06-13-2017, 07:42 PM
What is this?
This is going tro be gameplay from the PbtA game: Masks. Masks is a uperhero genre game based on the concept of teen/preteen heroes and heroines dealing with growing up and finding there own way. Think Teen Titans or Young Avengers.
How will I run this?
The party will be five members (the classic number when it comes to super teams) following a 'modified' five man band trope. For those unfamiliar to that trope (copy/pasted from TV tropes):
I will also use the 9q rules, written by John Fiore. These are awesome rules for solo players and if you haven't tried them, you should. They are compatible to many solo engines and games.
Link=>The pdf file is on the right side margin. Scroll down. Also, stick around and read the blog, it's awesome!.
Anywho, time to get started! This will be part one of the Leader, posting the playbook info up until the background information. Part two will follow after all five members are some what fleshed out, since that info will be needed for each of them.
-Character Creation-
Trope 1- The Leader (And will most likely be the focal point of the narrative. If I need a narrow focus on narration)
Q: Is it a woman?
A: Yes
(See? Right off the bat. So I'm justified in my earlier assumption of modifying the fiveman band concept.
So now it's time to check out what playbook, our leader will be. (Playbook is another way of saying 'class'. Masks call them playbooks.) Looking over the playbooks, two are specific with being a leader. Those two are the Protege and the Legacy. The Protege is basically a heroine trained by an already established Adult hero/heroine. Think of Robin, a sidekick of Batman. Legacy is someone who shares the same powerset as an established hero and is expected to carry the torch for them. Think Supergirl or Superboy and how the burden is on their shoulders to carry on Superman's burden if he ever retires.
Q: Is she a protege?
A: Yes, but...
(Off the top of my head she is a protege (and will use the protege playbook), but she doesn't want to be. Maybe she has a disagreement with her Mentor? We'll investigate this later, after she is more fleshed out.
Now I went to Randomlists.com and generated 12 random names.)
Q: Is her name Aiyana?
A: No but...
(More ambiguity. So her name isn't Aiyana. But maybe it used to be? A name change.)
Q: Is her name Ariel?
A: Yes but...
(We know, we know... it's not her real name
. That worked out, didn't it? Her current name is Ariel. Her real name is Aiyana.)
The playbook asks about her Gender, but we already answered that. Now her ethnicity...)
Q: Is she Asian or South Asian?
A: Yes, and...
Q: Is she also African American?
A: No
A: No
A: Yes
(Interesting. So she is Indigenous (think Native American/Tribal decent) with some Asian Lineage)
Q: Does this have to do with her name change?
A: Yes.
(Nice. So slowly her background is expanding.)
Next is her look.
Q: Does she have an Athletic body?
A: Yes.
(She is athletic, or maybe she is naturally fit? We'll learn more on this as we press on.)
Q: Is she always seen in a school uniform?
A: Yes.
(This can mean a lot of things. Maybe she lives on a campus with a strict dress code? Perhaps she has a lot of school pride? Maybe she doesn't have a deep wardrobe? Again, I shall press on, with the anticipation that this will answer itself)
Q: Is her costume colorful?
A: No
Q: Does she wear a costume similar to her Mentor?
A: Yes
(So when she is a Heroine, Ariel wears the costume similar to her mentor.
So we now move on to her abilities. She has an ability that she shares with her Mentor, an ability that she alone possess and an ability her Mentor possess.)
Q: Is their shared ability a superhuman physique?
A: Yes, but...
(From the top of my head, they are both superhumans but perhaps the source of said physique are different, which could be due to Ariel's mixed heritage?)
Q: Is this because of Ariel's mixed heritage?
A: No
(...okay, I clicked Likely, but got a no. So something else is going on here. Let's press on, though.)
Q Is Ariel's own ability weapon and gadgets?
A No and
(Going to assume that it's not her mentor's either. Going to make a note of that.)
A: No, but...
(...but it is her Mentor's.)
Q:...Detective Skills?
A: Yes.
(So recap: They are both in possession of a Superhuman Physique. Ariel has good (or I'll even say Exceptional) Detective skills. Her Mentor is good at Stealth.
My thoughts so far is that this could be a Ninja vs. Police/Detective sort of thing. Or even a Tribe vs. Modern sort of thing. Her Mentor is strong with the ways of the tribe, but Ariel is strong with the ways of the city, perhaps? She solves problems through analysis and thought and her Mentor is more hands on (I do not want to say savage or primitive, because not all indigenous tribes are)? Complexity is forming here.
This next question (or questionS depending on the answer) is going to be huge, but those of you who haven't played Masks won't be able to see why or even know what is going on yet. I'll explain it later.)
Q: Does the Mentor embody Savior?
A: No
A: Yes but...
(Okay. In this game, traits are known as Labels. The higher a Label, the more likely that said character has a 'label' placed on them. This is how the outside world see them and when someone increases a Label, this is what they think a character should be or how they view them.
Danger is a Label placed on someone seen as Threatening, Strong, Bloody Knuckled, and Risky.
Other people see a character as a Danger when they think they should steer clear of that character, mostly out of fear of harm.
A character views themselves as Danger when the are afraid they will hurt others and/or they feel they can take down dangerous threats.
In this case, the Mentor is someone who not only take out threats, but does so brutally and 'unseen' (remember Stealth, right?), therefore, the logical conclusion I can come up with is that of an Assassin. So perhaps the tribe is Ninja clan-ish in nature? Ariel is her new name, but in the clan, she is known as Aiyana?
Okay, that sounds decent. Now for the label the Mentor denies
Q: Does the Mentor denies Superior?
A: No
(Another Very Likely question that was shot down. I cutted to the chase and asked this because it made sense. Ariel has Detective Skills and Superior Label delves in the 'smartest person in the room' vibe. But the answer is no, so lets forge on)
Q: ...denies Savior?
A: Yes and...
(So Savior is when a character sees themselves as defending, guarding, protecting and stalwart. People se a character as a Savior when they think the character as noble, or selfsacrificing, maybe a bit over bearing and moralizing. They see themselves as Saviors when they feel themselves as a matyr, someone who gladly sacrifices to protect and defend others.
...and the mentor denies this.
This is sounding more and more like a League of Shadows, here. People who cares less about the safety and well being of others and more about the eradication of evil no matter the cost.
Can't wait to find out who he or she is and we're close to doing so. First, it time to actually find out the Labels (traits) of Ariel.
Now the Labels are (repeating the ones already mentioned for simplicty sake):
Danger: seeing yourself as threatening, strong, bloody-knuckled, and risky. Other people see you as a danger when they think they should steer clear of you because you might bring them harm. You see yourself as a danger when you believe you can take down other dangerous threats, and when you think you yourself are a threat to other people.
Freak: seeing yourself as strange, unusual, unique, and powerful. Other people see you as a freak when they think you’re odd, unlike them, something unnatural or outside of their understanding. You see yourself as a freak when you accept and own the things you can do that no one else can, and when you think you don’t belong with the people and the world around you.
Savior: seeing yourself as defending, guarding, protecting, and stalwart. Other people see you as a savior when they think of you as noble or selfsacrificing, or a bit overbearing and moralizing. You see yourself as a savior when you think of yourself as a martyr, someone who gladly sacrifices to protect and defend others.
Superior: seeing yourself as smart, capable, crafty, and quick. Other people see you as superior when they think you’re the smartest person in the room, an arrogant and egotistical jerk. You see yourself as superior when you think you’re cleverer than everyone else, and when you know exactly what to say to make the people around you do what you want.
Mundane: seeing yourself as normal, human, empathetic, and understanding. Other people see you as mundane when they think of you as all too normal and uninteresting, but also comprehending and sympathetic. You see yourself as mundane when you think you’re regular, just a person, not special, and focused on normal human things like feelings and emotions.
The base stats for a Protege are Danger -1, Freak 0, Savior +1(+1 to make that +2, more on that in a sec), Superior +2, Mundane 0
I get to add +1 to one of these and based on the above info (The fact that Ariel disagrees with her Mentor and that her Mentor denies Savior), +1 goes to Savior. So she sees her self as smart and clever, as well as a person who will sacrifice her self to save others.)
Next is her backstory. The playbook conveniently has questions set up for me to ask. XD)
Q: How did you (Ariel) first meet your mentor?
A: Trust/Travel
(So Ariel trusted The Mentor once upon a time. And they traveled together. Let's break away from the background questions for a second to investigate a few key important facts:
First, the Mentor. We know the Mentor is likely a Ninja or Assassin. Very hands on, but also values keeping things clean and unseen. Not too keen in self sacrifice or saving others (possibly because the clan itself doesn't believe in emotional attachments).
Q: Is the mentor a woman?
A: Yes.
(So Woman Ninja. A Kunoichi. And I'm calling the Clan, the White Lotus. Why?
Aiyani, Ariel's clan name, means “Blossoming” or “Eternal Flower”. So the name scheme matches the Clan. What to name the Mentor?
One Google search later: Hamsini. “One who is on a lotus”. Very on the nose. Very Comic Booky. I love it. However, the travel thing. Why were they travelling together?)
Q: Are they related?
A: No, but...
(So they share a bond, but are NOT related. Not by blood, anyway)
Q: Why were they together?
A: Praise/News
(Praise and news? Praise is linked to religion. News could mean anything information related. Religious information in comic books is usually a prophecy. A prophecy links them together? Or maybe a religious ritual within the clan linked them together. The travel part could be them isolating themselves for said ritual. The trust could have gathered from same. They relied on each other so heavily, that they couldn't help but trust each other.
With that settled, let's continue the background questions
Q: When and why did you choose to train with them?
A: This was already answered. The White Lotus Ritual.
(But to flesh things out: The White Lotus follow the same teaching similar to the Jedi/Sith, that being that there is a master and an apprentice.)
Q: Why did they agree to train you?
A: Ritual. Moving along.
Q: Who else, outside the team (implying that the team already knows, a fact I'll delve into in part two), knows about your training?
(Inspect and Jealousy? I thought of an interesting twist here: Ariel's foster parents. Perhaps detectives themselves? Further more, the 'Jealousy' part could be coming from the 'Motherly' competition between Ariel's mom and Hamsini, both competing to raise Ariel in their image.)
Q: Why do you care about the team?
A: Move/Technology
(I like to thank my anthropology college teacher for this one. 'Technology' is more than just computers and such. Technology is a way of life. Setting a fire, for example, is a form of technology. The wheel is a form of technology. Copy/pasted:
“Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines which can be operated without detailed knowledge of their workings. The human species' use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools.”
The Team must've helped her settle into her new home. The team may even be her extended family?
Anywho, this concludes the Leader part one. Aiyani, the Eternal Flower (Or even, the Eternal Lotus? I'll stick with that, as it sounds even more awesome!)
The character creation will continue next post with the Lancer part one!
Till then, I'll like some feed back. Any thing you feel I should flesh out or clarrify with Aiyani?
This is going tro be gameplay from the PbtA game: Masks. Masks is a uperhero genre game based on the concept of teen/preteen heroes and heroines dealing with growing up and finding there own way. Think Teen Titans or Young Avengers.
How will I run this?
The party will be five members (the classic number when it comes to super teams) following a 'modified' five man band trope. For those unfamiliar to that trope (copy/pasted from TV tropes):
- The Leader — (lead singer) The leader of the group. Can be a mastermind, charismatic, levelheaded, headstrong, or some combination of the four. Often also The Hero.
- The Lancer — (lead guitar) Usually a contrast to The Leader. If the Leader is clean-cut and/or uptight, the Lancer is a grizzled Anti-Hero or Deadpan Snarker; if the Leader is driven and somewhat amoral, the Lancer is more relaxed and level-headed.
- The Smart Guy — (keyboardist) The physically weak, but intelligent or clever member. Often nerdy and awkwardly played for comic relief. Sometimes unconventionally young (early- to mid-teens). Sometimes a Trickster and a buddy of the Big Guy.
- The Big Guy — (drummer) The strongman of the team. May be dumb. Or mute.
- The Chick — (vocal effects, tambourine) A peacekeeping role to balance out the other members' aggression, bringing them to a nice or at least manageable medium. The Chick is often considered the heart of the group. This role is played by a woman or girl. Someone female. Otherwise, it is not a Five-Man Band.
I will also use the 9q rules, written by John Fiore. These are awesome rules for solo players and if you haven't tried them, you should. They are compatible to many solo engines and games.
Link=>The pdf file is on the right side margin. Scroll down. Also, stick around and read the blog, it's awesome!.
Anywho, time to get started! This will be part one of the Leader, posting the playbook info up until the background information. Part two will follow after all five members are some what fleshed out, since that info will be needed for each of them.
-Character Creation-
Trope 1- The Leader (And will most likely be the focal point of the narrative. If I need a narrow focus on narration)
Q: Is it a woman?
A: Yes
(See? Right off the bat. So I'm justified in my earlier assumption of modifying the fiveman band concept.
So now it's time to check out what playbook, our leader will be. (Playbook is another way of saying 'class'. Masks call them playbooks.) Looking over the playbooks, two are specific with being a leader. Those two are the Protege and the Legacy. The Protege is basically a heroine trained by an already established Adult hero/heroine. Think of Robin, a sidekick of Batman. Legacy is someone who shares the same powerset as an established hero and is expected to carry the torch for them. Think Supergirl or Superboy and how the burden is on their shoulders to carry on Superman's burden if he ever retires.
Q: Is she a protege?
A: Yes, but...
(Off the top of my head she is a protege (and will use the protege playbook), but she doesn't want to be. Maybe she has a disagreement with her Mentor? We'll investigate this later, after she is more fleshed out.
Now I went to Randomlists.com and generated 12 random names.)
Q: Is her name Aiyana?
A: No but...
(More ambiguity. So her name isn't Aiyana. But maybe it used to be? A name change.)
Q: Is her name Ariel?
A: Yes but...
(We know, we know... it's not her real name

The playbook asks about her Gender, but we already answered that. Now her ethnicity...)
Q: Is she Asian or South Asian?
A: Yes, and...
Q: Is she also African American?
A: No
A: No
A: Yes
(Interesting. So she is Indigenous (think Native American/Tribal decent) with some Asian Lineage)
Q: Does this have to do with her name change?
A: Yes.
(Nice. So slowly her background is expanding.)
Next is her look.
Q: Does she have an Athletic body?
A: Yes.
(She is athletic, or maybe she is naturally fit? We'll learn more on this as we press on.)
Q: Is she always seen in a school uniform?
A: Yes.
(This can mean a lot of things. Maybe she lives on a campus with a strict dress code? Perhaps she has a lot of school pride? Maybe she doesn't have a deep wardrobe? Again, I shall press on, with the anticipation that this will answer itself)
Q: Is her costume colorful?
A: No
Q: Does she wear a costume similar to her Mentor?
A: Yes
(So when she is a Heroine, Ariel wears the costume similar to her mentor.
So we now move on to her abilities. She has an ability that she shares with her Mentor, an ability that she alone possess and an ability her Mentor possess.)
Q: Is their shared ability a superhuman physique?
A: Yes, but...
(From the top of my head, they are both superhumans but perhaps the source of said physique are different, which could be due to Ariel's mixed heritage?)
Q: Is this because of Ariel's mixed heritage?
A: No
(...okay, I clicked Likely, but got a no. So something else is going on here. Let's press on, though.)
Q Is Ariel's own ability weapon and gadgets?
A No and
(Going to assume that it's not her mentor's either. Going to make a note of that.)
A: No, but...
(...but it is her Mentor's.)
Q:...Detective Skills?
A: Yes.
(So recap: They are both in possession of a Superhuman Physique. Ariel has good (or I'll even say Exceptional) Detective skills. Her Mentor is good at Stealth.
My thoughts so far is that this could be a Ninja vs. Police/Detective sort of thing. Or even a Tribe vs. Modern sort of thing. Her Mentor is strong with the ways of the tribe, but Ariel is strong with the ways of the city, perhaps? She solves problems through analysis and thought and her Mentor is more hands on (I do not want to say savage or primitive, because not all indigenous tribes are)? Complexity is forming here.
This next question (or questionS depending on the answer) is going to be huge, but those of you who haven't played Masks won't be able to see why or even know what is going on yet. I'll explain it later.)
Q: Does the Mentor embody Savior?
A: No
A: Yes but...
(Okay. In this game, traits are known as Labels. The higher a Label, the more likely that said character has a 'label' placed on them. This is how the outside world see them and when someone increases a Label, this is what they think a character should be or how they view them.
Danger is a Label placed on someone seen as Threatening, Strong, Bloody Knuckled, and Risky.
Other people see a character as a Danger when they think they should steer clear of that character, mostly out of fear of harm.
A character views themselves as Danger when the are afraid they will hurt others and/or they feel they can take down dangerous threats.
In this case, the Mentor is someone who not only take out threats, but does so brutally and 'unseen' (remember Stealth, right?), therefore, the logical conclusion I can come up with is that of an Assassin. So perhaps the tribe is Ninja clan-ish in nature? Ariel is her new name, but in the clan, she is known as Aiyana?
Okay, that sounds decent. Now for the label the Mentor denies

Q: Does the Mentor denies Superior?
A: No
(Another Very Likely question that was shot down. I cutted to the chase and asked this because it made sense. Ariel has Detective Skills and Superior Label delves in the 'smartest person in the room' vibe. But the answer is no, so lets forge on)
Q: ...denies Savior?
A: Yes and...
(So Savior is when a character sees themselves as defending, guarding, protecting and stalwart. People se a character as a Savior when they think the character as noble, or selfsacrificing, maybe a bit over bearing and moralizing. They see themselves as Saviors when they feel themselves as a matyr, someone who gladly sacrifices to protect and defend others.
...and the mentor denies this.
This is sounding more and more like a League of Shadows, here. People who cares less about the safety and well being of others and more about the eradication of evil no matter the cost.
Can't wait to find out who he or she is and we're close to doing so. First, it time to actually find out the Labels (traits) of Ariel.
Now the Labels are (repeating the ones already mentioned for simplicty sake):
Danger: seeing yourself as threatening, strong, bloody-knuckled, and risky. Other people see you as a danger when they think they should steer clear of you because you might bring them harm. You see yourself as a danger when you believe you can take down other dangerous threats, and when you think you yourself are a threat to other people.
Freak: seeing yourself as strange, unusual, unique, and powerful. Other people see you as a freak when they think you’re odd, unlike them, something unnatural or outside of their understanding. You see yourself as a freak when you accept and own the things you can do that no one else can, and when you think you don’t belong with the people and the world around you.
Savior: seeing yourself as defending, guarding, protecting, and stalwart. Other people see you as a savior when they think of you as noble or selfsacrificing, or a bit overbearing and moralizing. You see yourself as a savior when you think of yourself as a martyr, someone who gladly sacrifices to protect and defend others.
Superior: seeing yourself as smart, capable, crafty, and quick. Other people see you as superior when they think you’re the smartest person in the room, an arrogant and egotistical jerk. You see yourself as superior when you think you’re cleverer than everyone else, and when you know exactly what to say to make the people around you do what you want.
Mundane: seeing yourself as normal, human, empathetic, and understanding. Other people see you as mundane when they think of you as all too normal and uninteresting, but also comprehending and sympathetic. You see yourself as mundane when you think you’re regular, just a person, not special, and focused on normal human things like feelings and emotions.
The base stats for a Protege are Danger -1, Freak 0, Savior +1(+1 to make that +2, more on that in a sec), Superior +2, Mundane 0
I get to add +1 to one of these and based on the above info (The fact that Ariel disagrees with her Mentor and that her Mentor denies Savior), +1 goes to Savior. So she sees her self as smart and clever, as well as a person who will sacrifice her self to save others.)
Next is her backstory. The playbook conveniently has questions set up for me to ask. XD)
Q: How did you (Ariel) first meet your mentor?
A: Trust/Travel
(So Ariel trusted The Mentor once upon a time. And they traveled together. Let's break away from the background questions for a second to investigate a few key important facts:
First, the Mentor. We know the Mentor is likely a Ninja or Assassin. Very hands on, but also values keeping things clean and unseen. Not too keen in self sacrifice or saving others (possibly because the clan itself doesn't believe in emotional attachments).
Q: Is the mentor a woman?
A: Yes.
(So Woman Ninja. A Kunoichi. And I'm calling the Clan, the White Lotus. Why?
Aiyani, Ariel's clan name, means “Blossoming” or “Eternal Flower”. So the name scheme matches the Clan. What to name the Mentor?
One Google search later: Hamsini. “One who is on a lotus”. Very on the nose. Very Comic Booky. I love it. However, the travel thing. Why were they travelling together?)
Q: Are they related?
A: No, but...
(So they share a bond, but are NOT related. Not by blood, anyway)
Q: Why were they together?
A: Praise/News
(Praise and news? Praise is linked to religion. News could mean anything information related. Religious information in comic books is usually a prophecy. A prophecy links them together? Or maybe a religious ritual within the clan linked them together. The travel part could be them isolating themselves for said ritual. The trust could have gathered from same. They relied on each other so heavily, that they couldn't help but trust each other.
With that settled, let's continue the background questions

Q: When and why did you choose to train with them?
A: This was already answered. The White Lotus Ritual.
(But to flesh things out: The White Lotus follow the same teaching similar to the Jedi/Sith, that being that there is a master and an apprentice.)
Q: Why did they agree to train you?
A: Ritual. Moving along.
Q: Who else, outside the team (implying that the team already knows, a fact I'll delve into in part two), knows about your training?
(Inspect and Jealousy? I thought of an interesting twist here: Ariel's foster parents. Perhaps detectives themselves? Further more, the 'Jealousy' part could be coming from the 'Motherly' competition between Ariel's mom and Hamsini, both competing to raise Ariel in their image.)
Q: Why do you care about the team?
A: Move/Technology
(I like to thank my anthropology college teacher for this one. 'Technology' is more than just computers and such. Technology is a way of life. Setting a fire, for example, is a form of technology. The wheel is a form of technology. Copy/pasted:
“Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines which can be operated without detailed knowledge of their workings. The human species' use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools.”
The Team must've helped her settle into her new home. The team may even be her extended family?
Anywho, this concludes the Leader part one. Aiyani, the Eternal Flower (Or even, the Eternal Lotus? I'll stick with that, as it sounds even more awesome!)
The character creation will continue next post with the Lancer part one!
Till then, I'll like some feed back. Any thing you feel I should flesh out or clarrify with Aiyani?