Helloooo, been playing with RPG Solo for a while now, on and off, had a bit of a sci-fi military itch to scratch and wanted to try and improve my military writing and thought I'd share this, it's more for personal stuff so might have a lot of errors I didn't bother proofreading but thought someone might find it interesting to follow along. I'm by no means a military expert, so if there's anyone with actual experience in service pointers would be appreciated or any other insights from none-service members of the forum enjoy 
It's not much so far, but I'll add to it as I get around to writing more of Harwood's adventures on the frontlines, I also have some lore being slowly developed, so I'll periodically be sharing that too.
Name: Harwood White
3 = 3[d3]
1st Karvia Regiment, Loksaravian Empire
2nd Hwan Regiment, Kingdom of Ateruntia and 1st Alvia Regiment, Principality of Fanhano
Territorial dispute has caused Loksavarian Empire to mobilise against the Kingdom of Ateruntia who have called in the support of the Principality of Fanhano.
Ateruntia wishes to annex Waginland Territory lost in the Loksavarian Annexation of Ateruntia, religious differences cause issues within the regions.
How experienced are the 1st Alvia Regiment?
Inexperienced -1
And the 2nd Hwan Regiment?
Experienced 1
Who had the initial assault? Karvia vs Hwan
1 = 1[d2]
Karvia assaulted first
July 12th, 3019; 1st Karvia Regiment Assaulted the border town of Lauri, Porara County.
Were they met with resistance?
(Somewhat Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
It was heavy, did they have armour support?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 8[d10]) Yes
Does Karvia Regiment have air support?
(Somewhat Likely | 6[d10]) Yes
The assault on Lauri was initiated from the town of Nuvuskyla in the early hours of the morning, the naturally hilly terrain and thick fog from the cold helped to conceal the two low-flying V-LAT Platoon Dropships, each carried an under-strength Platoon of three sections and an Infantry Fighting Hover Vehicle for support.
BRAVO 2-1: "Go ahead HEAVYHAWK 1, over."
Corporal Harwood heard the crackled comms through his helmet as he checked the magazine of his hydrogen-kinetic assault rifle for the umpteenth time. It was not that he was edgy or nervous, he was more ready, and geared to go and sitting in a glorified flying tin can was not his idea of a good time, even if HEAVYHAWK's pilots had made it a pleasant ride so far.
HEAVYHAWK 1-1: "BRAVO ACTUAL, 10km from LZ, recon suggests rapid touchdown and disembark, break..."
Harwood rolled a gloved thumb across one of the Blueshade hydro-kinetic rounds in his magazine, the V-LAT shuddered gently as the pilot angled them dangerously close to the high-altitude hills, he could see the pair of lifters gracefully skirting at break-neck speeds in his minds eye, seconds away from disaster every time they committed to an adjustment.
HEAVYHAWK 1-1: "HEAVYHAWK 2 going in for Easyride, full touchdown on LZ BLEAK. Looks like you got the shit job Anderson. Over."
BRAVO 2-1: "Wilco HEAVYHAWK 1, rapid touchdown, always the case. Into the fires of hell boys. Over."
The V-LAT was filled with amused laughter from the platoon onboard, the cacophony being dulled by Harwood's comm-system. Rapid insertion was not something new to him, not by a long shot, but from the briefing reports he had seen and heard, very little information had been gathered by the recon teams or SAT-Fotos, some kind of ECM scrambling data and with Lauri being situated at the highest point of the mountains, it would be a cramped landing with very little cover. Though Harwood was expecting the worst, the Ateruntians had no idea the Loksaravian Royal Army was about to land the first blow of the conflict.
V-LAT = Variable-Lift Armoured Transport, think heavy dropship
Hydrogen-Kinetic Assault Rifle = HKAR and variations from now on

It's not much so far, but I'll add to it as I get around to writing more of Harwood's adventures on the frontlines, I also have some lore being slowly developed, so I'll periodically be sharing that too.
Name: Harwood White
3 = 3[d3]
1st Karvia Regiment, Loksaravian Empire
2nd Hwan Regiment, Kingdom of Ateruntia and 1st Alvia Regiment, Principality of Fanhano
Territorial dispute has caused Loksavarian Empire to mobilise against the Kingdom of Ateruntia who have called in the support of the Principality of Fanhano.
Ateruntia wishes to annex Waginland Territory lost in the Loksavarian Annexation of Ateruntia, religious differences cause issues within the regions.
How experienced are the 1st Alvia Regiment?
Inexperienced -1
And the 2nd Hwan Regiment?
Experienced 1
Who had the initial assault? Karvia vs Hwan
1 = 1[d2]
Karvia assaulted first
July 12th, 3019; 1st Karvia Regiment Assaulted the border town of Lauri, Porara County.
Were they met with resistance?
(Somewhat Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
It was heavy, did they have armour support?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 8[d10]) Yes
Does Karvia Regiment have air support?
(Somewhat Likely | 6[d10]) Yes
The assault on Lauri was initiated from the town of Nuvuskyla in the early hours of the morning, the naturally hilly terrain and thick fog from the cold helped to conceal the two low-flying V-LAT Platoon Dropships, each carried an under-strength Platoon of three sections and an Infantry Fighting Hover Vehicle for support.
BRAVO 2-1: "Go ahead HEAVYHAWK 1, over."
Corporal Harwood heard the crackled comms through his helmet as he checked the magazine of his hydrogen-kinetic assault rifle for the umpteenth time. It was not that he was edgy or nervous, he was more ready, and geared to go and sitting in a glorified flying tin can was not his idea of a good time, even if HEAVYHAWK's pilots had made it a pleasant ride so far.
HEAVYHAWK 1-1: "BRAVO ACTUAL, 10km from LZ, recon suggests rapid touchdown and disembark, break..."
Harwood rolled a gloved thumb across one of the Blueshade hydro-kinetic rounds in his magazine, the V-LAT shuddered gently as the pilot angled them dangerously close to the high-altitude hills, he could see the pair of lifters gracefully skirting at break-neck speeds in his minds eye, seconds away from disaster every time they committed to an adjustment.
HEAVYHAWK 1-1: "HEAVYHAWK 2 going in for Easyride, full touchdown on LZ BLEAK. Looks like you got the shit job Anderson. Over."
BRAVO 2-1: "Wilco HEAVYHAWK 1, rapid touchdown, always the case. Into the fires of hell boys. Over."
The V-LAT was filled with amused laughter from the platoon onboard, the cacophony being dulled by Harwood's comm-system. Rapid insertion was not something new to him, not by a long shot, but from the briefing reports he had seen and heard, very little information had been gathered by the recon teams or SAT-Fotos, some kind of ECM scrambling data and with Lauri being situated at the highest point of the mountains, it would be a cramped landing with very little cover. Though Harwood was expecting the worst, the Ateruntians had no idea the Loksaravian Royal Army was about to land the first blow of the conflict.
V-LAT = Variable-Lift Armoured Transport, think heavy dropship
Hydrogen-Kinetic Assault Rifle = HKAR and variations from now on