Jingo's RPG Solo Game Guide
Hi everyone! I've been working on a little project just for fun. 

I give you Jingo's RPG Solo Game Guide! (google doc)

I’ve been using rpgsolo.com since 2018, and I wanted to share a few ideas on how to use the fantastic RPG Solo oracle tools as its own quick-n-dirty RPG ruleset. I especially used many of these ideas to play my homebrew Zombie Apocalypse “Jodi’s Story” game.

It's complete with rules and ideas for character creation, scene creation, combat, character progression, and more.


(Enjoying my content? Want to show your support? Consider joining my Patreon at Roll, Ponder, and Play!)

Hi Jingo,

This is really well done. I especially like how you use the character's attribute modifiers to determine the appropriate Get Answer button to use.

I added a link to this thread in the Documentation's "How do I solo role-play" thread.

Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for your comments, Mark and for a site with so many good solo role-play tools packaged together.

(Enjoying my content? Want to show your support? Consider joining my Patreon at Roll, Ponder, and Play!)

What this needs is a cool name.  We have Mythic, MUSE, Scarlet Heroes, Perilous Wilds, DM Yourself, and the list goes on.  You should come up with some catchy anagram or title that highlights RPGSolo (since it is written specifically to work with this tool).

Good Luck!

Some suggestions Big Grin :

OR  (Only RPGSolo)
Website and a Dream  (or WAAD)
RAND  (RPGSolo And No DM)
A Gamer And His Tool  (ok, maybe not)
That last one made me LOL.

Here's my suggestion: JOUST (Jingo's Omnipotent User Story Tool)
Hah. Those are great!

Made me started thinking up some of my own

Build Roleplay and Unify Tales At Lunch

Adventure Gaming's Harsh Amazing Solo Tool

Guide to Resolving Apparent Story Problems
Go Roleplay and Slay Pigeons
Get Role And Solo Play
Get Random Awesome Solo Plays (Leaning towards this one)

(Enjoying my content? Want to show your support? Consider joining my Patreon at Roll, Ponder, and Play!)

I love them all but I gotta say that Go Roleplay and Slay Pigeons made me lol.
*Grin* Yeah. I guess I can't take credit for that one. That one was all my daughter... Smile

(Enjoying my content? Want to show your support? Consider joining my Patreon at Roll, Ponder, and Play!)


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