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Find the particle gun at the psionic mansion.
Equipped with my brain protecting helmet, I knock on the front door, then run around the back and hide. Someone comes to the door. Do they come outside to investigate?
As they walk past the bush I was hiding behind, I leap out and attempt to tackle them. Do I manage to get them on the ground?
Great! Now all I have to do is knock them unconscious. Can I manage that with my bare hands?
Crap, this isn't as easy as I thought it would be. The man swings for me. Does he hit me?
Yes, and...
...he knocks my helmet off my head! Oh no, if this man is a psionic, then surely I'm screwed! Is he?
I'm safe. I take another swing at him to try to knock him out...
No, and...
...he manages to let out a cry for help that will surely be heard by others inside the mansion! I climb off the man and try to retreat. Does he follow me?
He chases me. I look back to see if anyone else heard the scream and might be coming out of the house...
Yes, but...
...it's just a cat. Not sure if that's a good sign or not. As i run, I pick up a large stick on the ground and swing it around quickly to try to catch the man off guard, do I hit him?
No, but...
...startled, he slides to the ground anyway. With my big stick in hand, do I have the murderous will to bash in the man's head? All for the particle gun?
Yes, and...
..., as his head crunches under the makeshift club, I notice a key ring with a few keys on it attached to his back pocket. I take it.
Did I get any blood on me?
Good, that'll make it easier to play cool if I get caught. I walk back to the house. Should I try going in the open front door?
No one has come out, so it's probably fine. The cat watches me as I grab my helmet, put it back on, and walk into the front door. What appeared as a mansion on the outside was actually...
Heavily fortified dormitory.
This must be where they live! Which wasn't actually all that much different than what I thought it was as a mansion, really. But what I didn't expect to see in front of me was
Reams and reams of paper. Blank. All different colors. Weird. Well, I should keep looking for the particle gun. Do I see any clues as to where it might be?
Yes, but...
A door is labeled "particle gun storage", but it's obviously locked. I'll try the keys. Does one of them work?
Darn! I need to make sure no one is coming. Is anyone there?
Yes, but...
It's the cat again. He's staring at me from the doorway. Isn't there something strange about that cat?
It's perfectly normal. Just my nerves. I'll search around a little bit. Maybe in this room. Peeking through a doorway, I see a room full of...
...to what I'm not sure. This must be the infirmary. I take a vial. Maybe it'll be useful later. I move down the hallway. What's in the next door?
The garage. I'll keep this in mind if I need to make a getaway. Maybe I should check if one of the keys I have goes to the bike...
Still a mystery. There is a picture on the wall that catches my attention. It's of...
Looks like a nice place. Not here though, and not important. I go back into the hallway, and are those footsteps I hear?
No, and...
I'm not sure why I thought that, because I don't hear anything now. The house is extremely quiet. I need to check out the next room. Is there even another door?
Good, let's have a look inside. Is there someone inside?
No, but...
...it certainly looks like someone was here recently. The smell was still in the air of fresh...
...definitely suspicious. Definitely in the right place for the particle gun. This might be a better escape method when the time comes. I look at it. Is there an obvious way to turn it on?
I'm not rocket scientist. I won't be going anywhere with this unless I have help. I'll move onto another area of the mansion/dormitory. Should I go up the stairs?
Probably not. Doesn't seem like that would be the right choice. How about down into the basement?
No, but...
...there is another hallway! I can keep exploring without going up OR down! Great! I enter the kitchen. Is that dinner I smell?
No, and...
...it doesn't appear to have been used in a long time. Weird. That guy must not be much of a cook. What's that on the counter?
Strange. Maybe some kind of psionic ritual. I peer into the mirror. is that my face?
Obviously. Does the helmet look silly on me?
I feel momentarily embarrassed. But its not important. There's a large walk in closet full of
Old flare gun.
As many as I can carry. Hmm, how many should I take...?
5 = 5[d6]
I put 2 in each pocket, and carry a 5th for good measure. Should I try one out to see if it'll work?
It'll work. No doubt. Now to look for that key. If only there was someone around to ask. I hope I didn't kill the only inhabitant of the house! Did I?
Good. Oh wait, what about the cat? Is there anyone living here besides the guy I killed and the cat?
Whew! Now I just have to find him. I've already ruled out upstairs and the basement for some reason. Maybe I should start looking for secret doors?
I knew it! I begin pulling and twisting anything I can find. I start with the
Ancient tomb.
book on the book shelf. That's not it. Next I try pulling the book about
Cheap electro-binoculars.
Does anything happen?
Yes, but...
I wasn't expecting it! The bookcase spins around quickly! Do I manage to hang onto all of my flare guns?
Not a problem! I find myself in what appears to now be a
Curiouser and curiouser. I hope there aren't any clowns. Are there?
There are at least...
13 = 13[d20]
of them! Do they notice me?
I stay in the shadows. Maybe I can sneak past them and find the key. Do I see anyone besides the clowns?
Yes, but...
...he looks like he's probably just a clown on break. He's sitting at a table next to a fake clown wig. Should I try to steal the clown wig?
No, and...
...he's getting back up now anyway. Break's over I guess. He looks right toward me. Does he notice me?
No, but...
...he does seem to be walking toward the secret door. I need to act quickly. Hmm... should I shoot the flare gun at him?
I immediately rule out that idea. I dive behind a
Power droid.
I should be safe here for a second. The clown walks up to the secret door and activates it. Is that a key I see hanging off his back pocket?
Bah, I'm too eager to see what I want! It's just some glitter. The clown disappears back into the main house. Maybe I can create a distraction with this Power Droid. I press the "On" switch, does it turn on?
It lights up and starts rolling forward on its wheels! The clowns immediately turn and look. But do they see me behind it?
No, but...
They are suspicious. Droids don't just turn on by themselves. Especially Power Droids. One of them walks toward the droid. I try to leap away without being scene, but I accidentally squeeze the trigger of the flare gun in my hand! Does it go off?
Well, it doesn't work. It was meant to be. Worthless thing just saved my life! I drop it on the ground and sneak around the other side of the room while the clowns' attention is on the Droid. Is that a key I see on the table at the back of the room?
It was just a stick of gum. Worthless to me. There's another door, though. When I open it, I see
This must be related to the jet pack. Good to be safe. I step around the cloth as I move through the room and try not to trip on the cords. do I manage that?
Sure. It isn't that hard. On the other side of the room is a
and I realize that it can
This thing might be able to tell me where the key is. I pick up the goblet and shake it. "Where is the key to the Particle Gun?" I ask it. Does it know?
The words appear inside the goblet... "To find the key, you have to find...
Affectionate female craftsman.
I haven't seen any females yet. Do I see any signs of a craftsman?
Of course. Someone obviously has been hand crafting a
Oil lamp.
in this place! The trail leads into the next room. I peek inside! Surely she's there!
Darnit! But maybe the key is on the table?!
No, but...
...there's a note! "I'll be back soon." Okay great. Should I just wait here?
She'll be back. I hide behind the
After an hour, she returns. Does she notice me immediately?
Yes, and...
She saw my footprints from outside. "I know you're here", she says as she steps in the doorway. What do you want? I step into the light. Do I just tell her?
Yes, but...
...don't tell her why you really want it. "I need the key to the Particle Gun room. I'm the mechanic. I need to service it. Routine." Does she believe me?
"Bull. I do the servicing. That's why I have the key." She holds up the key. Should I try shooting her with another one of the flare guns?
Maybe one will work. I pull another one from my pocket and fire into her chest! Does it go off?
Another dud! Blast it! She backs up and screams! I need to get that key! Screw it, maybe I should just charge her!
No, dumb idea. She screams, "guards!", and moves behind her table. Maybe I can talk my way out of this...
"You're pretty good with oil lamps, huh?" I say, flatteringly. Does she buy it?
"No more out of you, silver tongue!" The first clown enters the room. "What seems to be the problem, miss?" he says. I look around for another way out of this room... is there one?
A passage from the back stands open. Maybe I can just dash out easily?
Yes, and...
...I was even able to close the door behind me and lock the door! Fantastic! But now that I turn around, is there another way out?
Yes, but...
It looks like the only way out is the corridor they use to deliver the
It's a small opening. Maybe I can fit?
No. It's for a prism. Like, a tiny one. That won't help. The clown begins to bash the door in. When it opens, should I fire the flare again?
No, and...
...in fact, I realize that I've dropped them all. bummer. I flip on the light switch. Woah, this is actually a
Darn. More clowns. Not my day.