautiful violet flowers. The wind blowing through these causes the seeds inside to move around creating a quiet, almost bell-like ringing sound. She's rather amused, and after a long, hard, day she picks the flowers, figuring she can plant the seeds by the ship to add some color to an otherwise dark situation.
5PM: Travel Check: Nothing.
6PM: Travel Check: Exhaustion. One of Rowans wounds opens up causing the party to stop for 1d2 hours(2).
8PM: Travel Check: Encounter
The party stumble upon a massive mushroom with a wide, flat top. Only the top is visible, and the rest is below ground. It will slowly rise from the the ground when it thinks no one is watching. If something looks at it while it is extended, it will quickly slam back into the ground.
The party makes note of it and agrees to check it out tomorrow. It's getting late.
9PM: The party get back to the ship. Amora unloads the weapons and loot into their storage. Ahmir cooks while Rowan and Lachlan write about their days journey.
10PM: The party sleeps.
That's day one! Here is the map that Lachlan has been drawing as they explore. I've already got 3 days played so I will post the others soon! Thanks for reading!
Each hex is 6 miles, and I make 3 checks per hex. One while entering, one while in it, and one while leaving it. For ease of tracking I make each check take an hour. The things I can roll include Nothing, Combat, Encounters/random events, Resources, and Exhaustion. The world slowly fleshes itself out as I explore, and it's uniquely dependent on the Combats, Resources, and Encounters I roll.
Okay here goes!
Ahmir and his 3 adult children, Amora, Lachlan, and Rowan - along with a small crew, have left home in search of adventure. From a similar setting to medieval Earth, they set sail on their grand voyage. After months at sea, and many drunken debates over whether they'd ever even find land, the tall pines came into focus, like magnificent spears stabbing into the sky. The points of the trees met with dark rolling clouds and skin-stinging rain. At last, they had found their new home. Attempting to make landfall, however was risky. The violent waves and heavy rain turned catastrophic as the ship was slammed into the rocky coast, and rendered useless-at least for travel. The first few days were spent altering the ship to become the new town or base of operations.
This is the story from here on:
Weather Check: Clear-Hot-light breeze. The blistering sun climbs quickly and shines through a cloudless blue sky, the only refuge being the light occasional breeze.
7AM: The family eat a breakfast together on the rocks near the beached ship. Discussing the plans for the day.
7:30AM: Ahmir and Lachlan discuss the best course of action as Rowan and Amora sharpen their blades.
D6-1 for direction. South East.
8AM: The group snuffs the fire, gather their supplies, and head out.
Hexgen: Fungal infested forest
9AM:Travel Check: (Nothing)
Lachlan notices the bright pink/red striped mushrooms everywhere. Ahmir and Lachlan warn the party not to eat random mushrooms.
10AM: Travel Check: Combat: Random page in MM (Goristro) https://jsigvard.com/dnd/monster.php?m=Goristro
(LOL of course I run into a CR17 first encounter.)
Roll distance/visibility check: 120feet away, don't notice each other. THANK GOD!
11AM: Travel Check(Nothing)
12PM: Travel Check: Encounter: A Viking has slain his friends. He says the armor he wears is cursed and made him do it. “Kill me, before I kill you too.” as he fights back tears and makes his way towards you. A dark spirit does reside within the armor.
Here I just played out combat using a battlemap and tokens. This is just the write up
T1: As the man moves towards the group, they all instinctively draw their bows. The man doesn't stop and so Amora releases her arrow, sticking him in his left shoulder. He howls in pain but thanks her and presses forward. Ahmir releases his arrow next sticking him in his right shoulder. A second howl from the deranged man. His face contorts, snaps both arrows and he attempts to throw two daggers at Ahmir and both miss. Lachlan fires off his arrow in a fit of rage and it sinks into his left breast. Rowan unsheathes his sword and rushes forward swinging the blade. The steel meets his exposed arm, leaving a deep gash.
T2: Amora fires another arrow and it misses narrowly sticking into a tree behind the man. The man's eyes roll back in his head, as his face continues to twist, he grabs his scimitar and swings at Rowan slicing him from shoulder to ribs. A second strike follows immediately as he ducks and his blade finds Rowans left leg. Rowan reels in pain, the man smiles devilishly as he releases a dagger from his hand hitting Rowan square in the chest. Rowan's body slumps heavily against the ground, crunching the leaves as he lands. Ahmir screams in fear of his son. Lachlan goes to fire another shot, but seeing his brother fall limp, he stumbles and 3 arrows spill onto the ground. Rowan's eyes struggle to open, barely holding on.
T3: Amora now shaking from rage, fires a well placed arrow sticking the man in his stomach. He keels over from the impact. Ahmir inspired by Amora's shot fires his own. It misses, flying off into the distance. The bearded man slowly raises his head, now home to a smile that isn't quite human. His head cocks and he grabs 2 daggers from his belt, unleashing them so fast it may have been one throw. Both daggers collide with Amora's chest and her body goes limp. Lachlan gracefully grabs one of the arrows off the ground and a second later it sticks the man a second time in the stomach. He howls and falls to one leg. Rowans eyes open as he coughs up some blood.
T4: Ahmir screams as he watches two of his children fall to the ground. He rushes forward blindly in a mad rage swinging his short sword. The man ducks to avoid the strike, but Ahmir is ready with a dagger in his left hand which finds the underside of the man's jaw. He thrusts the blade further into the skull of the man before pulling it out violently. His heavy body thudding against the ground. Ahmir rushes to Rowan's aid, and then promptly checks on Amora. Doing everything he can to stabilize his children.
Yikes. That was tough!
12-3PM: Ahmir spends a few hours tending to the wounds of his family, who all eventually come to. Although in rough shape. They survived. While Amora and Rowan rest, Lachlan and Ahmir search the bodies of the fallen. (D4+1 dead vikings) 4.
(I randomly rolled on my humanoid loot tables that I pieced together.)
The first body had only 2 coins, 1sp and 1cp.
The second body had, what at first seems like a smooth, polished stone turns out in fact to be a cameo [4 gp]. The cameo portrays an elven maiden, her long hair cascading over her shoulders and a tiger lily positioned by her ear. The glass is deep green, changing to chalky white where the image is carved. [Total 4 gp]
A ransom note from a kidnapper who has their family held hostage with a looming deadline and a crazy task to accomplish. (Uh, WHAT?!)
The third body had 6sp, 12cp, and 4gp.
And the fourth had a pair of beeswax candles [1 cp each], perfumed with lavender, have been jammed carelessly into a pocket. The candles were originally shaped like dancing girls, but as they have burned down, the wax has deformed the 'dancers' strangely. Only the legs and hips remain clearly defined. [Total 0.02 gp]
As well as 2 Platinum Pieces, 1 Gold Pieces, 4 Silver Pieces, and 4 Copper Pieces
They also had 1 scimitar, 3 short swords and 4 daggers.
The party took a short rest and healed up using their hit die.
4PM: Ahmir and his family decide to head back to the ship for the evening. The sun is going to set soon. And shelter - I'm sure, is vital!
The party travels South West towards the coast.
Hexgen: Forest
(Does the fungus continue in this hex?) No.
The fungus doesn't seem to grow here. Lachlan is pleased as he thought the entire forest may have been infested.
Travel Check: Resource(plant)(Fairy Bells): A leafy green plant that springs up in clusters, the majority of the plant is rather uninteresting, save for the violet flowers that seem to bloom almost year-round. When the wind blows through the flowers, their seeds rattle around inside and create a curious ringing sound, much like tiny bells. Many rural children enjoy picking them and weaving the flowers into their garments, which then jingle as they run and twirl. There is also a legend that the sound of the flowers ward away evil spirits, a legend that is partially true. Any fiend must make a DC 15 Constitution save in order to approach within 10 feet of the fairy bells or anyone wearing them.
Amora spots a small cluster of leafy green plants with beautiful violet flowers. The wind blowing through these causes the seeds inside to move around creating a quiet, almost bell-like ringing sound. She's rather amused, and after a long, hard, day she picks the flowers, figuring she can plant the seeds by the ship to add some color to an otherwise dark situation.
5PM: Travel Check: Nothing.
6PM: Travel Check: Exhaustion. One of Rowans wounds opens up causing the party to stop for 1d2 hours(2).
8PM: Travel Check: Encounter
The party stumble upon a massive mushroom with a wide, flat top. Only the top is visible, and the rest is below ground. It will slowly rise from the the ground when it thinks no one is watching. If something looks at it while it is extended, it will quickly slam back into the ground.
The party makes note of it and agrees to check it out tomorrow. It's getting late.
9PM: The party get back to the ship. Amora unloads the weapons and loot into their storage. Ahmir cooks while Rowan and Lachlan write about their days journey.
10PM: The party sleeps.
That's day one! Here is the map that Lachlan has been drawing as they explore. I've already got 3 days played so I will post the others soon! Thanks for reading!
