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04-07-2020, 01:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-07-2020, 01:45 AM by Jingo.)
While browsing some old files on my computer, I found a stored text file that contains a story of a solo RPG I did some 8 years ago, long before I discovered RPG Solo. I decided to share it. For this story, I used a Flash-based GM emulator that was around back then. It emulated Mythic well and I enjoyed creating stories with it. This story is it's result. Enjoy!
The Setting
This is non-canon setting of my own. It's a generation or so after the destruction of the 2nd Death Star at Endor, and a new Jedi Order has arisen. Episodes 7,8, and 9 never happened. Erase them from your pained memories. (Maybe not even 1,2, and 3. Not that it matters much, but I'm fan of the original trilogy and LOVED the Thrawn books, though this doesn't necessarily follow Thrawn series either. If you hate what Disney did and want some real Star Wars and haven't read the Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn--check 'em out!)
The Characters
The story features Jana Aiererith. She is a striking young woman in her mid twenties who belongs to the Jedi Order. She is an apprentice still, but shows great promise and seeks to complete her knighthood. Her lightsaber skills have far surpassed the average apprentice, and she is eager to prove herself in nearly any endeavor.
Her history is marked by a path among the low-lifes of the galaxy. Her parents were civilian casualties in a battle between the Rebels and the Empire, and she was raised by a drunkard of an uncle on narshadda. She learned the value of stealth to keep food on the table.
She ran away from her uncle 5 years ago and joined a bounty hunter group. When they all agreed to do an assassination of a young noblewoman, she sold them out and fled. They now seek her life.
Jana's main goal is to seek knighthood, but she is often plagued by the mistakes of her past.
Jana Airerith
Attributes Cost Rank Desc
STR 5 X Average
AGI 15 XXX Exceptional
REF 15 XXX Exceptional
IQ 5 XX Above Average
ITU 5 X Average
WILL 5 XX Above Average
TUFF 5 X Average
WOUND: Left arm -1 (I think this was gained in this story at some point...)
Abilities Cost Description
Lightsaber XXXXX Awesome
Force Jump X Average
Force Push/Pull X Average
Force Speed XX Above Average
Sense Life X Average
Meditation XX High
Blaster XX High
Pilot XX High
Stealth XX High
Observe XX High
Favor Points:
Ambidextrous - Jana is equally skilled with using weapons in either hand and gets an automatic free attack when wielding a second weapon in her other hand.
Enemies (weakness) Jana has made mortal enemies of a group of 5 bounty hunters she tried to sell out in her past life. There is a chance (unlikely) one of them will show up to ruin the day. They are all skilled hunters. (-15 points).
Overconfidence (weakness) Jana has a hard time resisting a dare. Anytime someone suggests something that seems foolhardy or downright crazy she has to make a Will resistance vs below average or go along with it. (-10 points)
Mechanical Deficiency (weakness) Jana has a hard time around tools, gadgets, etc. Any time she has to repair something she suffers a -1 RS (-5 points)
Debt (weakness) Jana owes a crime boss a 100,000 credits. She barely makes enough to pay interest on the loan. Each adventure there's a chance (No Way) she'll have to pay a minimum payment of 5,000. Failure means she's over due and someone comes to collect. (-10 points). If She confronts and defeats the crime boss directly that too will remove the disad.
Jedi Code (weakness). She strives to follow the code, even when it puts her in danger. (-15 points). Everytime she wants to disobey the code to give her an advantage she has to make a Will save vs Exceptional. Failure means she will follow the code and put herself in danger.
Curious (weakness). -5 It killed the cat and it might kill her. Will save vs Low when something unusual confronts her, otherwise she'll investigate it.
Secret (weakness) -15 It's something dangerous... details will come later.
RX (Her trusty droid companion)
RX is a retrofitted experimental combat droid that puts the smaller droids to shame. He takes orders from Jana but also has some independent programming. While slow, he is extremely strong and heavily armored. He also boasts considerable combat skills from demolitions to hand to hand to ranged combat. His preferred method of fighting is ranged weaponry such as missile launchers and rapid fire blasters.
Attributes Cost Rank Desc
STR 5 Incredible
AGI 15 Average
REF 15 Below Average
IQ 5 Above Average
ITU 5 Average
WILL 5 Above Average (NA)
TUFF 5 Incredible
Ranged Weaponry: Exceptional
Hand to Hand: Above Average
Stealth: Below Average
Perception: Exceptional
Computer Skill: Above Average
Advanced Tactical Scanners. In a firefight, if you make a Computer Roll vs Average, you get at least +1 RS in your favor for the duration of the task at hand. If you beat it by at least 40 points, you get another +2. Exceptional gives an extra +1.
Independent Thinker (-5) To go your own way, make a will save vs orders.
Programming Glitch (-5) Once per scene, roll vs. No Way, if success then roll on Event Meaning chart to see what he does primarily for that scene.
Lyra Nyine
Is stronger in the force but not as skilled with the blade as Jana.
Use the Force XXX
Energy Absorb XX
This list may have been populated with details from this story.
Keth Nadeau - Her aging master.
Conner Kendet - Friend when she was growing up. Serves in military.
Sallo Treboh - Leader of the bounty hunters after her.
Lyra Nyine - Friend and bunk mate at the Jedi academy.
Yen Tafo - Crime boss who she owes money to.
RX48 (REX) is a research droid Jana picked up in a rare win of sabaac. He knows a lot of unusual bits of galactic lore.
Chun Ghent bounty hunter. Quick and mean with blasters.
Bounty Hunters
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The adventure begins with Jana and Lyra in a shuttle. They are on a dangerous mission from their master, Keth Nadeau, to follow an apprentice named Kyle Rahn who went rogue, and was last known heading for the planet Almas presumably to seek revenge on Kibh Jeen (another apprentice who killed his master and turned to the darkside) for killing his parents. It is known that a Sith Fortress existed at one time on the planet. They drop out of hyperspace to resupply at a nuetral planet.
Scene #1:
Q: Checks her scanner for any threat. Is there one? NO
She lands at the nearest port and resupplies.
Q: Are they overcharged? NO
Q: She pays the fee and asks for any rumors about these parts. Anything? NO
Q: Stays overnight and has RX48 stand watch. Any sort of intrusion? NO
Q: The next morning they continue their journey. Toward the Planet Almas. Is it far away? NO
Lets be careful. Lets fly in passive. I don't want to be detected by hostiles.
Tries to mask ship signature as they approach the planet.
RX48. Turn off everything except engines and life support.
R: Rx48 computer vs Detection.: 7/100
Flew in undetected. Whew.
Skan for Kyle's ship. Look for any signatures.
R: #2: 67/100
Scene #2:
Q: Do we find a pub with lots of spacers? NO
Q: We're in a city. Are humans the predominant race? YES
Q: RX. Pulls up computer records of the city and finds the city center. We'll ask the officials. NO
Q: Do the people seem affected by the planet somehow? YES
Q: Could be the darkside. Is it? YES
This place doesn't feel right. The populous will be less friendly than usual. The officials are giving us dirty looks. I wonder what's going on.
Lets get a hotel and bed down for the night but keep your guard up. RX keeps watch. She sleeps lightly with her lightsaber.
Q: Any trouble in the night? NO
Lets hack into the space port computers and cross reference any ships that landed recently with passengers of 1. Those within the last week or so. They're probably networked.
Q: Are the computers highly secure? NO
Q: Above average? EXCEPTIONAL NO
R: RX48 Hacks. : 52/100
Q: Okay we're in. RX pulls up the DB. Any ships within the last week with only one passenger that came along our same space route? YES
E: Negative for Sallo Treboh: a Failure of Peace. One of his bounty hunter crew was at odds and was shot in the head by Sallo. Yay. Only Sallo and three others left.
Q: More than one? NO
Q: Are there any that match the same type of shuttle he used to have? NO
Q: How many are there. More than 3? YES
Q: More than 10 NO
Six ships. We can narrow this down. Cross reference those that are leaving. Do we find any that aren't checking out?
Q: #21 NO
Q: Hmmm. Any with a description that matches Kyle? YES
Is it in this city?
Q: #23 YES
Lets go. Maybe he's still around.
Q: We go to the space port. Is Kyle at his ship? NO
He must have bugged out.
Q: Is the ship secured in a hanger or something? YES
Persuasion. Will vs. Will + use the force
Q: Is will above average? YES
E: Setback to 'Hunted by Bounty Hunters': a Triumph of a Disruption
Sallos group is fracturing. That's a good thing. Or it could be bad if each one decides they want what I have.
Q: Are the individual memebers still after me? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Well, a complete breakup then. Yippe. Only Sallo to deal with. But he'll be dangerous and will likely get others.
An honest guard. Hmm. We'll try sneaking in then. We wait until dark, we'll pickpocket his key card and get in that way.
Lets continue with finding Kyle.
R: Let me in: 94/100
Q: No. Is he angry/flustered? NO
Q: Intuition high? NO
R: Stealth: 62/100
Q: Made it and got the keycard. We sneak into the facility. Anyone around? NO
Q: RX48. Put a beakon on Kyle's ship. If he leaves we want to know. Is his ship locked up tight? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: Was that an alarm? NO
Whew. Alright. Looks pretty secure. Lets just go. At least we know his ship is here. When he leaves/if he leaves we'll know.
Q: Does anyone arrive when we leave? NO
Pirates attack the city from the asteroids. There's a running space battle throughout the cityscape. Als,o some pirates land skiffs to try and get slaves. Defenders try to throw resistance.
No signatures. Lets find the locals and see if anyone has seen a new ship around.
Q: Does RX48 know about possible cities here? YES
Okay RX, take us to the nearest city.
Q: Do we know what ship Kyle left on? NO
We arrive at the nearest city and attempt to locate some trace of Kyle and where he might be.
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Scene #3 (Negative Alteration):
Q: Is the hotel being attacked too? YES
Q: By ground? NO
Incomming! Loud thumping sounds awaken us and a window shatters.
Q: Is the attack high? NO
R: 15% chance I'm hurt.: 69/100
Q: Is anyone else close to getting hurt in the group by the explosion? NO
Jana grabs her weapons and awakens Lyra. Lets go!
Q: Has the attack against the hotel stopped? NO
They're coming around for another run. Get to the elevator.
Q: Can we get there before the attack hits? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Suddenly a blast slams into the hotel throwing debris into the air and knocking out the power. It's pitch black except for other city lights.
RX48. Light a path to the stairwell. The elevator is down.
Q: Is the stairwell damaged? NO
Q: Can we get down to ground level before another strike hits? NO
Midway down the stairwell another shudder rocks the building.
Go go go!
Q: Is the stairwell intact? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Large blocks of permacrete collapse further down the stair well. Blocking the exit completely.
Q: Do we have to make REF saves? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Elevator is powred down and the stairwell is partilly rubble. We'll have to go down the elevator shaft. Be careful.
Q: Is the elevator shaft still there? NO
Q: You mean it's destroyed? YES
Rubble fills the elevator shaft as well. That leaves only one way out. The windows.
Jana will run to blown out window and get out on the ledge. Strap a cable to me RX. Alright. She'll see if there are any speeders that are close enough to help.
Q: Anyone come to their aid? NO
Alright. I'm going to climb down. Don't drop me.
Q: Is the hotel hit again, affecting her climb? NO. Alright I'm down. I'll get a speeder and come back for the rest of you.
Q: Any pirates on the ground here? NO
She looks around.
Q: Any parked speeders nearby EXCEPTIONAL NO
Drat. All nearby speeders and the like are flaming wrecks. She runs toward the closest sounds of fighting?
Q: Anti Air? NO
Someone is fighting on the ground. Must be pirates?
Q: Pirates? YES
Yargg. Matey.
Q: Are they fighting law enforcement? YES
Q: Who has the upper hand pirates? YES
She pulls out her lightsabers and rushes in to attack. Pirates are average everything. They're low lifes.
Q: Is the pirate leader of this group tuff? NO
Q: Is there a pirate leader? NO
This one is just a mob then.
Q: Is the attack against a gov building? NO
Q: They're just out in the streets? Shooting up coppers? NO
In that case, they're after the g'v leaders at their homes. Good thing I'm here.
Q: Are there more than 1 that engage Jana as she approaches? YES
Q: More than 2? YES
R: I'll try to stealth up on them.: 4/100
she sees five of them but surprises. Free hit on two. Damage.
R: Does he fell two of them? Depth question, so Awesome damage normally vs Average is 90. But depth of -2 is 85%: 81/100
Two of them go down.
Q: Are they still distracted? YES
R: 80% to me go first.: 61/100
Q: Are they far away? EXCEPTIONAL NO
R: Do I hit both? 75% for depth Q.: 87/100
R: Do I go again? 80%: 94/100
The three spread out making themselves so they're not bunched up and warily seek capture me. One pulls out a gun and shoots the other two with whips.
R: 20%: 4/100 -- I spend 17 fate points. They all miss.
R: 80%?: 43/100
I slice off the head of one and skewer the other. Are they dead?
Depth question. 2 attacks (-1 extra attack, hit -1, wounded enough -1, succumb -1)
R: 45%: 66/100
They try to whip my arms and legs. -1 for specific target. +2 for extra help.
R: 20%: 83/100
Q: Do I go next? NO
R: Same thing. 20% from them.: 81/100
R: Do I go next? 80%: 46/100
R: I skewer one of them. Do I hit?: 40/100
R: Is he hurt. 85%: 10/100
R: Alright. Strike to vitals! Is he dead?: 34/100
R: Yay! Only 2 left. Do I go next? 85%: 98/100
R: They attack with vibro blades and whips. Do they hit?: 8/100
Q: Which one hit? Vibro? NO
Q: Whip. Entangles my hand? EXCEPTIONAL NO
It wraps around my arms, pinning them... possibly. Does it?
Q: Pinned? NO
I break free and slice the whip with one blade. Do I hit?
R: #23: 38/100
Yes. No whip.
I then slice the vibro blade?
R: 80%: 40/100
Q: Is it high quality? NO
R: Is the blade damaged? 90%: 80/100
Q: Do they run in fear? NO
R: Me go next?: 97/100
One pulls out a blaster and gets some distance.
The other bravely tryes to tackle me.
Q: Which one goes first? Shooter? NO
R: Does he tackle me? 35%: 60/100
Q: Do I go next? NO
R: Do I go next?: 50/100
R: I do a force push to slam one through a car windshield. Am I successful? 75%: 67/100
R: Is he hurt? : 90/100
R: Stunned?: 22/100
R: Do I go next?: 84/100
R: Lightsaber to body. Do I kill him? -3 depth. 75%: 88/100
Only 1 left.
R: Do I go next?: 94/100
From inside the car, he shoots. Does he hit?
R: 15%: 60/100
R: 80 me next?: 57/100
R: I walk up and slice his head off. Is he dead? 75%: 48/100
Q: Do I help the g'vment officials? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: No? Are there more pirates? YES
R: Drat reinforcements. I'm going to hide. Am I successful? : 1/100
The pirates pass me by but end up penetrating the house.
Q: Do they caputre the g'vmt official? EXCEPTIONAL NO
And they shoot the mayor dead. Then they move on rampaging through the streets.
Q: Do I see a skiff or speeder that's functioning? YES
Q: Is it running? NO
Q: Secuirty high? EXCEPTIONAL NO
R: I try to jury rig it to run. 55%: 31/100
Q: Wee running speeder. I swoop back to the hotel. Is everything alright? NO
Q: Is it onfire? EXCEPTIONAL YES
A blazing inferno.
Q: Are any of my friends hurt? YES
Q: Lyra? NO
I fly the speeder up. RX48 is partially melted slag from a fallen burning beam he had been pinned beneath. Lyra jumps into the speeder smelling like smoke.
R: I try to do move object to move the beam. 15%: 64/100
It's too heavy. Help me. Lyra.
R: 25%: 71/100
R: 35% with RX helping.: 35/100
Yay! We manage to get the beam off.
Q: Is RX seriously wounded? YES
Q: Still able to walk? EXCEPTIONAL NO
His legs were crushed. We pull him heavily to the speeder and push him in. Whew... Then we take off to the space port.
Q: Is the space port intact? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: The spaceport is hammered. Is it still under attack? NO
We fly up to the flaming space port. It seems that most of pirates have moved on from this sector.
Q: Are all the ships damaged or destroyed? YES
Q: How damaged is our ship? Only slightly? NO
Q: So some damage. Immediately flieable? NO
The engines are smoking from blaster scores.
Q: Who has the upper hand now? Pirates still? NO
The battle draws to a close.
Q: Is kyles ship destroyed? NO
Q: Seriousy damaged? NO
Hmm. No one is around. Good time to take kyle's ship for a spin.
R: 15% chance getting in it.: 42/100
Drat. Lets take the speeder and head back to the smoking city. Fires are everywhere and security forces are finally starting to get some control, but several have been taken by the asteroid pirates.
Q: Panic in the streets? EXCEPTIONAL NO
The security forces declare a state of emergency and instigate emergency measures to control rioting. Everyone is to remain indoors until the all clear.
We volunteer to help rescue the slaves taken by the pirates. Our first goal is to find out where they went. We'll see if any pirates were captured and do some interrogating or see if anyone has any connections.
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Scene 4 (and 5... numbering got off)
We meet with the officials.
Q: Do they have any intelligence on where the priates originated from? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Yes and they know in fact that they come from a nearby asteroid belt. Their base is inside of a large asteroid.
We want to help. Were any high officials taken?
Q: #2 NO
Were a lot taken?
Q: #3 YES
More than 20?
Q: #4 YES
Less than 100?
Wow lots of pirates. So we're talking well over 100 prisoners. We don't have that large of a ship. Is the military planning a rescue mission?
Q: #6 NO
Q: Why not. Too depleted by the pirates? NO
The people are panicked right now. If we pull out all our forces rioting might break out. In addition, the pirates could come back at any time.
Q: Does the military know of anyone who can help? EXCEPTIONAL YES
E: Positive for Conner Kendet: the Taking of the Physical
Conner passed military exams (basic training) and is a PFC.
Q: Who can help? If not the military? Merchants? YES
Merchants guild offers to help for a large sum.
The Jedi are already aware of the pirates and were forming a fleet. Let's communicate with them and found out how close they are to coming.
Q: Are they close? NO
We ask if the military knows where the slaves are taken?
Q: #11 NO
Lets disguise ourselves and make our way to the pirate base. Maybe we can come up with something. Does the military have a ship we can use--one captured from the pirates?
Oooo. Very nice. It's captured and only sustained minor damage in the fighting. It's heavily armored and has good weapons. The pirates were captured and are in prison awaiting trial.
Very good. We take their clothes and equipment. We'll also make recordings of their voices if needed. RX48 will store them them.
So the plan is that the merchant fleet will do a feint attack to pull away the majority of the forces. During the fighting we'll pose that we're wounded and then fly to the asteroid base. We give our IFF code to our side so there's no real shooting.
We will proceed to the asteroid base and with the plan. Feint and then when "shot up" fly to the asteroid base.
Scene #5:
Before we leave, we'll purchase some medical supplies in case we're wounded. Power packs for weapons etc and then disguise ourselves as best as possible.
We fly. The merchant fleet takes off for it's feint attack. We'll hide the ship behind an asteroid and "join" the battle once it commences.
R: 75% to hide: 27/100
We park ths ship behind an asteroid. The battle begins.
Q: Do the pirates move to intercept? YES
Good the main force is drawn away into the fighting. We unhook and fly into the melee.
Feint attack.
Q: Who has the upper hand. The pirates? YES
Better make this quick then. We cause a fake explosion when a blaster scores us. Then we fake wounded and fly back to the ship. Are we successful?
Q: Do we get a +1 rank shift? NO
Q: +2 NO
t. So 50% chance.
R: 50%: 100/100 No rank shif
Q: When are they onto us, when we get close to the base? NO
Q: At the battle? EXCEPTIONAL YES
E: Ambiguous Significance: Proceedings regarding Liberty
Someone is onto us.
: Did someone blow our cover? YES
Rats. We have a mole!
Q: So all the pirates are onto it? NO
Q: Some are? YES
But if not everyone, why not? Ah hah. They want the glory for themselves of course. Selfish.
Q: How many vessels? More than 2? YES
Q: Less than 5? NO
Q: Less than 7? YES
So a squadron is suspicious or knows entirely, but only this squadron is on our tail. We fly into the asteroid. Lets shake em.
We call for assistance from another merchant squadron to help. Do they?
Q: #25 NO
Into the asteroid field. Maybe there's something about this pirate vessel. Are they shooting at us?
Q: #26 NO
Q: Too busy concentrating on flying right now? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Ooo dangerous asteroid field. Lets fly really close to one and maybe some of the enemy will crash into the rocks.
R: 75%: 41/100
Boom. One spins off and implodes on an asteroid.
5 left. "What do they want I wonder. Why aren't they shooting?"
Q: Is there something on this asteroid that might cause big boom booms? NO
Q: Do they want to make a deal? NO
Do they want to capture the ship?
Q: #30 YES
E: Resolution of 'Hunted by Bounty Hunters.': the Care of Benefits
Jedi council paid off debts. Ahhh that's nice. Now only Sallo is hunting us out of pure spite.
I get it. It's a proving ground. If you can make it through you're the man!
Q: How many rolls do we need to make to get through this field? 5? NO
Q: Less? NO
Q: Six? NO
Q: Seven? NO
Q: 8? NO
Q: 9? YES
Meditation to give me a boost.
Battle meditation. Roll vs Average. If you make it you get at least +1 RS in your favor for the task at hand. If you beat it by at least 40 points, you get another +2. Exceptional gives an extra +1. Failure means you lose -1 RS due to distractions for the task at hand.
Roll 1
R: 75%: 58/100
Roll 2
R: 65% : 78/100
Bam... we hit a rock. Does it damage our shields?
Q: Higher than average rock? NO
Q: Below average? EXCEPTIONAL NO
R: 95% and we're ok.: 32/100
Roll 3 and 4
R: 65%: 6/100
Roll 5
R: 65%: 36/100
Roll 6 and 7
R: 65%: 4/100
Roll 8
R: 65%: 71/100
Roll 9
R: 65%: 21/100
We made it through. 5 Pirates on our tail.
R: 25%: 94/100
R: 25%: 79/100
R: 25%: 74/100
R: 25%: 55/100
R: 25%: 34/100
Q: All five of em blowed up? NO
Q: Did one survive? NO
Q: Did 2? YES
2 pirates follow us out... do they start shooting now?
Q: #42 NO
Q: Were guns damaged? NO
Q: Are we close to their base? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Ahh that's why? If they miss, they might hit their base.
Q: Is the base aware of who we really are? NO
Q: Did pirates lose comm suite? NO
Why don't they inform the enemy. We'll find out I guess.
We move toward a hanger and land the ship. Zrrooom. Yeeehaw. We're now in a hanger. Alright put on your pirate faces. Yargg. Lets go talk.
We've entered the pirate base. We need to find out who's leading the pirates as well as where the prisoners are.
Scene #6:
E: Positive for RX48: An Increase of the Physical
Nice. RX in the back of the ship found the workroom and some additional armor plates. Zrrruuup. +2 to his tuff now.
We exit the pirate ship.
Q: Does anyone come to repair it? NO
Yeah I didn't think they'd be that organized.
Q: Do the other two ships land in the same bay? NO
Who knows what those two pirates are up to. I guess we'll find out.
Q: Are there other pirates around? YES
Q: Fixing up other ships? NO
Q: Guard duty? NO
Ahh they're eating right now. There must be a mess hall nearby. Lets go get some food and listen for where pirates might be keeping the slaves.
Q: Do we find out? NO
No go. We get some food.
Q: Do the other two pirates show up? YES
Q: Is one of them Sallo? YES
"Well hello Jana. Thought I'd find you here. Didn't want to blow you out of the sky when you didn't know who I was. Made you nervous didn't I? I always make it a point to kill those that get on my bad side in person."
Q: Who's the other guy, some hired thug? EXCEPTIONAL NO
"I see you like my droid. This is Zed. My insurance. He's a modifid battle droid that only takes orders from me. He's gonna make sure you don't walk away this time."
Q: Is Sallo being quiet? YES
I nod. Fine. Lets do this thing. We look for a quiet place where there's not a lot of people.
Q: Do we find an empty hanger? NO
Q: Down in the under belly of the place? YES
So... in the quiet elevator.
Q: Are we doing this one on one? YES
Jana nods and the elevator stops moving.
Sallo has followed Jana to the asteroid base and wants to take out his revenge. He has his souped up battle droid with him. It's not looking good. This will be a one on one fight... most likely.
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04-07-2020, 01:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-07-2020, 01:31 AM by Jingo.)
Scene #7:
E: Ambiguous Significance: a Division of a World
The asteroid is divided partially by a huge chasm. It's dark down here except for some running lights on the floor and the occasional hanging florescent light. It's also pressurized, but there's a chasm just outside the walkway that may or may not be pressurized. There is a large window in place keeping out the ravages of space. (Lyra apparently wasn't with Jana here. She must be investigating something elsewhere.)
Q: Does he know I'm a jedi? YES
Sallo smiles. "I know all about you. You thought you could hide from me, by joining up with those peace keepers." He snorts. "It doesn't matter. Jedi or not, you're still the same one who sold us out, and that's always personal. I'm going to kill you." He smiles. The walkway has entered a larger circular room.
Q: Is it a supply room? YES
He pulls out a large black vibro blade and pulls aside his cloak revealing a black breast-plate of armor. He nods to Zed who backs off and focuses one eye disconcertingly on Jana.
Q: Blade skill higher than high? YES
Q: Higher than exceptional? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: Is he stronger than high? NO
Here's his pertinent stats rolled up from this scene:
Sallo (Bounty Hunter/Assassin)
STR Above Average
Agililty Above Average
Reflexes Above Average
Toughness - Incedible.
With armor it's Superhuman. Specially made to counter-act lightsabers.
Skill of Awesome in Blade.
Zed (Sallo's Droid Enforcer)
STR - Incredible
TUFF - Incredible
2 Blades that spin and attack.
Gets free 2nd attack
Blade skill: Incredible
I do battle meditation.
Q: Do I go first? NO
Sallo leaps to attack. Does he hit?
R: 75%: 92/100
R: 25%: 46/100
He misses. Does Jana go next?
R: 75%: 78/100
She parries, he attacks again.
R: 25%: 46/100
He forces her back, she parries again.
R: 75% go next?: 69/100
She lunges and attacks with her right hand hits?
R: 75%: 36/100
Is he hurt.
Q: Is he tougher than high? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: Does that include his armor? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: Does the armor slow him down? YES
R: 25% to damage him.: 80/100
She lunges with her right.
R: 75%: 66/100
R: #9: 88/100
She scores two hits on his chest and scores his armor.
He laughs and attacks.
R: 75% go again?: 84/100
R: 25%: 51/100
Me go?
R: 75%: 29/100
Attack 1:
R: 75%: 97/100
Attack 2:
R: 75%: 12/100
Q: Can I knock his weapon free? YES
I do that... the weapon goes skittering off the floor.
Q: Does he dive for it? NO
Does he activate Zed?
Q: #17 YES
Zed attack!
The robot comes to life.
Q: Strong? YES
Q: Fast? NO
Q: Tough? YES
Q: Tough is high? NO
Q: Gun? NO
Q: Blade skill higher than high? EXCEPTIONAL YES
R: Do I go first? 80% : 90/100
R: Do go before Sallo?: 17/100
R: 20%: 75/100
R: 20%: 50/100
I throw one bade at the window to shatter it.
R: 80%: 43/100
Force pull to return it.
R: 75%: 62/100
R: Second blade at Zed: 80%: 75/100
R: Is he hurt?: 7/100
R: Do I go first?: 71/100
Q: Was the shattered window compressed? YES
-1 for force push
+1 for extra blade
+1 from air opening.
I want to do a combination move and use both blades to force him to the window and then force push to slam him through the opening.
Whooshing air, as everything is sucked towards window.
R: 90% to force him by window: 61/100
R: 75%: 22/100
R: I force him out the window.: 61/100
Q: Does he drop his blade? YES
Q: hand to hand combat skill above av? NO
Q: higher? YES
R: 90% to go next: 19/100
R: hand 85%: 31/100
Q: Does he let go? YES
Q: Does he fall to his death? NO
Q: Does he hit a ledge? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: Does he take damage from the fall? YES
Q: Higher than high dmg? NO
R: 25%: 47/100
He tries to climb up. Compression -1
Q: Does he have climb skill? EXCEPTIONAL YES
R: 35% to climb: 68/100
R: He falls. Is he hurt?: 96/100
R: No. Force push him off that ledge. 35%: 69/100
R: He climbs again. : 95/100
R: And falls: 82/100
Q: Is the air about to run out? YES
It's getting hard to breathe. We leave and go to another room.
Q: Will someone get there in time to save him? EXCEPTIONAL NO
We proceed to find out who is behind the Pirates and where the slaves are located.
(Hmmm. So I'm not sure what happened to Sallo. Not sure who the "Him" was. Sallo or Zed. I think Sallo got force pushed into the decompressed area and suffocated...? Anywho... water under the bridge)
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04-07-2020, 01:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-07-2020, 01:29 AM by Jingo.)
Scene #8:
E: Ambiguous Significance: the Movement of Messages
A speaker goes off in an ante-room outside the large circular room where they had the fight.
"What's going on down there? we're detecting de-pressurization. Is everything alright?"
RX speaks into the comms. "Umm...everything is fine. A bounty hunter and his droid tried to break into the base through the lower levels. We...uh...stopped him though. In the fight he smashed through the glass. Section B is depressurized. Other sections are holding. Good thing we killed him before he found out where the slaves were."
We use RX to modulate his voice based off of the pirate voice records.
Do we fool them into thinking we're pirates?
R: 65%: 74/100
Spend 9 favor points.
Do we get info on where the slaves are? "Good they're still safe right? In umm the cell block?"
R: 65%: 72/100
7 more fav points to get the info.
"Yeah, they ain't going anywhere. They're safe in the cells in sector 48 of course. We're shipping them down to the prison planet of Tolmara tomorrow. Anyway, we'll send a team down to patch up the window. Good work on the bounty hunter. Didn't think the merchants would use them."
Q: Is there a nearby computer that RX can hack into? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Nice... here's a computer. Quite close with a hookup for RX.
He hacks into the computer to find out who's behind the pirate operation.
Q: Is the complexity of the system a Low? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Easy peasy mac and cheasy.
R: Hacking into the computer: 84/100
The password was written on a sticky note. Real secure. He sifts through the files.
Q: Is there info on who's behind the pirates? NO
Q: Is it on another computer, handled by a commander maybe? EXCEPTIONAL YES
"Ok RX. It looks like we'll have to find a diff computer."
Q: Does this one list the commander and where his barracks are located? NO
This computer is probably mainly for maintenance anyway.
Q: Is there a maintenance layout that shows where the most computer system power would be located? NO
Lets find a dif computer. This one is probably just for this section.
Q: Is there a layout at all of the base? YES
Okay. RX downloads the layout. It's something. We hide out in a side passage until the maintenance crew passes and deals with the window.
We go up to an upper level, using the elevator.
Q: Does the layout we got list where the commander is located? YES
Perfect. We go there.
Does it list maintenance side shafts?
Q: #47 YES
Okay we'll use those shafts to sneak up close and watch through a grate or something until he falls asleep.
Q: We stealth through the shafts and maintenance routes. Are we spotted? NO
We're above the commander's room.
Q: Is it close to retiring? NO
We wait quietly with RX48's life sensors scanning the place and other sensors scanning the place for any sign of life, sensor traps, etc.
Q: Is the room secured at all? NO
Q: Is the commander there? YES
What's he doing here?
Q: Is he using the computer? NO
Q: Is it a boy? NO
She's a female. Alright.
Q: Does she have a datapad on her? NO
Q: Is there one on the desk? NO
Q: Is there a larger computer mainframe on the desk? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Drat. There's no computer at all in here. No datapad visible on her or on the desk.
Q: Can we get a view to any closet? YES
Q: Is her datapad in the closet? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Wrong place. We follow the map to the war-room.
Q: Is there a war room? YES
In the maintenance shafts we go.
Q: Is it occupied? YES
Q: #61 YES
We see lots of computers? Right?
Q: #62 YES
This is it.
Q: Judging from the conversations we hear, has the battle wrapped up? NO
Q: Do the pirates have the upper hand? NO
They were winning before.
Q: Did the Jedi fleet arrive? YES
We listen.
Q: Are they receiving any orders from outside this base? From an external monitor? NO
We have RX use his periscope to peek down below and read messages on any visible computers.
Q: Are there any visible from our vantage point? NO
We just wait for a while, very quietly to see if we get any info as to who's behind it. A mention of a name or something?
Q: Does that happen? YES
With the information in hand, we need to inform the Jedi Council. To do that we need to find the communication tower.
Scene #9:
Q: We quietly leave the maintenance shaft. RX check the layout for a comm tower. Is there one listed on the map? YES
Q: Do the maintenance shafts proceed there? EXCEPTIONAL YES
E: Positive for Lyra Nyine: the Gratification of Success
While on route, Lyra spots a room with a communications console. It is unguarded.
We enter the room and RX hooks up to the machine and sends out a coded message to the Jedi fleet with the info they have.
Q: Is the security of the system < average? NO
Q: Is it average? NO
R: 55% chance to get a coded message out. regarding Kib Jeen, Kyle, and the pirates and slaves: 9/100
Not only that the jedi responds back.
Q: Do they want us to go after Kyle still? NO
Q: The slaves then? NO
Q: Kibh Jeen himself? YES
Q: Great. Do they know where he is? NO
So the Jedi Council will take care of rescuing the pirates most likely when they're delivered to the prison planet. Our mission is to proceed and stop Kib Jeen. Not an easy task.
See if RX can hack into the computer system and if the info is there.
R: 50%: 11/100
Q: He's not on this base. We know that. Is he on Almas? YES
Okay. We'll go there. He's prob at the ruined Sith Fortress.
Make it out of the Asteroid Base alive.
Scene #10:
E: New NPC: the Disruption of Anger
Q: Is the NPC human? NO
Q: Is it a Jedi? YES
Q: Was (s)he captured? NO
Q: Rodian? NO
Q: Twilek NO
Q: Kel Dor? NO
Q: Zabrak? NO
Q: Bothan? NO
Q: Ithorian? YES
E: Negative for Pirates: a Change of Opposition
Kithorian Dorn, Ithorian Jedi, and general of the Jedi fleet, appears on the screen they're watching. "Pirates. We demand your surrender of arms and the entire asteroid base. Comply and you will be spared. Ignore our generous offer, and you will be destroyed. You have 1 hour to give your response before we begin our assault."
Q: Do they patch him through to Kibh? NO
The local commander says she'll think about it and give them their answer.
Q: how does she respond? A Sudden Change involving Technology
After signing off
Q: Is the tech a weapon? NO
Q: Is it a shield? NO
Q: Armor? YES
Q: Armor on what, the pirates? NO
Q: On ships? NO
"They would be a fool to attack us here. Let them come."
Q: Is the armor self-healing? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: Blaster proof? NO
Q: Is it a device? YES
Q: To control asteroids? YES
"Activate the device."
Q: Does she say what it does? NO
This doesn't sound good. Lets get out of here and get back to Almas.
R: hide vs spot: 75%: 38/100
We make it to the hanger
Q: Are there guards in the hanger? NO
Q: Other ships? NO
We get in the ship and fly out.
We will leave the asteroids and go to Almas. To the sith fortress.
Scene #11:
While flying, we transmit our data to the Jedi fleet regarding the possible device the pirates have.
Q: Doe they get our message? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: Will the hold off their attack? NO
"We have our orders. We'll proceed cautiously and intercept the pirate transfer of the slaves. And you have your orders. Try to find Kibh Jeen or Kyle."
"Yes General."
We fly to the Sith fortress and land outside of it.
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Scene #12:
Q: Are the ruins visible above ground? EXCEPTIONAL YES
There is a large sprawling structure of ruins.
Q: Do we feel the darkside? EXCEPTIONAL NO
That's strange. I was expecting to feel something more dangerous. I wonder why.
Jana takes out her macro binocs and scans the ruins.
Q: Does she see movement? EXCEPTIONAL NO
It's quiet. Too quiet. I don't even feel... anything.
Spread out and look for clues, but keep your coms close at hand.
Q: Does anyone find anything? NO
It doesn't seem like there's anything here. Let's look for an opening into the ruins. There's nothing above ground worth seeing.
Q: Do we find some sort of opening? NO
Q: RX48 scans for life signs. Does he detect any? NO
Thi place is dead.
Q: Any bones? NO
Q: Any wind? NO
And it's still.
Jana meditates and tries to feel the flows of the force around the place.
Q: Is there anything? NO
Q: There's no force at all? NO
That scares Jana more than anything. Let's keep looking, we're bound to find an opening some place.
Q: We keep looking for an opening the rest of the afternoon. Doe we find one? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Throughout the afternoon and the evening they search but find nothing. Perhaps it's hidden, perhaps they're just looking in the wrong spot.
They make camp among the ruins.
Q: Does anything interesting happen at night? NO
The next morning, they scan a different section of the ruins. Is there a level down?
Q: #30 NO
They contact the Jedi fleet.
Q: Were the jedi successful in countering the pirate threat? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: Do they get through comm wise? NO
Nothing but static. Drat... dust and wind is picking up.
Q: Is it still calm? NO
Q: Is the wind caused by a storm? NO
Q: By a ship? YES
Suddenly a ship, a huge capital ship, begins to descend. It's repulsors kick up the dust and actually cause the storm.
Q: Is it coming? YES
Q: larger than corvette class? EXCEPTIONAL YES
What is that?
Q: Jana scans with her macros. Does she see any identifying features? YES
Wait a minute! Why does this seems so familiar.
Q: Is it a pirate ship? NO
Lets hide and see who comes out.
Q: Are we spotted? NO
Q: Does Kibh Jeen come out? YES
Q: Is he alone? A History of Insight, RX48
RX48 gives out confirmation. He recognizes Kibh Jean. He is not alone. Even back at the academy he was always surrounding himself with friends and underlings.
Q: Did they see our ship? Evil Humility, Slaves taken by pirates. Rescue them.
Yes and surrounded it and are now alert. Pirates are scouring the rocks looking for escaped slaves?
Q: Is Kyle Rahn with him? A Future of Splendor
Yes and Kibh is promising him the galaxy if he will join him.
Q: Do they remain above ground? A Small Amount of Exposure, Kyle Rahn
No. A well hidden door--secret door--is discovered. A clever hologram device was shielding the opening and he and Kyle descend down into the ruins.
Q: Do some pirates remain to guard their ship? A Rough Likeness of Humility
The pirates take up hidden sniping positions and wait.
We are going to sneak into the fortress following the other two.
Scene #13:
E: New NPC: a Development of Elements
E: New NPC: a Development of Elements
R: We sneak past the pirate guards: 75%: 23/100
And descend down into the Sith fortress. We hear a new voice. "Ahh, Master Jeen. The device is working. Quite well. Quite well indeed."
We stealth after.
Q: Do we come to a large room? YES
Q: Is the device in this room? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: Does the device manipulate the force? EXCEPTIONAL NO
We confront Kibh Jeen and Kyle.
Scene #14 (Negative Alteration):
Q: Are there guardians? NO
Q: Is Kibh's observe skill higher than average? NO
Q: Is he super fast? NO
Q: Super strong? YES
Q: Does he gave a really good saber skill? NO
Q: Above average? YES
Q: What about kyle? Is he observant? YES
Q: >2+ average? NO
Q: Is Kibh more skilled in the force than Kyle YES
Q: Is Kyle >+1 average lightsaber? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: Is Kibh a lot higher than Kyle in force skills? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: Kyle strong? YES
Q: Kyle fast? YES
Q: Is there anything of interest in this room? NO
Kyle, it's me Jana. What are you doing here?"
Q: Do they get violent? NO
Not yet anyway...
Q: Does Kyle remember me? YES
Q: Were we close? NO
"Jana...? Jana... I remember you."
Q: Were we enemies? NO
Q: Is the room circular? NO
Q: Rectangular? NO
hexagonal. Lots of pillars.
E: Remote Event: the Befriending of Energy
Far away Jana can feel a faint trickle of the force.
Q: Can she touch it? Use it? NO
She's not close enough.
What has happened here? I cannot feel anything. Not here anyway.
Q: Do they take us where it is? NO
They sit and wait.
Q: Does Kibh get impatient? NO
Q: Is the energy from deeper down in? NO
Q: What are they doing here? Removing resources.
Q: Has Kyle succumbed to Kibh's side? A Surprising Lack of Frivolity
No and he's done playing along with Kibh. He wants to finish Jeen.
Q: is he after more than just revenge now? Helpful Obsessions
Yes. He's after Jeen's power. Which means he's sucummbed to the dark side as much as Jeen but he still wants revenge.
Q: Is he angry enough to strike now? A Revelation regarding Insanity
"Join me Kyle. Together we will...."
Kyle cackles. "I'll never share with you. The power will be mine. It will be---" and he attacks.
We confront Kibh Jeen and Kyle. But Kyle attacks Kibh. And Kibh calls up for support while drawing on the force. Pirates rush to the rescue.
Here are their stats (rolled up on this scene and next I think):
Kibh Jeen
Not fast.
Relies on force.
Darkside apprentice.
Use Force: Exceptional
DarkSide: Lightning - Below Average
Lightsaber: Above Average (but +2 RS from DS)
Observe: Average
Stealth: High
Kyle Rhan
Fast. Exceptional agility and reflexes.
Lightsaber: Exceptional
Use Force: Average
Observe: High
Will: Below Average
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Scene #16:
Do we feel the darkside getting stronger now?
Be wary.
Q: Do we catch up to Jeen right away? NO
We continue following his retreating footsteps and the sound of his scientist.
Behind us we hear pirates.
We turn to confront the pirates.
Q: Are there more than 5 EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: More than 10? NO
They have blasters and armor
Q: Are they more skilled than the others? NO
We will try to hide and ambush them with lightsabers.
R: 75% chance of us ambushing:: 79/100
-1 they have armor
-1 are the succumbed
-1 did we hurt
-1 did we hit
-2 for numbers
+2 for using force
+3 for surprise
Do we wipe them out?
High 2
Exceptional 3
Awesome 5
R: 75% of taking them down:: 86/100
The enemy is surprised and in a flury of lightsaber blows, we fall upon them leaving no survivors.
We follow after Jeen.
Q: Do we catch him soon? NO
Q: Is he nearby? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: has he stopped moving? YES
I sense...
Q: Does he ambush us? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Look out!
Q: Are we in a room? NO
Rubble filled hallway then.
Q: Crossway? NO
He is hiding from a shaft above and usese the force to strike.
Were we surprised?
Q: Is his stealth high? YES
Q: Does he mask his presence with the force? NO
R: 45% he surprises us: 69/100
Who goes first?
Q: Is he close enough for me to run to and get to before his attack? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: Does he shove something at us? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Part of the passageway begins to creak and to moan and then collapse. Large chunks of permacrete fall around us.
R: I use Force Speed to move faster than the the falling rocks: 35%: 93/100
Am I hurt?
Q: Is it a big rock? YES
R: 75% I'm hurt.: 16/100
Q: Does it knock me out? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: Does it hit a limb? YES
Q: Leg? NO
A pillar shifts and pins my arm.
R: 50% Lyra's not hurt:: 42/100
I spent 9 favor points to help her.
R: 65% he's hurt.: 61/100
He's not hurt.
"Go I shout! Get him. I'll get myself out."
R: 85% I dropped my ls due to pain:: 31/100
No we'll help you. They both asist me trying to free my left arm that's pinned
R: 55% they free me before Jeen does something else.: 41/100
They push the pillar off of me and I examine my arm. It's bruised and bleeding but thankfully not broken--yet.
Q: Is Jeen still around? NO
It's quiet. He ran off again.
Let's proceed carefully.
Q: Do we come to a room? YES
E: Resolution of 'Investigate the Sith Fortress': Guidance regarding Evil
We enter a large octagonal room with alcoves. Pillars are shattered and lie covered in dust and pockmarked from past battles and blaster scaring. Large statues of sith battle lords line each of the eight alchoves.
Q: Is there another way out? YES
At the far end of the room there's another door leading out of this room.
The feel of the darkside is very strong here.
We chace after Kibh Jeen into the bowels of the Sith fortress ruins.
Scene #16:
Do we feel the darkside getting stronger now?
Be wary.
Q: Do we catch up to Jeen right away? NO
We continue following his retreating footsteps and the sound of his scientist.
Behind us we hear pirates.
We turn to confront the pirates.
Q: Are there more than 5 EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: More than 10? NO
They have blasters and armor
Q: Are they more skilled than the others? NO
We will try to hide and ambush them with lightsabers.
R: 75% chance of us ambushing:: 79/100
-1 they have armor
-1 are the succumbed
-1 did we hurt
-1 did we hit
-2 for numbers
+2 for using force
+3 for surprise
Do we wipe them out?
High 2
Exceptional 3
Awesome 5
R: 75% of taking them down:: 86/100
The enemy is surprised and in a flury of lightsaber blows, we fall upon them leaving no survivors.
We follow after Jeen.
Q: Do we catch him soon? NO
Q: Is he nearby? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: has he stopped moving? YES
I sense...
Q: Does he ambush us? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Look out!
Q: Are we in a room? NO
Rubble filled hallway then.
Q: Crossway? NO
He is hiding from a shaft above and usese the force to strike.
Were we surprised?
Q: Is his stealth high? YES
Q: Does he mask his presence with the force? NO
R: 45% he surprises us: 69/100
Who goes first?
Q: Is he close enough for me to run to and get to before his attack? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: Does he shove something at us? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Part of the passageway begins to creak and to moan and then collapse. Large chunks of permacrete fall around us.
R: I use Force Speed to move faster than the the falling rocks: 35%: 93/100
Am I hurt?
Q: Is it a big rock? YES
R: 75% I'm hurt.: 16/100
Q: Does it knock me out? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: Does it hit a limb? YES
Q: Leg? NO
A pillar shifts and pins my arm.
R: 50% Lyra's not hurt:: 42/100
I spent 9 favor points to help her.
R: 65% he's hurt.: 61/100
He's not hurt.
"Go I shout! Get him. I'll get myself out."
R: 85% I dropped my ls due to pain:: 31/100
No we'll help you. They both asist me trying to free my left arm that's pinned
R: 55% they free me before Jeen does something else.: 41/100
They push the pillar off of me and I examine my arm. It's bruised and bleeding but thankfully not broken--yet.
Q: Is Jeen still around? NO
It's quiet. He ran off again.
Let's proceed carefully.
Q: Do we come to a room? YES
E: Resolution of 'Investigate the Sith Fortress': Guidance regarding Evil
We enter a large octagonal room with alcoves. Pillars are shattered and lie covered in dust and pockmarked from past battles and blaster scaring. Large statues of sith battle lords line each of the eight alchoves.
Q: Is there another way out? YES
At the far end of the room there's another door leading out of this room and apparently going up towards the outside.
The feel of the darkside is very strong here.
The crunch of permacreted under foot is ominous.
Q: We look for Jeen. Is he in this room? EXCEPTIONAL YES
R: 65% we see him.: 89/100
Q: Is he preparing an ambush? YES
Q: Is the device here? YES
What is the device?
Q: #29 Helpful Literacy
They've activated a dark side holocron and it has revealed some force secrets to Kibh.
We don't notice him.
Q: Does he attack us? Faint Traces of Dignity
Not yet. He tries to convince us first.
"So you've found me out. Followed me here to my home. My fortress. The knowledge is here for all to share. Knowledge so seductive. Who wouldn't want to know how to become immortal?"
Q: Is the element the scientist is developing a solid? A Rough Likeness of Friendliness
his friend is Jeen. and what they have going on are cloning tanks. Each with a clone of Jeen in various stages of development.
Q: Are any of the clones done? Primitive Decoration
The tanks are soupy green and the fleshy things bob within gurgling with tubes and other. None are quite far enough along to be called "human".
Q: How many tanks are there? More than 5? Helpful Starkness
Only 3.
Well, lets talk to him then.
"I have found out how."
Q: Is he insane? A Rough Likeness of Entertainment, Stop Kibh Jeen
yes he is as loony as a clown.
He cackles and his scientist friend grins warily as we spread out sabers activated and ready for any attack.
We approach cautiously. "Jeen. What is this place. It is dark. Full of evil. Come back to the light."
Q: Is he strong willed? Disturbing Dullness, Darkside science project
His voice cackles... "too late... far too late. I'm not even here. Not even alive.... just a puppet. A puppet on my own strings to dance the fleshy puppet for your doom and my amazement."
Q: Does he attack? A Certain Amount of Insanity
Jeen... or Jeen puppet whatever it is. Attacks.
Q: Does he have force lightning? A Small Amount of Literacy
yes, but he's not well trained in it. Points a finger and cackles as blue energy arcs across the room.
Lyra counters with force energy thing
R: 15% of hurting someone: 73/100
Q: Are we close enough to get him? And he grimaces.
We move to attack but suddenly, he's on the other side of the room. Laughing and cackling. Can't catch me.
R: 25% to catch him.: 69/100
+2 for strong darkside connection
He goes again, shooting more lightning. This time, he draws heavily on the darkside and arcs it out at Just Lyra angrilly of us.
R: 15% to break through Lyra's. 25% chance.: 85/100
Can he get to him?
Kyle runs up to strike him
Q: Does Kyle get angry and use the darkside? NO
R: 50% Kyle hits Kibh: 79/100
Q: Does Kibh go before I reach him? NO
-1 he hurt
-1 wound
+1 extra lightsaber attack
-1 specific part
-1 do I hit
I run up and with both blades ignited, try to sever his arm:
R: 35% chance: 29/100
With lightsabers spinning, I cry out and slash down at his arm holding his lightsaver. He screams in pain as the limb is severed.
R: 80%: 73/100
Breathing hard I demand his surrender. Does he?
Q: Is his will high? YES
E: Ambiguous Significance: the Mistrust of Elements
He backs up and falls back into a clone tank. The liquid sloshes. He thrashes about and then comes up dripping green moaning in pain and sputtering curses, he's tangled in tubes and new flesh.
R: 25% chance he surrenders.: 38/100
We quickly knock him out and tie him up.
We return to the Jedi Council with Jeen and Kyle in hand
Scene #17:
E: Progress on 'Payment of Debt.': a Betrayal of Joy
We return Jeen and Kyle to the Jedi. They will do with them as they seem fit. But we find word that the Crime Boss, Yen Tafo, has taken Conner hostage and is demanding twice his usual fee (so 10000)
Q: Did the Jedi fleet survive the assault? NO
Q: Were the prisoners rescued? YES
And there you go. One complete adventure in 17 scenes.