Grizzled Old Spacemage
Based on the "Starship's Mage" series created by Glynn Stewart (Available on Amazon Kindle)
This game is played using the Fate Core system
Character sheet for the PC (abridged):
Name: Jason Burkhind ----- Age:38 ----- High Concept: Grizzled, Cynical Spacemage ----- Trouble: Saddled with someone else's debt
Other Aspects:
Ah shit, here we go again
Its not that I don't trust you but,
I'm unquestionably loyal, to the paycheck
Cops are bad, But Lawyers are worse
So there is a heart under there
Stress: Phsical:3
Stress: Mental:4 ---(aged up PC I added 1 Refresh to fatecore standard starting refresh)
Stunts / Powers:
Cost -----------Name/description
free -----------Space Rune (adept at space magic ie. Teleportation)
free -----------Forces Rune (Adept at force magic ie. gravity, etc.)
free -----------Rune of Power (Adept at using relics, magic items, circles, scrolls{made for the game not in Glen's series} etc.)
Solo Free ------Keypads are compys (use hack to pick electronic locks) (aged up PC I added 1 stunt to fatecore standard starting stunts)
-1 refresh -----Mage reconize Mage (use lore as contacts to know a mage)
Total Refresh: 4-1=3
Superb - +5 -----
Great --- +4 1 Will
Good --- +3 1 Lore / 2 Star Navigation
Fair ----- +2 1 Pistol / 2 Physic / 3 Hacking /4 Scholarship / 5 Brawl
Average- +1 1 Shuttle Pilot / 2 Contacts / 3 Alert / 4 Investigation / 5 Spacewalking
(Aged up PC gets +5 skill points to fatecore standard starting skills)
Note: While this game is Based Heavily on the works of Glynn Stewart, I have taken some liberties with his universe to fit the type of gameplay I want and the stories I want to play out. So details here and throughout this game may differ significantly from the original work. So I hope you won't @ me if you are a fan.
I am not using his work as the inspiration for my game because I am not truly in love with that series. I recommend it to everyone.
I know for a fact it is available on Amazon Kindle. But it might be available in other formats and booksellers as well I just don't know.
Anyway this is my solo game.
So Here We Go
Basic World Background information:
The Eugenics War changed humanity in ways that were once considered possible only in the realm of fiction.
It all started with the Cabal of Genetic Engineers. Through the use of private funding provided primarily by the pharmaceutical industry, the Cabal set up their research laboratories within man made tunnels deep inside Mount Olympus on the red planet of Mars. For nearly 75 years, only they, their research subjects, the people who worked for them, and the families of those employees were the only inhabitants of Mars.
As the solar system was slowly but steadily colonized and settlements began to appear on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, as well as some of the larger asteroids in the belt, Mars became more important to humanity at large and soon the various governments of Earth wanted to set up their own outposts either on the surface of the red planet or in orbit around it. The Cabal managed to hide the worst of their works for a terribly long time. Almost an additional 25 years past after the first foreign outpost was established before one of their test subjects escaped and somehow made it to a French outpost built nearly 100 miles from the Cabal's Laboratories.
The exact condition of this research subject, as well as exactly what alterations were made to the subject's genome remain highly classified and is now known only in the highest levels of the Protectorate. What is commonly known, however, is that this was the flashpoint that started the Eugenics War. The French government asked for and received the endorsement of the United Nations to send a full fledged military invasion of Mount Olympus to seize and stop whatever else the Cabal was doing within those caverns. But the defenses of the mountain as well as the genetically modified humans that lived there were able to easily sweep aside the entire force that was sent. This was the first indication of how busy the Cabal had been for those 100 years they were hidden in that mountain.
The UN built a coalition of the most powerful nations on earth and a fleet of transports was put together and launched with over 800,000 soldiers from 20 different countries. But, somehow the Cabal had a fleet of warships at its disposal that was able to intercept and destroy the whole invasion force along with its token escort. To this day, no one knows where the Cabal got those warships. But from that point on, the solar system was at war.
It was a war that lasted 114 years. Hundreds of millions of military personnel died, countless more were wounded. And civilian casualties were downright terrifying. And it was during this war, that the first Mages appeared.
The Cabal of Genetic Engineers were on the verge of winning thanks to the mages they had created. A Massive invasion fleet had been built around Mars and was about to launch when the Cabal's strongest mage betrayed them and turned his power back upon them. Using a secret amplifier in Mount Olympus designed to increase a mage's power a hundredfold, Michael Alexander magically seized the entire fleet, and teleported it to a desert plain several miles from the mountain. The fleet was not designed to take off from the ground so every ship was effectively destroyed.
With the fleet gone, and the amplifier in the hands of an enemy, the Cabal soon lost control of the other mages and they were ultimately defeated by their own creations.
There was a tense standoff for some time, and through a long, complex series of unfortunate events, Michael Alexander was given a choice: Become King of the Solar System, or the war continues.
Michael became King Alexander I, and established the Olympus Accords. The Accords established the relationship between humans and mages. Humans will allow the mages to exist and not grab the torches and pitchforks, and the mages will serve humanity and give them the ability to reach the stars.
***At the start of the game the Eugenics War ended 220 years ago***
Ok now that thats out of the way. Lets get to the PC I will be playing:
Name: Jason Burkhind
Mother: Diana Kelly (reverted to maiden name after husband's death) Father: Eric Burkhind (Husband of Diana Kelly, Deceased)
Place of birth: Kersey City (pop. 8,234) on the terraformed planet of Tamaqua in the Susquehannock system. At just over 67 Light years from Sol, Susquehannock is considered a near rim world.
[Near rim worlds were settled within the last 100 to 150 years and are starting to achieve a self sufficient society. This means they have started importing more luxury and specialized goods from other systems rather than exclusively importing necessities for survival]
Protectorate Mage Evaluation: Taken at age 16 as required by the Olympus Accords. Results established attunement to the Rune of Power granting Jason status of "Mage by Right" since he is the only mage known to be born into his family line.
Magic education: Attended the Gaelmore Magic Academy in the Dungarvan system. Studied the Space and Forces runes. Obtained certification for both. Granted the titles of Spacemage and Forcemage.
First job was as a member of the crew of the heavy cargo hauler "Monkeys and Typewriters".
Now for Jason's background in his own words:
"Monkeys and Typewriters" was attacked by pirates and I was captured. The pirates marooned us on an island on a recently terraformed world where harsh conditions and scarce food resulted in the deaths of most of us.
Eventually rescued after being spotted by a local militia atmospheric patrol craft. I ended up unemployed for a year because local superstitions considered me "unlucky" because I was a mage that the pirates didn't want to keep for themselves.
First, they asked me to join them and I told them to shove it. Second, What. The. Fuck. Kind. Of. Stupidstition. Is. That? Seriously!
Unemployed except for cash work every once in a while I built up a debt with local bank and government because I lived on tax funded subsidies and loans for that year. Never heard of having to pay back unemployment benefits but I was told it was because "I wasnt a citizen".
Finally an interstellar hauler came into the system and I hitched a ride. I worked as a ship's mage to earn my passage till they dropped me off at a big trade station. I was unemployed again on the station but at least I could gain access to "The Protectorate of Mars Ministry of Mage Assistance" and apply for benefits from them. And this time, the unemployment benefits I got, I didn't have to pay back. They also helped me with finding a new job with a new ship. AAANND Off I go as a starship's mage on another hauler.
The "Bird in the Hand" was a great place. I mean it. Good ship. Good crew. Good CCS for defense against pirates. I even dated one of the shuttle pilots for a while. We broke-up, but were able to keep working together like professionals.
I loved my time there, I knew I had a good thing going for me there. I even paid off my debt to that rim world government from my time marooned there.
The good thing ended a few years on when the captain decided it was time to retire.
No grudge against the captain. Everyone deserves to retire if they get to that point in life. So it is definitely not his fault things went to hell.
A few of us decided to buy the ship from him. One of our purchasing team had what they thought was an inside track to a good investment firm where we could get a loan we could use to make the purchase and set up our first cargo runs to get going. Unfortunately that inside track was with The Amikampur Group. Everyone who has a hand in the corporate world knows that name. It serves as a cautionary tale for all new business owners. Seriously there has never been a financial scam quite like this in history. They compared it to that ancient scam artist Bernie Madoff who's name still lives in infamy to this day. But let me tell you first hand, Bernie wishes he could of come up with the puzzle box of organized crime that was The Amikampur Group.
It took the focused efforts of one of those "King's Hands" to break up the scam. And Mars did its best to minimize the damage to the victims. But this was such a multi layered effort with leverage in both planetary, system, and even Protectorate levels of government. There are a lot of people doing time now but its generally considered an embarrassment to the whole Protectorate that the ones at the top of the scam were virtually untouchable by legal means.
GAAAHHH!! How I wish the Hand of the King had just summarily executed them on sight.
*Sigh* I guess its fortunate that King Alexander IV is so talented at finding people with such integrity to serve as his hands, but in this particular case I wish his hands weren't so honorable.
Cause a hand could totally just vaporize you on the spot with zero oversight if they want to. But this hand tried to bring them in to let the law do its work. And the law failed.
Well as everyone knows the bigger the debt you had with that group the bigger the rock that fell on your head.
You see, The Protectorate of Mars is not an all powerful interstellar government body. Its more of a voluntary agreement between the governments of independent systems. Kinda similar to the old United States on earth before the war, only the individual states, or systems in this case, are less tightly bound to each other. The result is because of local and regional laws, since I was born in the Susquehannock system on Tamaqua where the Amikampur Group had quite a few lawmakers in their pocket, I am still considered responsible for my share of the debt we incurred to buy the "Bird in the Hand".
This is Bullshit. The Protectorate thinks its Bullshit. My mom thinks its Bullshit. Everyone I know thinks its Bullshit. But for political and diplomatic reasons the Protectorate can not force the government of Tamaqua to erase my debt. And the government of Tamaqua wont change anything because apparently doing so would leave some of those lawmakers vulnerable to prosecution themselves.
So as usual. I get fucked in the Not fun way.
And worse yet! We didn't even get to keep the ship! How's that for a Fuck You Very Much!
So now I'm stuck taking whatever jobs I can get so I can keep up with the fucking debt payments. And the moment I find a way to make more money I jump ship to take it even if it causes me to have a run in with the law. I can barely scrape an existence in life anymore because so much of my paycheck goes to those criminal fucks paying off Their Fucking Debt!!!
My life is shit.
My reputation is ruined.
My career is a joke.
My bank account is empty.
My health is wrecked.
And my give a fuck? --------- Is fucking gone.
--------------------------------------------------Game Start-----------------------------------------------------
Near rim system of Dzhebariki. Aboard trade station Grazhdanskaya Stantsiya 01 in orbit around Andryushkino, a medium sized moon of the gas giant Dzhebariki Chetvertaya. Local mid day.
I finished my last job and got let go. It paid good enough to keep me going for the last few months but the old "These are tough economic times, I need to make some hard decisions, good luck" reared its ugly head again so here I am. I know it was the fact I couldn't get along well with the crew that did me in. The mage they kept took twice as long as I did to make the jump calculations, and he never hit within 15 million kilometers of the target. Sorry I couldn't go with you guys on your jolly romps around towns or stations but I'M BROKE DAMN IT I CAN'T AFFORD IT!
Log onto a public terminal on the promenade - Are there any posts looking for either a Spacemage or a Forcemage?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes
Spacemage or Forcemage? 1d4: Even = Forcemage Odd = spacemage
3 = 3[d4]
Ship assignment?
(50/50 | 4[d10]) No
Interesting. Non-ship assignment for a Spacemage. That's very unusual; but not unheard of.
So it looks like they want a Spacemage to work with a private security firm that was hired to provide an extra level of security for a highly confidential meeting of regional business owners. The limited details given in the posting make me guess that the PS firm will be checking identifications and doing weapon and recording device sweeps of the attendees, and I would teleport the guests to a conference suite that has been completely isolated. Multi layers of electronic security, hardened against listening devises, and no way in or out except to be teleported by a Spacemage.
This sounds like a strange job. But a paycheck is a paycheck so I'll apply.
Is that the only posting for Spacemage or Forcemage?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes
Well ok then they got my contact info and resume so I guess I'll see what else I can do while I wait for tomorrow to come. Or until they contact me. Whichever comes first.
*So IRL my food delivery showed up at the door at that point, so I'll just pretend Jason kicked it for a day or two and they called him back and he got the job. Maybe a cop out but I had 2 beers with my food. And well, beer + imagination + memory of what I was thinking a little bit ago = less than optimal. So. Fight me. That's how it gonna be.
The job location is on the surface of Andryushkino, the moon the station orbits. A small-ish domed city named Rakvere.
Lead Security Officer is one of those - former military - crew cut - square jawed - dont know how to not be gung ho all the time - still goes by the name Sir Yes Sir - types that I think is a fukin jack hole named Danil Ogarkov.
The idiot didn't want me to know the location of the secured meeting facility as a means to "ensure fewer potential security leaks".
Told him I cant teleport anyone to a place I don't know the location of. I needed to have him overruled by our employer: One of those sadistically wealthy business owners named Mathias Stornberg.
The first several days were spent studying the locations I will be working and getting the teleport calculations right. This is a simple thing compared to the calculations for jumping a ship a light year at a time. Had them all done in an hour. They aint even leaving the planet.
Protocol, protocol, protocol. I gotta know the standard arrival and departure protocol. The emergency lockdown protocol. The emergency evacuation protocol. All these protocols are a protopain in the protoass but, its a paycheck, so I do it.
The initial meeting place is at warehouse Mr. Stornberg rented out for the purpose. It's just inside the dome next to the spaceport docks, that are just outside the dome. Security guards will accompany everyone from their ships where the first identification and security scans will be done, through transport to the dome airlocks, through the entry protocols for the dome, to the warehouse. Another security check of ID and scans at the warehouse entrance. Escorted to my teleportation circle. And I teleport them to the meeting facility located in an underground bunker type facility located 100 kilometers to the west of the dome and about 2 kilometers underground. The bunker is built like a starship so it is completely isolated with no way in other than my teleportation circle.
Gotta be honest, I cant see any kind of trouble that can get to these guys unless they bring it themselves.
So as the guests arrive, Does anything unusual happen while the shuttles and yachts are landing?
(Unlikely | 2[d10]) No
Anything while being transported through the city airlocks?
(Unlikely | 3[d10]) No
(Unlikely | 1[d10]) No, and... +Twist: Organization / Helps the hero
(That was to answer the question did anything happen while i was teleporting the guests?)
So a few of the private security guys compliment my teleporting, saying how they've never experienced such smooth translocations before. We become a bit chummy as we work. Even Sir Yes Sir is impressed. After hearing I'm on the market to join a ship crew, he gives me a name:
Vice Director Natalia Badia
One of the heads of Blue Ridge Security, a private security/mercenary firm, of which Sir Yes Sir is a ground team commander. They have a small fleet of 4 armed transport ships to move personnel and equipment to various job sites. He has heard that they were looking for a few competent spacemages to help with the teleportation of ships between the stars.
Well now. That sounds like an honest to god lead that I can act on. All I need to do is make sure the rest of this job goes smooth and Sir Yes Sir will give me a recommendation to one of the head honchos of an actual Soldier of Fortune magazine Cover Story.
I never thought much of merc units.
They were too shady for me to ever want to be associated with them, even if I had the military experience they tend to demand as a requirement of all their employees.
But that was before I had to pay off a multi million dollar debt.
How much is that debt anyway?
7 = 1[d4]+4[d4]+2
SEVEN MILLION SOLIENS????? Just how expensive was that ship?
Wonder how the other guys are doing with their cut of the debt. Some of them got off a lot easier than I did. The laws of their home systems or planets were more forgiving than mine. Of corse Mine were probably the most corrupt too.
Oh well, back to the game
So we got everyone teleported to the conference bunker. As was planned I teleport myself with the last guests plus a few more security guards and Sir Yes Sir. There is a contingent of guards left to secure the warehouse.
Once there I don't have much official work to do unless there is an emergency or until the conference is over and its time for everyone to leave.
This meeting of the money is supposed to last how many days?
3 = 3[d6]
Three days.
(I like using Mark's Action Dice to answer these questions.)
The first thing happening is a mixer with drinks and hors d'oeuvres to get everyone acquainted and to figure out what sides everyone is taking. I am generously allowed to attend but I am supposed to remain detached as I am an employee and wont be in any of the actual meetings where the real wheeling and dealing will be happening.
Grab some free food every chance I get. Dont care who points and laughs this is food i dont have to pay for myself so im gonna suck it up.
Does anyone approach me to talk?
(Unlikely | 6[d10]) No, but...
ok but....... Sir Yes Sir does approach me.
is there a problem?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
"Can you please stop eating directly from the sideboard? Have some professional pride for God's sake. Its like you're Oliver fukin Twist or something."
"Sir, I'm impressed, I didnt take you for a man of classical literature."
"Shall I assume you don't need that introduction to Natalia after all?"
"Sir! I apologize Sir! I will remove myself from the sideboard at once!"
"Wow Thats just what I was thinking too."
ok we move away from the delicious, and stupidly expensive, and free, food. But I do take a small plate piled high with me.
Sir looks at the plate "Really?"
"I Think you are underestimating exactly how lean the last few months have been for me."
"Ok so give me an idea?"
"Let's just say my financial planning game is severely lacking and leave it at that."
"Not the best answer you can give, could be trouble for us."
"It wont be"
"It Wont"
"It Will Not."
Rapour/empathy at mediocre:
1 = +1 +1 +0 -1 0
-3 = -1 -1 +0 -1 0
Vs. Rapour/empathy at average
woah that was lucky
"Alright J, if you say so. Blue Ridge has taken in more than one character with less than ideal situations following them around. So whatever your financial planning game is, it shouldn't be an issue for us, as long as you've never let it interfere with you getting the job done. Who knows, you serve well enough with us, we might be able to help out with your lack of financial planning. But that's a future you we're talking about. For now this conference is the job. So keep your head on this job, even when that job is to just wait. And for God's sake, stop pretending the sideboards are feeding troughs."
Sir Yes Sir did a precision right face and treked off to check on some of the other guards, leaving me to shove some more of the,,, whatever it was that i never saw before but tasted amazing, down my gullet.
The first round of meetings started after the mixer. I grabbed some more food as it was being taken away by the kitchen staff. While Sir Yes Sir wasnt looking of course.
Talking to the other guards.
Does anyone know anything about what's being discussed in the meetings?
(Very Unlikely | 2[d10]) No
Is anyone other than me curious?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 3[d10]) No
Damn. Blue Ridge has some real pinpoint focused individuals working for it.
Wander around the facility. Do i find anything interesting?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes
Oh, what is it?
Molotov cocktail
Well Fuck
"Uh, Guys?!? I think one of you needs to be here right fukin now!!"
A pair of security guys trot over and I just point at the problem. I found the molotov on the bottom shelf of one of the serving carts the kitchen crew would use to take meals to one of the cabins that the guests will be staying in for the next two nights.
They call it in to get things happening fast.
Sir Yes Sir calls a lockdown and I am taken to one of the security rooms and kept under lock and key by four Blue Ridge guards. As is required by the lockdown procedure. To prevent anyone using me to escape trapping everyone else in the bunker. This situation does not please me.
Sir Yes Sir questions me about the molotov and I spill everything I know, which is not much.
Mathias is informed and is brought out of the meeting to discuss the situation.
I am a part of this discussion.
Not sure if thats good or bad yet.
Points that are brought up in the discussion:
1 Who is responsible? - unknown but most likely one of the kitchen or housekeeping crew
2 What were they wanting to accomplish? - unknown but it is suspected it is not an assassination as much as just to stop or disrupt the meeting. The device was found way too easily for it to be a real attempt to kill anyone.
3 A molotov is extremely low tech and therefore easier to get its components past electronic security and to construct on site, it is not very subtle though as evidenced by how easy it was to find by my just walking around.
"So the question is," Sir Yes Sir says, "Do you want to cancel the meeting and evacuate everyone or ... not?"
Its obvious what choice he wants Mathias to make, is equally obvious what choice he thinks Mathias will make.
"This meeting will decide what is done with over a trillion soliens and will decide the economic future of this system for the next fifty years. I'm not going to let someone bully me into letting someone else make those decisions. We will continue."
"... As you wish."
Sir Yes Sir glares at me.
"What did I do to earn that look?"
"Jason, you are now a primary subject on this mission. You are the only way anyone gets out of here so I can absolutely NOT let anything happen to you, NOR can I let someone else gain control over you. Sorry but you are going to be in lockdown for the rest of our time here. You will be confined to one of our secure cabins and there will be at minimum 2 guards with you and 2 outside in the hallway at all times. You dont go anywhere without the guards say so. You dont do anything without the guards say so. I am dead serious here. You dont even go to the bathroom without the guards making sure the bathroom is safe first. Am I Clear?"
"... sir yes sir."
He looks like he might say something else for a moment. Maybe something about my less than enthusiastic response. But instead he turns to some of the guards.
"Tak Team 3 is on the mage. Secure protocol Stone. Standard rotation with Tak 5 and Tak 6."
I am really not happy about this.
This cabin would be a lot more comfortable if I could leave when I wanted and I wasn't sharing it with 2 big guys with tactical gear and some mean looking guns.
At least it was stocked with some various forms of entertainment. Electronic games and recorded movies of every possible genera and content rating were available with the push of a button. There was also a treadmill if I wanted to run off some energy. But even all that gets dull after a while when you're locked in a cabin with two humorless gorillas with guns.
Did I mention I have 2 very big and very armed guards watching everything I do?
How long am i stuck like this?
18 = 11[d12]+7[d12]
Uug not even a day yet. At least we're in the second day now anyway. One more day, two at the most and the conference will be over and I can get out of here.
Does anything happen after the 18 hours to break my monotony?
(Somewhat Likely | 2[d10]) No
Damn you "Get Answer Buttons". Are any of the guards more talkative than the first team?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 7[d10]) Yes, but...
"So you guys are my next babysitters?"
"Hey you can talk!"
"The other guys would just grunt and point."
"So, Wanna play a game?"
"Complain about our ex's?"
"Fuck No."
"Well, ok then. Nice talking to ya."
So How much time passes this time?
17 = 8[d12]+9[d12]
Ok so well on the way to getting done with this.
Lets add it up
total time of conference 72 hours. was here for roughly 6 hours before I found the molotov. Been in lockdown for 35. So 41 hours down, 31 to go.
Wonder what the chances are the answer buttons will send me through this thing with nothing else happening?
The longer it goes, the more likely something will happen, dont you think?
Only one way to find out
So does anything happen at 41 hours to break the monotony?
(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Well well well what have we here
Im in the middle of binging an ancient 2D series called "The Lord of the Rings Extended Cut" and Just as the Urik Hai begin their assault on Helm's Deep:
this dont look good.
Hammering on the door and a voice on the other side: "Rocko Rocko Five Five Six!"
One of my guards answers "Dog Two Dog Two Subject is secure!"
"Stand By!"
"Ssssoo guuys, wanna let me know whats going on?"
"Possible sabotage, we think."
From outside the door:
"TAKE COVER!!" KAWOOOOMP!!!!!!! -then- Energy weapon fire sounds.
my guards com devices crackle to life and a voice says something but only the guards can hear it in their ear pieces.
"Let's go Mage Burkhind, We are leaving!"
they set up on the door. The sound of weapons fire has stopped. They signal me to stay put, then open the door.
"BOGIE 2 O'Clock!" the first guard dives out the door and the second takes a fire position behind the door but looking out.
Weapons fire begins again "Confirmed Tango! Guns Free!"
More weapons fire. Then a short scream, and a thud. "Clear!"
My guard signals me to follow and out the door we go.
"Mick and Bella are both down."
I see the two guards that were outside my cabin. I have no idea what hit them but it probably didn't hurt much, or at least not for long anyway. There are 4 others in the hallway in various states of being dead.
Roll Alertness at Average +1
0 = +0 +1 +0 -1 0
0+1 = Average
I notice at least 2 of the bodies are wearing cleaning crew uniforms.
We make our way in the direction of the teleportation circle. Half way there there is a crowd of screaming people running towards us The guards lift their weapons but hold fire. there are 2 other guards leading the crowd.
"Dog 2! Report!"
"Fox Reporting! Gas Attack! Our filters dont work! It Eats right through them! Thirty meters back!"
"No Shit?"
"Back that way Mage! We need to escape that gas!"
"I Might be able to do something about the gas guys."
"Like What!"
"No time to explain! Show me the gas!"
The screaming crowd runs past us as I am pointed down the way they came from. I see a greenish cloud creeping along not too fast not too slow.
"Get some fire extinguishers! Or fire hose! Get ready to spray a shit ton of water when I give the word!"
"Hope you know what youre doing!"
"I know what Im doing, I just hope it works!"
"If it works I owe you my life!"
"Nah, If it works you owe me a bonus"
Magic will cost 1 mental stress
Magic control is governed by Will
my Will is at Great +4
Magic effect is governed by Lore, or how much magic knowledge I have. The more knowledge I have the better effects I can get.
My Lore is at Good +3.
For the effect I want I think I need to hit great at a minimum. Since my Lore is only +3 I need to throw more power at it +1 effect will cost me 1 more mental stress. so the cost is a total of 2 stress so I tick off my #2 stress box.
Now I need to control 4 effects of magic. My will is 4 so I can control 4 shifts as long as I roll a net 0 with the fudge dice. (If I needed superb +5 then I would need a net +1 with the dice.)
So here goes, c'mon baby needs a new pair of shoes!
-1 = +0 -1 +1 -1 0
Well That Sucks, I will invoke my aspect Loyal to Paycheck (If this works they owe me a bonus)
I will spend one fate point to buy me that 1 more point I need to control the magic.
The silver inlaid runes on my arms glow with the magic. As a Forcemage I can control all the different forms of scientific force. The force of gravity for example.
Or, as in this case:
The Force of Air Resistance
There is a light blue glow in the air in front of us as I increase the air resistance in the hallway so much the gas slows to a stop.
"Alright hurry and Hose it down!"
The guards have the emergency fire hoses out and they start spraying. The water starts to build up in front of us till there is a wall of water suspended in the air in front of us.
"All together now. ForWARD! MARCH!!"
I start walking the wall of air resistance in front of us and they keep spraying water. The effect is that there is a wall of water moving forward in front of us that filters the gas out of the air in front of us. The water that falls to the floor as the wall of air resistance moves forward is an ugly gray green sludge and the gas does seem to be escaping from the water but it is held in place long enough that we, and the crowd, are able to make our way out of the hallway and up to the air tight fire doors that lead to the main lobby and receiving room.
I drop the air resistance shield and they shut down the hoses. The gas is rapidly starting to break free from the temporary aqueous filter we trapped it in.
We open the doors and quickly usher everyone into the lobby. Once there the guards slam shut the air tight doors to the hallway to prevent the gas from following us.
"Ok yea, I can see that being worth a bonus."
"All you have to do is survive long enough to see it."
"Why'd you have to ruin it?"
We hear gunfire from the opposite hallway. The few guards with me start tipping tables and ushering the non combatants behind heavy desks or around corners or anywhere they might be out of the potential line of fire.
I take cover behind a flipped table and peer around the edge so I can see whats coming. First a crowd of screaming and panicky suits and cleaning uniforms and kitchen uniforms come tumbling out the hallway. One of the last suits falls and I see a spray of blood burst from his chest.
Viva la révolution I suppose right?
Sir Yes Sir and a contingent of guards are the last out of the hall, In a perfect tactical withdraw, leapfrogging along clearing lines of fire and sending bullets back up the hallway. The return fire is surprising.
I cant stop myself from getting a little snarky:
"I get the feeling someone is going to be reviewing your weapons scanners and procedures real hard when this is over."
"There is NO WAY that stuff got past us! I'm telling you No Fuckin Way!"
"The bullets coming from the hallway and the gas attack we just walked through beg to differ."
The guard just glared at me and resumed covering his sightline with his weapon.
Suddenly I feel a surge of power and notice a blue flash behind us.
I spin and pull out my dice
Roll Alertness at Average +1
0 = +0 +0 +0 +0 0
Vs. Athletics at Good +3 (this is gonna suck)
1 = +1 -1 +0 +1 0
0+1=1 Vs 1+3=4 Fuck
Im not fast enough to do shit
I spin around just in time to see a mage with space runes on her arms (light blue glow fading fast) accompanied by 3 kitchen crew armed with some unpleasant looking guns.
They are now behind all our barricades and other forms of cover and are in perfect position to light us all up.
They have a lot of targets to pick from
Rough groupings are:
1 me and my guards from the cabin i was in plus the two that joined up in the gas attack
2 crowd of civilians we led through the gas attack
3 Sir Yes Sir and his contingent of guards
4 Crowd of civilians Sir Yes Sir was leading out from the other hallway.
3 guys with guns
only one group is getting out of this without someone shooting at them. Roll 1D4 to see who is the lucky grouping:
3 = 3[d4]
Great, Im getting shot at.
I take note it look like the civilians are the priority target since they are leaving what is probably the most dangerous group of armed opponents untargeted. They must really want that money conference to not happen.
Im just gonna quick roll who many casualties among the civilian groups:
Group 2:
3 = 3[d8]
3 of group 2 are hit and go down hard. (I guessed there were a total of 15 or 16 suits and employees in that group and figured a max of 8 could be hit with with automatic fire sprayed out in an arc.)
Group 4 (same assumptions as group 2):
8 = 8[d8]
Damn. 8 go down
aand now me: (this is gonna suck)
I will just roll to see if I get hit and will make a quick fudge to see in any of my guards are hit.
Dodge is athletics, which I have at mediocre +0
-1 = +1 -1 -1 +0 0
This guy got a gun skill of Fair +2, but is firing on full auto which is a -2 penalty for a net of +0
-1 = +1 +0 -1 -1 0
WHEW WEEE! A Tie! All ties go to the player!
now a quick yes/no at 50/50 to see if any of my guards are hit:
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
so Yes one is hit
its bad so most likely KIA.
(this Game Master Emulator is upping the drama pretty good.)
Fuck these guys!
Initiative (for teh sake of keeping it simple, this combat will focus on the mage group ambushing us and me and my 3 remaining guards. so a 4 on 4. A quick fudge at the end of each round will determine if any of the other groups are affected during this fight):
Initiative goes:
My Guard1
My Guard2
Opfor 1
My Guard3
My guards gun +3, athletics(dodge) +3
opfor gun +2, Athletics(dodge) +3
My guards Phys stress 4
Opfor Phys stress 2 (they be Wirrrery)
OpMage has Space magic and (I created a randomizer for the different types of mages there are. Most civilians have 2 magic specializations so I will use this randomizer to determine what other magic she has. If the randomizer says Space, then she is only a spacemage and has no other magic abilities other than those covered by Space magic.)
oh fuck it would be that wouldnt it? FUCK this GM Emulator hates me.
Lemme explain --- Energymage: Controls all types of energy.
SO in other words, Electrical Energy, Mechanical Energy, Kinetic Energy, -----You see how *This* kind of Mage can seriously Fuck Up Your Day?!?!
OpMage Phys stress 2 (she a petite little thing) Mental Stress 4 (naturally for a mage)
Space magic and Energy magic along with the rune of power all mages get allowing use of circles, scrolls, and relics or artifacts.
She has done that teleportation with three others and she did it on the spot without using a circle. So Im gonna fill her #2 stress box to reflect that expenditure of power.
I'll give OpMage the same Wil and Lore I have
Here goes:
-1 = -1 +1 +0 -1 0
op1 doge
-1 = +0 +0 -1 +0 0
+3=2 tie goes to player (me) so G1 hit Lets say the gun is a pretty lethal beast so I'll make it a weapon+3
Opfor1 takes mild consequence "hit but not bad" for -2 and fills #1 Phys stress
1 = +0 +1 +0 +0 0
G2 mirror of G1
opfor2 doge
0 = +0 +0 -1 +1 0
G2 hit with +1success weapon +3 for 4 total stress
Op2 takes moderate consequence "flesh wound"
2 = +0 +1 +1 +0 0
G1 doge
-2 = -1 +1 -1 -1 0
FUCK! 2+2-1 =3success with +3 weapon = 6Stress Mild conceq and #4 stress box
G3 gonna give him a heavier weapon, a +4Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW)
1 = +1 +1 -1 +0 0
-1 = -1 +1 -1 +0 0
3-2=1success +4weapon = 5 Stress Mod conseq and #1 stress box
-1 = +0 +1 -1 -1 0
G2 doge
0 = +1 +1 -1 -1 0
clean miss
-1 = +0 -1 -1 +1 0
G3 doge
0 = -1 -1 +1 +1 0
clean miss (woah, de ja vu)
OpMage Magic Attack (works the same as I described before)
Lightning to G1
1 = +1 -1 +1 +0 0
G1 used his doge already so he has to take the full hit so a 5 success Hit! Fill#3 mental stress (power+1) for a +4 electric attack total +9 Ho-Lee SHE-IT
G1 Severe Conseq -6 and #3stress box
---------------------------------My Turn Bitch!
Lets see how you like weighing 10X your current mass!
Tap aspect Loyal to paycheck again (I only get the bonus if I survive remember?) to gain +2 success. Use -1fate point (have 1 FP left) Add +1power (2 mental stress, #2box filled so I fill #3box)
3 = +1 +1 +1 +0 0
NICE!!!!!!!!!! Bout time I see a good roll here! Went for a +4Great effect Lore is 3 roll a 3 means I got the 4 I needed and I have 2 extra successes +2 from the Fate point I have 4extra Successes
I am not attacking but I am placing a maneuver using Force of Gravity!
Use 1 extra success to increase area so I catch all 4 bad guys in the effect
use 1 extra success to increase duration so this effect will last 2 full rounds (next round and round after)I will fill #1 and #4 stress boxes to hold the effect
Use last 2 successes to increase effect from +4Great to +6Fantastic
There is a glow of blue again from the Force runes on my arms and a blue glow on the floor under the OpFor guys.
The sounds of crumbling rock and creaking floors and ceiling fill the air.
There is a strange humm heard and there is an odd blurring of everything seen inside the area affected by the blue glow of my magic.
All 4 of them suddenly drop to their knees and have the aspect "A Black Hole is where God divided by Zero!" placed upon them.
All actions they take will have a -6 penalty for two rounds
G1 is up. He not doing too good. But he keeps soldiering on
1 = +0 +0 +1 +0 0
OpFor1 Doge +3 my effect-6 = -3, AND G1 will take his free tap of the aspect "hit but not bad" to give him another -2 so -5 total
0 = +1 -1 +0 +0 0
-5 vs 4success so 9 success with a +3 weapon = 12 total stress
Mild conseq -2 already used, #1 stress box already used. Moderate Conseq -4stress, Severe -6stress #2stress box This guy has zero stress left to take. He is taken out
G2 Will tap moderate conseq aspect I didnt name for an additional 2 success.
1 = +0 +1 -1 +1 0
OpFor2 3-6=-3
-1 = -1 +0 +1 -1 0
-3-1 aspect tap -2 -6total against 4successes so 10success with a +3 weapon for 13 stress
Moderate conseq -4 already used
#1 and #2 stress box is 3 stress Mild conseq is 2 more Severe Conseq 6stress for a total of 11. Zero stress left plus 2 extra This guy is no more.
OpFor1 is unc
G3 gonna mirror G2 again in action attacking OpFor3
3 = +1 +1 +0 +1 0
Is there any reason to bother OpFor3?
0 = +1 +1 -1 -1 0
added up we get -5 vs 6success for 11 total success with a +4 weapon for 15 success, Yea no point in going on this guy is SO not among the living anymore
OpFor2 and OpFor3 both down
Stares wide eyed at how fast her comrades were taken out and strains under the weight of my gravity effect to lift her arms above her head in the universal signal of surrender, working to force enough breath from her lungs so she can wimper out "Stop Please! I Give Up!, I Surrender!"
A quick survey of the surroundings looks like all the fighting is over. Sir Yes Sir appears to have taken a few prisoners over there too. - So, - I guess that's an option?
G2 starts tending first aid to G1 and starts yelling "MEDIC! NEED A MEDIC OVER HERE!"
G3 moves over to the edge of my glowing gravity effect and has his heavy weapon aimed right at OpMage's head. He gives me a quick nod and I drop the effect. He rapidly moves over to the OpMage telling her to lie face down on the floor with hands behind her head, she passively complies. She almost looks like she is crying.
This is a right mess
"YOU THINK YOU'LL GET AWAY WITH THIS? NO ONE INTERFERES WITH MY PLANS! NO ONE!" Mathias is practically foaming at the mouth as he screams at the gunmen that have surrendered.
G4, I really should have spent some time learning their names, directs OpMage to the cluster of prisoners and has her sit on the floor with the others. I follow along to watch what happens next.
Mathias sneers at the people who have killed or wounded a significant number of his employees and potential business partners.
"Tell me," He snaps at OpMage, "What exactly were you promised for this?"
OpMage sniffs and looks up at him with red and teary eyes. "We were promised nothing for doing this. But we were promised homelessness and slavery if we didn't, and your plans came to pass."
"Really? Is that so?"
"We know what you have planned for this system."
"And what do I have planned?"
"The same thing your kind always plans. Exploitation of the people and destruction of the land with the utmost efficiency."
"HAHAHAHahaha! Same old platitudes. You worthless leaches have no vision of your own so you stoop to trying to stop mine! My vision will lead this system to the forefront of industrial innovation! With my vision Dzhebariki will become the Alpha Centauri of the rim!"
"With your vision you will become the Khmer Rouge of the Protectorate."
---this conversation is starting to feel like a history test I didn't study for.
"Enough of this bullshit. Commander Ogarkov!"
"Yea?" --that sounded a bit out of character for Sir Yes Sir.
"Eliminate these leaches."
There was an audible gasp from the prisoners. OpMage visibly started crying. And I suddenly really don't like this Mathias fellow.
Compel "So there is a heart under there"
"I have to object that course of action." WTF did I just do? (+1 Fate Point)
Based on the "Starship's Mage" series created by Glynn Stewart (Available on Amazon Kindle)
This game is played using the Fate Core system
Character sheet for the PC (abridged):
Name: Jason Burkhind ----- Age:38 ----- High Concept: Grizzled, Cynical Spacemage ----- Trouble: Saddled with someone else's debt
Other Aspects:
Ah shit, here we go again
Its not that I don't trust you but,
I'm unquestionably loyal, to the paycheck
Cops are bad, But Lawyers are worse
So there is a heart under there
Stress: Phsical:3
Stress: Mental:4 ---(aged up PC I added 1 Refresh to fatecore standard starting refresh)
Stunts / Powers:
Cost -----------Name/description
free -----------Space Rune (adept at space magic ie. Teleportation)
free -----------Forces Rune (Adept at force magic ie. gravity, etc.)
free -----------Rune of Power (Adept at using relics, magic items, circles, scrolls{made for the game not in Glen's series} etc.)
Solo Free ------Keypads are compys (use hack to pick electronic locks) (aged up PC I added 1 stunt to fatecore standard starting stunts)
-1 refresh -----Mage reconize Mage (use lore as contacts to know a mage)
Total Refresh: 4-1=3
Superb - +5 -----
Great --- +4 1 Will
Good --- +3 1 Lore / 2 Star Navigation
Fair ----- +2 1 Pistol / 2 Physic / 3 Hacking /4 Scholarship / 5 Brawl
Average- +1 1 Shuttle Pilot / 2 Contacts / 3 Alert / 4 Investigation / 5 Spacewalking
(Aged up PC gets +5 skill points to fatecore standard starting skills)
Note: While this game is Based Heavily on the works of Glynn Stewart, I have taken some liberties with his universe to fit the type of gameplay I want and the stories I want to play out. So details here and throughout this game may differ significantly from the original work. So I hope you won't @ me if you are a fan.
I am not using his work as the inspiration for my game because I am not truly in love with that series. I recommend it to everyone.
I know for a fact it is available on Amazon Kindle. But it might be available in other formats and booksellers as well I just don't know.
Anyway this is my solo game.
So Here We Go
Basic World Background information:
The Eugenics War changed humanity in ways that were once considered possible only in the realm of fiction.
It all started with the Cabal of Genetic Engineers. Through the use of private funding provided primarily by the pharmaceutical industry, the Cabal set up their research laboratories within man made tunnels deep inside Mount Olympus on the red planet of Mars. For nearly 75 years, only they, their research subjects, the people who worked for them, and the families of those employees were the only inhabitants of Mars.
As the solar system was slowly but steadily colonized and settlements began to appear on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, as well as some of the larger asteroids in the belt, Mars became more important to humanity at large and soon the various governments of Earth wanted to set up their own outposts either on the surface of the red planet or in orbit around it. The Cabal managed to hide the worst of their works for a terribly long time. Almost an additional 25 years past after the first foreign outpost was established before one of their test subjects escaped and somehow made it to a French outpost built nearly 100 miles from the Cabal's Laboratories.
The exact condition of this research subject, as well as exactly what alterations were made to the subject's genome remain highly classified and is now known only in the highest levels of the Protectorate. What is commonly known, however, is that this was the flashpoint that started the Eugenics War. The French government asked for and received the endorsement of the United Nations to send a full fledged military invasion of Mount Olympus to seize and stop whatever else the Cabal was doing within those caverns. But the defenses of the mountain as well as the genetically modified humans that lived there were able to easily sweep aside the entire force that was sent. This was the first indication of how busy the Cabal had been for those 100 years they were hidden in that mountain.
The UN built a coalition of the most powerful nations on earth and a fleet of transports was put together and launched with over 800,000 soldiers from 20 different countries. But, somehow the Cabal had a fleet of warships at its disposal that was able to intercept and destroy the whole invasion force along with its token escort. To this day, no one knows where the Cabal got those warships. But from that point on, the solar system was at war.
It was a war that lasted 114 years. Hundreds of millions of military personnel died, countless more were wounded. And civilian casualties were downright terrifying. And it was during this war, that the first Mages appeared.
The Cabal of Genetic Engineers were on the verge of winning thanks to the mages they had created. A Massive invasion fleet had been built around Mars and was about to launch when the Cabal's strongest mage betrayed them and turned his power back upon them. Using a secret amplifier in Mount Olympus designed to increase a mage's power a hundredfold, Michael Alexander magically seized the entire fleet, and teleported it to a desert plain several miles from the mountain. The fleet was not designed to take off from the ground so every ship was effectively destroyed.
With the fleet gone, and the amplifier in the hands of an enemy, the Cabal soon lost control of the other mages and they were ultimately defeated by their own creations.
There was a tense standoff for some time, and through a long, complex series of unfortunate events, Michael Alexander was given a choice: Become King of the Solar System, or the war continues.
Michael became King Alexander I, and established the Olympus Accords. The Accords established the relationship between humans and mages. Humans will allow the mages to exist and not grab the torches and pitchforks, and the mages will serve humanity and give them the ability to reach the stars.
***At the start of the game the Eugenics War ended 220 years ago***
Ok now that thats out of the way. Lets get to the PC I will be playing:
Name: Jason Burkhind
Mother: Diana Kelly (reverted to maiden name after husband's death) Father: Eric Burkhind (Husband of Diana Kelly, Deceased)
Place of birth: Kersey City (pop. 8,234) on the terraformed planet of Tamaqua in the Susquehannock system. At just over 67 Light years from Sol, Susquehannock is considered a near rim world.
[Near rim worlds were settled within the last 100 to 150 years and are starting to achieve a self sufficient society. This means they have started importing more luxury and specialized goods from other systems rather than exclusively importing necessities for survival]
Protectorate Mage Evaluation: Taken at age 16 as required by the Olympus Accords. Results established attunement to the Rune of Power granting Jason status of "Mage by Right" since he is the only mage known to be born into his family line.
Magic education: Attended the Gaelmore Magic Academy in the Dungarvan system. Studied the Space and Forces runes. Obtained certification for both. Granted the titles of Spacemage and Forcemage.
First job was as a member of the crew of the heavy cargo hauler "Monkeys and Typewriters".
Now for Jason's background in his own words:
"Monkeys and Typewriters" was attacked by pirates and I was captured. The pirates marooned us on an island on a recently terraformed world where harsh conditions and scarce food resulted in the deaths of most of us.
Eventually rescued after being spotted by a local militia atmospheric patrol craft. I ended up unemployed for a year because local superstitions considered me "unlucky" because I was a mage that the pirates didn't want to keep for themselves.
First, they asked me to join them and I told them to shove it. Second, What. The. Fuck. Kind. Of. Stupidstition. Is. That? Seriously!
Unemployed except for cash work every once in a while I built up a debt with local bank and government because I lived on tax funded subsidies and loans for that year. Never heard of having to pay back unemployment benefits but I was told it was because "I wasnt a citizen".
Finally an interstellar hauler came into the system and I hitched a ride. I worked as a ship's mage to earn my passage till they dropped me off at a big trade station. I was unemployed again on the station but at least I could gain access to "The Protectorate of Mars Ministry of Mage Assistance" and apply for benefits from them. And this time, the unemployment benefits I got, I didn't have to pay back. They also helped me with finding a new job with a new ship. AAANND Off I go as a starship's mage on another hauler.
The "Bird in the Hand" was a great place. I mean it. Good ship. Good crew. Good CCS for defense against pirates. I even dated one of the shuttle pilots for a while. We broke-up, but were able to keep working together like professionals.
I loved my time there, I knew I had a good thing going for me there. I even paid off my debt to that rim world government from my time marooned there.
The good thing ended a few years on when the captain decided it was time to retire.
No grudge against the captain. Everyone deserves to retire if they get to that point in life. So it is definitely not his fault things went to hell.
A few of us decided to buy the ship from him. One of our purchasing team had what they thought was an inside track to a good investment firm where we could get a loan we could use to make the purchase and set up our first cargo runs to get going. Unfortunately that inside track was with The Amikampur Group. Everyone who has a hand in the corporate world knows that name. It serves as a cautionary tale for all new business owners. Seriously there has never been a financial scam quite like this in history. They compared it to that ancient scam artist Bernie Madoff who's name still lives in infamy to this day. But let me tell you first hand, Bernie wishes he could of come up with the puzzle box of organized crime that was The Amikampur Group.
It took the focused efforts of one of those "King's Hands" to break up the scam. And Mars did its best to minimize the damage to the victims. But this was such a multi layered effort with leverage in both planetary, system, and even Protectorate levels of government. There are a lot of people doing time now but its generally considered an embarrassment to the whole Protectorate that the ones at the top of the scam were virtually untouchable by legal means.
GAAAHHH!! How I wish the Hand of the King had just summarily executed them on sight.
*Sigh* I guess its fortunate that King Alexander IV is so talented at finding people with such integrity to serve as his hands, but in this particular case I wish his hands weren't so honorable.
Cause a hand could totally just vaporize you on the spot with zero oversight if they want to. But this hand tried to bring them in to let the law do its work. And the law failed.
Well as everyone knows the bigger the debt you had with that group the bigger the rock that fell on your head.
You see, The Protectorate of Mars is not an all powerful interstellar government body. Its more of a voluntary agreement between the governments of independent systems. Kinda similar to the old United States on earth before the war, only the individual states, or systems in this case, are less tightly bound to each other. The result is because of local and regional laws, since I was born in the Susquehannock system on Tamaqua where the Amikampur Group had quite a few lawmakers in their pocket, I am still considered responsible for my share of the debt we incurred to buy the "Bird in the Hand".
This is Bullshit. The Protectorate thinks its Bullshit. My mom thinks its Bullshit. Everyone I know thinks its Bullshit. But for political and diplomatic reasons the Protectorate can not force the government of Tamaqua to erase my debt. And the government of Tamaqua wont change anything because apparently doing so would leave some of those lawmakers vulnerable to prosecution themselves.
So as usual. I get fucked in the Not fun way.
And worse yet! We didn't even get to keep the ship! How's that for a Fuck You Very Much!
So now I'm stuck taking whatever jobs I can get so I can keep up with the fucking debt payments. And the moment I find a way to make more money I jump ship to take it even if it causes me to have a run in with the law. I can barely scrape an existence in life anymore because so much of my paycheck goes to those criminal fucks paying off Their Fucking Debt!!!
My life is shit.
My reputation is ruined.
My career is a joke.
My bank account is empty.
My health is wrecked.
And my give a fuck? --------- Is fucking gone.
--------------------------------------------------Game Start-----------------------------------------------------
Near rim system of Dzhebariki. Aboard trade station Grazhdanskaya Stantsiya 01 in orbit around Andryushkino, a medium sized moon of the gas giant Dzhebariki Chetvertaya. Local mid day.
I finished my last job and got let go. It paid good enough to keep me going for the last few months but the old "These are tough economic times, I need to make some hard decisions, good luck" reared its ugly head again so here I am. I know it was the fact I couldn't get along well with the crew that did me in. The mage they kept took twice as long as I did to make the jump calculations, and he never hit within 15 million kilometers of the target. Sorry I couldn't go with you guys on your jolly romps around towns or stations but I'M BROKE DAMN IT I CAN'T AFFORD IT!
Log onto a public terminal on the promenade - Are there any posts looking for either a Spacemage or a Forcemage?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes
Spacemage or Forcemage? 1d4: Even = Forcemage Odd = spacemage
3 = 3[d4]
Ship assignment?
(50/50 | 4[d10]) No
Interesting. Non-ship assignment for a Spacemage. That's very unusual; but not unheard of.
So it looks like they want a Spacemage to work with a private security firm that was hired to provide an extra level of security for a highly confidential meeting of regional business owners. The limited details given in the posting make me guess that the PS firm will be checking identifications and doing weapon and recording device sweeps of the attendees, and I would teleport the guests to a conference suite that has been completely isolated. Multi layers of electronic security, hardened against listening devises, and no way in or out except to be teleported by a Spacemage.
This sounds like a strange job. But a paycheck is a paycheck so I'll apply.
Is that the only posting for Spacemage or Forcemage?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes
Well ok then they got my contact info and resume so I guess I'll see what else I can do while I wait for tomorrow to come. Or until they contact me. Whichever comes first.
*So IRL my food delivery showed up at the door at that point, so I'll just pretend Jason kicked it for a day or two and they called him back and he got the job. Maybe a cop out but I had 2 beers with my food. And well, beer + imagination + memory of what I was thinking a little bit ago = less than optimal. So. Fight me. That's how it gonna be.
The job location is on the surface of Andryushkino, the moon the station orbits. A small-ish domed city named Rakvere.
Lead Security Officer is one of those - former military - crew cut - square jawed - dont know how to not be gung ho all the time - still goes by the name Sir Yes Sir - types that I think is a fukin jack hole named Danil Ogarkov.
The idiot didn't want me to know the location of the secured meeting facility as a means to "ensure fewer potential security leaks".
Told him I cant teleport anyone to a place I don't know the location of. I needed to have him overruled by our employer: One of those sadistically wealthy business owners named Mathias Stornberg.
The first several days were spent studying the locations I will be working and getting the teleport calculations right. This is a simple thing compared to the calculations for jumping a ship a light year at a time. Had them all done in an hour. They aint even leaving the planet.
Protocol, protocol, protocol. I gotta know the standard arrival and departure protocol. The emergency lockdown protocol. The emergency evacuation protocol. All these protocols are a protopain in the protoass but, its a paycheck, so I do it.
The initial meeting place is at warehouse Mr. Stornberg rented out for the purpose. It's just inside the dome next to the spaceport docks, that are just outside the dome. Security guards will accompany everyone from their ships where the first identification and security scans will be done, through transport to the dome airlocks, through the entry protocols for the dome, to the warehouse. Another security check of ID and scans at the warehouse entrance. Escorted to my teleportation circle. And I teleport them to the meeting facility located in an underground bunker type facility located 100 kilometers to the west of the dome and about 2 kilometers underground. The bunker is built like a starship so it is completely isolated with no way in other than my teleportation circle.
Gotta be honest, I cant see any kind of trouble that can get to these guys unless they bring it themselves.
So as the guests arrive, Does anything unusual happen while the shuttles and yachts are landing?
(Unlikely | 2[d10]) No
Anything while being transported through the city airlocks?
(Unlikely | 3[d10]) No
(Unlikely | 1[d10]) No, and... +Twist: Organization / Helps the hero
(That was to answer the question did anything happen while i was teleporting the guests?)
So a few of the private security guys compliment my teleporting, saying how they've never experienced such smooth translocations before. We become a bit chummy as we work. Even Sir Yes Sir is impressed. After hearing I'm on the market to join a ship crew, he gives me a name:
Vice Director Natalia Badia
One of the heads of Blue Ridge Security, a private security/mercenary firm, of which Sir Yes Sir is a ground team commander. They have a small fleet of 4 armed transport ships to move personnel and equipment to various job sites. He has heard that they were looking for a few competent spacemages to help with the teleportation of ships between the stars.
Well now. That sounds like an honest to god lead that I can act on. All I need to do is make sure the rest of this job goes smooth and Sir Yes Sir will give me a recommendation to one of the head honchos of an actual Soldier of Fortune magazine Cover Story.
I never thought much of merc units.
They were too shady for me to ever want to be associated with them, even if I had the military experience they tend to demand as a requirement of all their employees.
But that was before I had to pay off a multi million dollar debt.
How much is that debt anyway?
7 = 1[d4]+4[d4]+2
SEVEN MILLION SOLIENS????? Just how expensive was that ship?
Wonder how the other guys are doing with their cut of the debt. Some of them got off a lot easier than I did. The laws of their home systems or planets were more forgiving than mine. Of corse Mine were probably the most corrupt too.
Oh well, back to the game
So we got everyone teleported to the conference bunker. As was planned I teleport myself with the last guests plus a few more security guards and Sir Yes Sir. There is a contingent of guards left to secure the warehouse.
Once there I don't have much official work to do unless there is an emergency or until the conference is over and its time for everyone to leave.
This meeting of the money is supposed to last how many days?
3 = 3[d6]
Three days.
(I like using Mark's Action Dice to answer these questions.)
The first thing happening is a mixer with drinks and hors d'oeuvres to get everyone acquainted and to figure out what sides everyone is taking. I am generously allowed to attend but I am supposed to remain detached as I am an employee and wont be in any of the actual meetings where the real wheeling and dealing will be happening.
Grab some free food every chance I get. Dont care who points and laughs this is food i dont have to pay for myself so im gonna suck it up.
Does anyone approach me to talk?
(Unlikely | 6[d10]) No, but...
ok but....... Sir Yes Sir does approach me.
is there a problem?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
"Can you please stop eating directly from the sideboard? Have some professional pride for God's sake. Its like you're Oliver fukin Twist or something."
"Sir, I'm impressed, I didnt take you for a man of classical literature."
"Shall I assume you don't need that introduction to Natalia after all?"
"Sir! I apologize Sir! I will remove myself from the sideboard at once!"
"Wow Thats just what I was thinking too."
ok we move away from the delicious, and stupidly expensive, and free, food. But I do take a small plate piled high with me.
Sir looks at the plate "Really?"
"I Think you are underestimating exactly how lean the last few months have been for me."
"Ok so give me an idea?"
"Let's just say my financial planning game is severely lacking and leave it at that."
"Not the best answer you can give, could be trouble for us."
"It wont be"
"It Wont"
"It Will Not."
Rapour/empathy at mediocre:
1 = +1 +1 +0 -1 0
-3 = -1 -1 +0 -1 0
Vs. Rapour/empathy at average
woah that was lucky
"Alright J, if you say so. Blue Ridge has taken in more than one character with less than ideal situations following them around. So whatever your financial planning game is, it shouldn't be an issue for us, as long as you've never let it interfere with you getting the job done. Who knows, you serve well enough with us, we might be able to help out with your lack of financial planning. But that's a future you we're talking about. For now this conference is the job. So keep your head on this job, even when that job is to just wait. And for God's sake, stop pretending the sideboards are feeding troughs."
Sir Yes Sir did a precision right face and treked off to check on some of the other guards, leaving me to shove some more of the,,, whatever it was that i never saw before but tasted amazing, down my gullet.
The first round of meetings started after the mixer. I grabbed some more food as it was being taken away by the kitchen staff. While Sir Yes Sir wasnt looking of course.
Talking to the other guards.
Does anyone know anything about what's being discussed in the meetings?
(Very Unlikely | 2[d10]) No
Is anyone other than me curious?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 3[d10]) No
Damn. Blue Ridge has some real pinpoint focused individuals working for it.
Wander around the facility. Do i find anything interesting?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes
Oh, what is it?
Molotov cocktail
Well Fuck
"Uh, Guys?!? I think one of you needs to be here right fukin now!!"
A pair of security guys trot over and I just point at the problem. I found the molotov on the bottom shelf of one of the serving carts the kitchen crew would use to take meals to one of the cabins that the guests will be staying in for the next two nights.
They call it in to get things happening fast.
Sir Yes Sir calls a lockdown and I am taken to one of the security rooms and kept under lock and key by four Blue Ridge guards. As is required by the lockdown procedure. To prevent anyone using me to escape trapping everyone else in the bunker. This situation does not please me.
Sir Yes Sir questions me about the molotov and I spill everything I know, which is not much.
Mathias is informed and is brought out of the meeting to discuss the situation.
I am a part of this discussion.
Not sure if thats good or bad yet.
Points that are brought up in the discussion:
1 Who is responsible? - unknown but most likely one of the kitchen or housekeeping crew
2 What were they wanting to accomplish? - unknown but it is suspected it is not an assassination as much as just to stop or disrupt the meeting. The device was found way too easily for it to be a real attempt to kill anyone.
3 A molotov is extremely low tech and therefore easier to get its components past electronic security and to construct on site, it is not very subtle though as evidenced by how easy it was to find by my just walking around.
"So the question is," Sir Yes Sir says, "Do you want to cancel the meeting and evacuate everyone or ... not?"
Its obvious what choice he wants Mathias to make, is equally obvious what choice he thinks Mathias will make.
"This meeting will decide what is done with over a trillion soliens and will decide the economic future of this system for the next fifty years. I'm not going to let someone bully me into letting someone else make those decisions. We will continue."
"... As you wish."
Sir Yes Sir glares at me.
"What did I do to earn that look?"
"Jason, you are now a primary subject on this mission. You are the only way anyone gets out of here so I can absolutely NOT let anything happen to you, NOR can I let someone else gain control over you. Sorry but you are going to be in lockdown for the rest of our time here. You will be confined to one of our secure cabins and there will be at minimum 2 guards with you and 2 outside in the hallway at all times. You dont go anywhere without the guards say so. You dont do anything without the guards say so. I am dead serious here. You dont even go to the bathroom without the guards making sure the bathroom is safe first. Am I Clear?"
"... sir yes sir."
He looks like he might say something else for a moment. Maybe something about my less than enthusiastic response. But instead he turns to some of the guards.
"Tak Team 3 is on the mage. Secure protocol Stone. Standard rotation with Tak 5 and Tak 6."
I am really not happy about this.
This cabin would be a lot more comfortable if I could leave when I wanted and I wasn't sharing it with 2 big guys with tactical gear and some mean looking guns.
At least it was stocked with some various forms of entertainment. Electronic games and recorded movies of every possible genera and content rating were available with the push of a button. There was also a treadmill if I wanted to run off some energy. But even all that gets dull after a while when you're locked in a cabin with two humorless gorillas with guns.
Did I mention I have 2 very big and very armed guards watching everything I do?
How long am i stuck like this?
18 = 11[d12]+7[d12]
Uug not even a day yet. At least we're in the second day now anyway. One more day, two at the most and the conference will be over and I can get out of here.
Does anything happen after the 18 hours to break my monotony?
(Somewhat Likely | 2[d10]) No
Damn you "Get Answer Buttons". Are any of the guards more talkative than the first team?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 7[d10]) Yes, but...
"So you guys are my next babysitters?"
"Hey you can talk!"
"The other guys would just grunt and point."
"So, Wanna play a game?"
"Complain about our ex's?"
"Fuck No."
"Well, ok then. Nice talking to ya."
So How much time passes this time?
17 = 8[d12]+9[d12]
Ok so well on the way to getting done with this.
Lets add it up
total time of conference 72 hours. was here for roughly 6 hours before I found the molotov. Been in lockdown for 35. So 41 hours down, 31 to go.
Wonder what the chances are the answer buttons will send me through this thing with nothing else happening?
The longer it goes, the more likely something will happen, dont you think?
Only one way to find out
So does anything happen at 41 hours to break the monotony?
(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Well well well what have we here
Im in the middle of binging an ancient 2D series called "The Lord of the Rings Extended Cut" and Just as the Urik Hai begin their assault on Helm's Deep:
this dont look good.
Hammering on the door and a voice on the other side: "Rocko Rocko Five Five Six!"
One of my guards answers "Dog Two Dog Two Subject is secure!"
"Stand By!"
"Ssssoo guuys, wanna let me know whats going on?"
"Possible sabotage, we think."
From outside the door:
"TAKE COVER!!" KAWOOOOMP!!!!!!! -then- Energy weapon fire sounds.
my guards com devices crackle to life and a voice says something but only the guards can hear it in their ear pieces.
"Let's go Mage Burkhind, We are leaving!"
they set up on the door. The sound of weapons fire has stopped. They signal me to stay put, then open the door.
"BOGIE 2 O'Clock!" the first guard dives out the door and the second takes a fire position behind the door but looking out.
Weapons fire begins again "Confirmed Tango! Guns Free!"
More weapons fire. Then a short scream, and a thud. "Clear!"
My guard signals me to follow and out the door we go.
"Mick and Bella are both down."
I see the two guards that were outside my cabin. I have no idea what hit them but it probably didn't hurt much, or at least not for long anyway. There are 4 others in the hallway in various states of being dead.
Roll Alertness at Average +1
0 = +0 +1 +0 -1 0
0+1 = Average
I notice at least 2 of the bodies are wearing cleaning crew uniforms.
We make our way in the direction of the teleportation circle. Half way there there is a crowd of screaming people running towards us The guards lift their weapons but hold fire. there are 2 other guards leading the crowd.
"Dog 2! Report!"
"Fox Reporting! Gas Attack! Our filters dont work! It Eats right through them! Thirty meters back!"
"No Shit?"
"Back that way Mage! We need to escape that gas!"
"I Might be able to do something about the gas guys."
"Like What!"
"No time to explain! Show me the gas!"
The screaming crowd runs past us as I am pointed down the way they came from. I see a greenish cloud creeping along not too fast not too slow.
"Get some fire extinguishers! Or fire hose! Get ready to spray a shit ton of water when I give the word!"
"Hope you know what youre doing!"
"I know what Im doing, I just hope it works!"
"If it works I owe you my life!"
"Nah, If it works you owe me a bonus"
Magic will cost 1 mental stress
Magic control is governed by Will
my Will is at Great +4
Magic effect is governed by Lore, or how much magic knowledge I have. The more knowledge I have the better effects I can get.
My Lore is at Good +3.
For the effect I want I think I need to hit great at a minimum. Since my Lore is only +3 I need to throw more power at it +1 effect will cost me 1 more mental stress. so the cost is a total of 2 stress so I tick off my #2 stress box.
Now I need to control 4 effects of magic. My will is 4 so I can control 4 shifts as long as I roll a net 0 with the fudge dice. (If I needed superb +5 then I would need a net +1 with the dice.)
So here goes, c'mon baby needs a new pair of shoes!
-1 = +0 -1 +1 -1 0
Well That Sucks, I will invoke my aspect Loyal to Paycheck (If this works they owe me a bonus)
I will spend one fate point to buy me that 1 more point I need to control the magic.
The silver inlaid runes on my arms glow with the magic. As a Forcemage I can control all the different forms of scientific force. The force of gravity for example.
Or, as in this case:
The Force of Air Resistance
There is a light blue glow in the air in front of us as I increase the air resistance in the hallway so much the gas slows to a stop.
"Alright hurry and Hose it down!"
The guards have the emergency fire hoses out and they start spraying. The water starts to build up in front of us till there is a wall of water suspended in the air in front of us.
"All together now. ForWARD! MARCH!!"
I start walking the wall of air resistance in front of us and they keep spraying water. The effect is that there is a wall of water moving forward in front of us that filters the gas out of the air in front of us. The water that falls to the floor as the wall of air resistance moves forward is an ugly gray green sludge and the gas does seem to be escaping from the water but it is held in place long enough that we, and the crowd, are able to make our way out of the hallway and up to the air tight fire doors that lead to the main lobby and receiving room.
I drop the air resistance shield and they shut down the hoses. The gas is rapidly starting to break free from the temporary aqueous filter we trapped it in.
We open the doors and quickly usher everyone into the lobby. Once there the guards slam shut the air tight doors to the hallway to prevent the gas from following us.
"Ok yea, I can see that being worth a bonus."
"All you have to do is survive long enough to see it."
"Why'd you have to ruin it?"
We hear gunfire from the opposite hallway. The few guards with me start tipping tables and ushering the non combatants behind heavy desks or around corners or anywhere they might be out of the potential line of fire.
I take cover behind a flipped table and peer around the edge so I can see whats coming. First a crowd of screaming and panicky suits and cleaning uniforms and kitchen uniforms come tumbling out the hallway. One of the last suits falls and I see a spray of blood burst from his chest.
Viva la révolution I suppose right?
Sir Yes Sir and a contingent of guards are the last out of the hall, In a perfect tactical withdraw, leapfrogging along clearing lines of fire and sending bullets back up the hallway. The return fire is surprising.
I cant stop myself from getting a little snarky:
"I get the feeling someone is going to be reviewing your weapons scanners and procedures real hard when this is over."
"There is NO WAY that stuff got past us! I'm telling you No Fuckin Way!"
"The bullets coming from the hallway and the gas attack we just walked through beg to differ."
The guard just glared at me and resumed covering his sightline with his weapon.
Suddenly I feel a surge of power and notice a blue flash behind us.
I spin and pull out my dice
Roll Alertness at Average +1
0 = +0 +0 +0 +0 0
Vs. Athletics at Good +3 (this is gonna suck)
1 = +1 -1 +0 +1 0
0+1=1 Vs 1+3=4 Fuck
Im not fast enough to do shit
I spin around just in time to see a mage with space runes on her arms (light blue glow fading fast) accompanied by 3 kitchen crew armed with some unpleasant looking guns.
They are now behind all our barricades and other forms of cover and are in perfect position to light us all up.
They have a lot of targets to pick from
Rough groupings are:
1 me and my guards from the cabin i was in plus the two that joined up in the gas attack
2 crowd of civilians we led through the gas attack
3 Sir Yes Sir and his contingent of guards
4 Crowd of civilians Sir Yes Sir was leading out from the other hallway.
3 guys with guns
only one group is getting out of this without someone shooting at them. Roll 1D4 to see who is the lucky grouping:
3 = 3[d4]
Great, Im getting shot at.
I take note it look like the civilians are the priority target since they are leaving what is probably the most dangerous group of armed opponents untargeted. They must really want that money conference to not happen.
Im just gonna quick roll who many casualties among the civilian groups:
Group 2:
3 = 3[d8]
3 of group 2 are hit and go down hard. (I guessed there were a total of 15 or 16 suits and employees in that group and figured a max of 8 could be hit with with automatic fire sprayed out in an arc.)
Group 4 (same assumptions as group 2):
8 = 8[d8]
Damn. 8 go down
aand now me: (this is gonna suck)
I will just roll to see if I get hit and will make a quick fudge to see in any of my guards are hit.
Dodge is athletics, which I have at mediocre +0
-1 = +1 -1 -1 +0 0
This guy got a gun skill of Fair +2, but is firing on full auto which is a -2 penalty for a net of +0
-1 = +1 +0 -1 -1 0
WHEW WEEE! A Tie! All ties go to the player!
now a quick yes/no at 50/50 to see if any of my guards are hit:
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
so Yes one is hit
its bad so most likely KIA.
(this Game Master Emulator is upping the drama pretty good.)
Fuck these guys!
Initiative (for teh sake of keeping it simple, this combat will focus on the mage group ambushing us and me and my 3 remaining guards. so a 4 on 4. A quick fudge at the end of each round will determine if any of the other groups are affected during this fight):
Initiative goes:
My Guard1
My Guard2
Opfor 1
My Guard3
My guards gun +3, athletics(dodge) +3
opfor gun +2, Athletics(dodge) +3
My guards Phys stress 4
Opfor Phys stress 2 (they be Wirrrery)
OpMage has Space magic and (I created a randomizer for the different types of mages there are. Most civilians have 2 magic specializations so I will use this randomizer to determine what other magic she has. If the randomizer says Space, then she is only a spacemage and has no other magic abilities other than those covered by Space magic.)
oh fuck it would be that wouldnt it? FUCK this GM Emulator hates me.
Lemme explain --- Energymage: Controls all types of energy.
SO in other words, Electrical Energy, Mechanical Energy, Kinetic Energy, -----You see how *This* kind of Mage can seriously Fuck Up Your Day?!?!
OpMage Phys stress 2 (she a petite little thing) Mental Stress 4 (naturally for a mage)
Space magic and Energy magic along with the rune of power all mages get allowing use of circles, scrolls, and relics or artifacts.
She has done that teleportation with three others and she did it on the spot without using a circle. So Im gonna fill her #2 stress box to reflect that expenditure of power.
I'll give OpMage the same Wil and Lore I have
Here goes:
-1 = -1 +1 +0 -1 0
op1 doge
-1 = +0 +0 -1 +0 0
+3=2 tie goes to player (me) so G1 hit Lets say the gun is a pretty lethal beast so I'll make it a weapon+3
Opfor1 takes mild consequence "hit but not bad" for -2 and fills #1 Phys stress
1 = +0 +1 +0 +0 0
G2 mirror of G1
opfor2 doge
0 = +0 +0 -1 +1 0
G2 hit with +1success weapon +3 for 4 total stress
Op2 takes moderate consequence "flesh wound"
2 = +0 +1 +1 +0 0
G1 doge
-2 = -1 +1 -1 -1 0
FUCK! 2+2-1 =3success with +3 weapon = 6Stress Mild conceq and #4 stress box
G3 gonna give him a heavier weapon, a +4Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW)
1 = +1 +1 -1 +0 0
-1 = -1 +1 -1 +0 0
3-2=1success +4weapon = 5 Stress Mod conseq and #1 stress box
-1 = +0 +1 -1 -1 0
G2 doge
0 = +1 +1 -1 -1 0
clean miss
-1 = +0 -1 -1 +1 0
G3 doge
0 = -1 -1 +1 +1 0
clean miss (woah, de ja vu)
OpMage Magic Attack (works the same as I described before)
Lightning to G1
1 = +1 -1 +1 +0 0
G1 used his doge already so he has to take the full hit so a 5 success Hit! Fill#3 mental stress (power+1) for a +4 electric attack total +9 Ho-Lee SHE-IT
G1 Severe Conseq -6 and #3stress box
---------------------------------My Turn Bitch!
Lets see how you like weighing 10X your current mass!
Tap aspect Loyal to paycheck again (I only get the bonus if I survive remember?) to gain +2 success. Use -1fate point (have 1 FP left) Add +1power (2 mental stress, #2box filled so I fill #3box)
3 = +1 +1 +1 +0 0
NICE!!!!!!!!!! Bout time I see a good roll here! Went for a +4Great effect Lore is 3 roll a 3 means I got the 4 I needed and I have 2 extra successes +2 from the Fate point I have 4extra Successes
I am not attacking but I am placing a maneuver using Force of Gravity!
Use 1 extra success to increase area so I catch all 4 bad guys in the effect
use 1 extra success to increase duration so this effect will last 2 full rounds (next round and round after)I will fill #1 and #4 stress boxes to hold the effect
Use last 2 successes to increase effect from +4Great to +6Fantastic
There is a glow of blue again from the Force runes on my arms and a blue glow on the floor under the OpFor guys.
The sounds of crumbling rock and creaking floors and ceiling fill the air.
There is a strange humm heard and there is an odd blurring of everything seen inside the area affected by the blue glow of my magic.
All 4 of them suddenly drop to their knees and have the aspect "A Black Hole is where God divided by Zero!" placed upon them.
All actions they take will have a -6 penalty for two rounds
G1 is up. He not doing too good. But he keeps soldiering on
1 = +0 +0 +1 +0 0
OpFor1 Doge +3 my effect-6 = -3, AND G1 will take his free tap of the aspect "hit but not bad" to give him another -2 so -5 total
0 = +1 -1 +0 +0 0
-5 vs 4success so 9 success with a +3 weapon = 12 total stress
Mild conseq -2 already used, #1 stress box already used. Moderate Conseq -4stress, Severe -6stress #2stress box This guy has zero stress left to take. He is taken out
G2 Will tap moderate conseq aspect I didnt name for an additional 2 success.
1 = +0 +1 -1 +1 0
OpFor2 3-6=-3
-1 = -1 +0 +1 -1 0
-3-1 aspect tap -2 -6total against 4successes so 10success with a +3 weapon for 13 stress
Moderate conseq -4 already used
#1 and #2 stress box is 3 stress Mild conseq is 2 more Severe Conseq 6stress for a total of 11. Zero stress left plus 2 extra This guy is no more.
OpFor1 is unc
G3 gonna mirror G2 again in action attacking OpFor3
3 = +1 +1 +0 +1 0
Is there any reason to bother OpFor3?
0 = +1 +1 -1 -1 0
added up we get -5 vs 6success for 11 total success with a +4 weapon for 15 success, Yea no point in going on this guy is SO not among the living anymore
OpFor2 and OpFor3 both down
Stares wide eyed at how fast her comrades were taken out and strains under the weight of my gravity effect to lift her arms above her head in the universal signal of surrender, working to force enough breath from her lungs so she can wimper out "Stop Please! I Give Up!, I Surrender!"
A quick survey of the surroundings looks like all the fighting is over. Sir Yes Sir appears to have taken a few prisoners over there too. - So, - I guess that's an option?
G2 starts tending first aid to G1 and starts yelling "MEDIC! NEED A MEDIC OVER HERE!"
G3 moves over to the edge of my glowing gravity effect and has his heavy weapon aimed right at OpMage's head. He gives me a quick nod and I drop the effect. He rapidly moves over to the OpMage telling her to lie face down on the floor with hands behind her head, she passively complies. She almost looks like she is crying.
This is a right mess
"YOU THINK YOU'LL GET AWAY WITH THIS? NO ONE INTERFERES WITH MY PLANS! NO ONE!" Mathias is practically foaming at the mouth as he screams at the gunmen that have surrendered.
G4, I really should have spent some time learning their names, directs OpMage to the cluster of prisoners and has her sit on the floor with the others. I follow along to watch what happens next.
Mathias sneers at the people who have killed or wounded a significant number of his employees and potential business partners.
"Tell me," He snaps at OpMage, "What exactly were you promised for this?"
OpMage sniffs and looks up at him with red and teary eyes. "We were promised nothing for doing this. But we were promised homelessness and slavery if we didn't, and your plans came to pass."
"Really? Is that so?"
"We know what you have planned for this system."
"And what do I have planned?"
"The same thing your kind always plans. Exploitation of the people and destruction of the land with the utmost efficiency."
"HAHAHAHahaha! Same old platitudes. You worthless leaches have no vision of your own so you stoop to trying to stop mine! My vision will lead this system to the forefront of industrial innovation! With my vision Dzhebariki will become the Alpha Centauri of the rim!"
"With your vision you will become the Khmer Rouge of the Protectorate."
---this conversation is starting to feel like a history test I didn't study for.
"Enough of this bullshit. Commander Ogarkov!"
"Yea?" --that sounded a bit out of character for Sir Yes Sir.
"Eliminate these leaches."
There was an audible gasp from the prisoners. OpMage visibly started crying. And I suddenly really don't like this Mathias fellow.
Compel "So there is a heart under there"
"I have to object that course of action." WTF did I just do? (+1 Fate Point)