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I wanna try a dungeon crawl too! ^_^

Dungeon map

Are there many exits here?

(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.


(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...

5 = 5[d6]

Any doors?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

Any of those hallways sticking out in any way?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

Which one?

2 = 2[d6]

Any other ones?

(50/50 | 3[d10]) No.

What's special about it?

Haggle / Animals.

Like sounds?

(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.

A sign?

(50/50 | 3[d10]) No. +Event: Expose / Weapons


(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...

Do we see it?

(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.

We know it because we've just been there?

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and... +Event: Dominate / The mundane

They come in?

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...

So how do we know?

Usurp / Bureaucracy.

We have some kind of bill that says so or something.

(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.

How's that even a 50/50 thing?

Someone told us?

(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but... +Event: Befriend / The public

I go to that pig's market.

(Smell is it?)

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

SO is it a room?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

Any exits?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.


(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.


(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

4 = 4[d4]

Is it big?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

What direction was it, btw?

6 = 6[d8]


So they sell pigs here?

(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...

Special pigs?

(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.

Is it a goblin's market?

(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.

Do they think it's weird we are here?

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...

And there are other non goblins here as well.

(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.

Anything else here for sell than pigs?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

What kind of magical stuff do they have?

Heal / Balance.

Should buy couple of those.


(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...


(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...

2 = 2[d6]

6 = 6[d20]

Were those potions?

(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...


(50/50 | 4[d10]) No. +Event: Decrease / Fame

They think we are dorks now?

(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...

We think they are dorks?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

Do they have any weapons?

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...


(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...

Probably not so great.

K, any of those exits any special?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

What's special about it?

Trust / Liberty.

It just "feels" right.

(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.

Where is it?

4 = 4[d8]


Okay, let's go there. What do we have here?

Imprison / The intellectual.

It's some kind of prison?

(Somewhat Likely | 1[d10]) No, and...

Something to do with dogmatism?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

But someone's imprisoned here?

(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...

More than one person?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.


(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...


(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.


(50/50 | 4[d10]) No. +Event: Befriend / Ambush


(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...

D12 then?

(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...

1 = 1[d12]

This is a little bit funny. ^_^

Who is it?

Refuse / Nature.

He likes to stay inside?

(50/50 | 3[d10]) No.

Would he like to be freed?

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...

Does he have anything special to offer?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

What is it?

Create / Investment.

We should give him money?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

Hey, why not? Let's give him some. ^_^

16 = 16[d20]

K, any exits?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.


(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.


(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...

We use one of the other exits. Let's flip a coin:

2 = 2[d2]

Where is it?

2 = 2[d8]

Not that one, that's where we started.

8 = 8[d8]

What's going on here?

Bestow / Suffering.

A torture chamber?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

Is it about taxes?

(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.

Maybe a toll booth?

(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...

For a bridge?

(50/50 | 3[d10]) No.

Any exits?

(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...


(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes. +Event: Take / Portals

Og you can use a portal here?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

Never mind that would interfere with my map making. Does it lead to more tha one location?

(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.