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Full Version: Need Advice: Epic Cthulhu Invictus campaign with magic and comedy
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(Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section)

After getting maimed by a Byakhee, shanked by a ghoul in New York, mauled by Deep Ones, getting falcon-punched out of a basalt castle by He-Who-Shalt-Not-Be-Named and getting finished off by Leng Spiders, violated by a Shoggoth and finally, accidentally summoning Chaugnar Faugn and trying to appease him, but then getting a critical failure, I've had enough....

I'm planning on starting a setting/system-spanning campaign going as far back as Cthulhu Invictus (or further) and finally reaching Cthulhutech or Cthonian Stars.

The big difference in this campaign is that, my character can use magic almost freely. ALMOST. Since some stuff is still gonna go wrong but he won't be able to notice most of it because I'm giving him my home-brewed "Dense" intrinsic which makes him oblivious to most of the negative effects of his magical shenanigans.

I'll be using the BRP Basic Magic, The Magic Book (BRP), and BRP classic fantasy with spells getting renamed to their Lovecraftian equivalents.

My game is gonna start with a prologue of my Druid character and some NPCs doing a ritual for Nauda (Nodens, he's part of a small cult worshipping Nodens in the Severn Valley amongst the Iceni) but then the NPCs mess up their rolls and gets me sucked into the Dreamlands to Tir Nan Og where I meet with Nodens and Hypnos who then grant me wizard powahs in return for hunting Mythos.

Just need some advice on how I can pull this off without breaking too many rules. I know Cthulhu games are suppose to be played seriously but I've died too many times in so many ridiculous ways it's starting to get funny....

I also need advice on what name I should give this character and what picture I should use. (Preferably a popular American comedy actor since my game is gonna end up being a comedy anyway since I have trouble taking things seriously. Which is probably why the keeper likes to kill me off most of the time... Sad )

I say keep taking it serious. If you start getting into the habit of saying it's just a comedy and you'll die then you'll not become better at it; you'll not learn, grow, or enjoy the nuances and insight you can glean from a slow, serious, and deliberate adventure.

This is life or death. Your decisions are grave and much is at stake.

You've been given another chance.

Don't waste it.
(01-20-2015, 09:09 AM)Mark Wrote: [ -> ]I say keep taking it serious.  If you start getting into the habit of saying it's just a comedy and you'll die then you'll not become better at it; you'll not learn, grow, or enjoy the nuances and insight you can glean from a slow, serious, and deliberate adventure.

This is life or death.  Your decisions are grave and much is at stake.

You've been given another chance.

Don't waste it.

Thanks for the reply admin!

I just got the Dark Mirror monograph for Call of Cthulhu which has some neat rules for playing as a cultist/sorcerer while still keeping the game deadly.

Do you have any suggestions on using your console to play pre-made campaigns like Masks of Nyarlathotep, Beyond the Mountains of Madness, etc.? Even if it's just a theory.

I can't seem to find a gaming group where I live and online who have the same time that I do. I got Beyond the Mountains of Madness for a guy who said he'd be a keeper but he left for something important. The campaigns in CoC are really interesting and I wish to try them out, even if the randomness of RPGSolo makes them play out differently then what is written.

(02-05-2015, 10:10 PM)cpaprox Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have any suggestions on using your console to play pre-made campaigns like Masks of Nyarlathotep, Beyond the Mountains of Madness, etc.? Even if it's just a theory.


Yes! Pretend you are with a live person game master.  You read the game intro and setting and determine your starting location.

Then when you're ready to start you can use the Question Mark "?" button to prompt you to action.

Then use the tool to answer questions that you would normally direct to a gm.

That's the theory side.  If you're stuck on a specific let me know.