08-22-2018, 04:31 AM
I'm starting a new thread. Sci Fi this time.
(You might also enjoy my Zombie Apocalypse story... Jodi's Story)
Episode 1 - Beginnings (see below)
Episode 2 - Anomaly
Episode 3 - Planetside
Episode 4 - Bravo
Episode 5 - Charlie
Episode 6 - Activation
Episode 7 - Secrets
Episode 8 - Paradise
Episode 9 - Discovery
Episode 10 - Softening
Episode 11 - Survey
Episode 12 - Message
Episode 13 - Coils
Episode 14 - History
Episode 15 - Encounter
Episode 16 - Rodeo
Episode 17 - Chameleons
Episode 18 - Divinity
Episode 19 - Xenodoc
Episode 20 - Terminal
Episode 21 - Apocalypse
Episode 22 - Preparations
Episode 23 - Droplets
Episode 24 - Formation
Episode 25 - Stormfront
Episode 26 - Gravity
Episode 27 - Decision
Episode 28 - Sacrifice
Episode 29 - Ancillary
Episode 30 - Flight
Episode 31 - Landing
Episode 32 - Mutiny
Episode 33 - Captain
Episode 34 - Ending
About the Setting
For the Setting, I've always loved Jack Cambell's military sci-fi books. So, I'm borrowing loosely from that, but many things will be different because I can't remember everything. Think of it as a rough approximation / alternate universe around the time period of his Genesis Fleet series. Colonies are going far and wide with lots of exploration, and there the farther away from Earth the less oversight.
There are jump drives, but no hyper drives. This means ships have to get to an established jump point in a star system for the jump engines on the ships will take them to another system. The jump points are bi-directional, meaning they're like tubes that connect system to system. All other speeds in planetary systems are done at sub-light speeds. There is no teleportation or cloaking (at least not known to humans). This is where human space travel is currently at for this setting.
(Disclaimer- I'm not much of a sci-fi writer and have never been in the military, so this will be a bit of a challenge. I also don't know that much about science, so... well, you're going to have to voluntarily suspend your disbelief in major ways. But what the heck... It's all for fun, and it's mainly for me anyway.)
The RPG System
I'll be trying out the OneDice system, specifically the Space source book. OneDice was on sale via PDF on Bundle of Holding recently and I snagged a copy. Seems like a fast system (and I like fast systems). But then nothing is as fast as just using the buttons on the Play screen and asking questions. I might switch to something else if OneDice isn't my cup of tea.
My Character
I'm playing Ardelle Leath. She's with the Space Navy, and over the last five years, she's gone through basic training and officer school, but this is her first real mission. She's attached to an exploration vessel called The Oracle. She works closely with the captain and the bridge as an assistant to the Science Officer. She often takes the science station. She is a member of the "backup" bridge crew, not the main crew.
Here are her stats:
Ardelle Leath
Strong 2
Quick 2
Clever 2
Health 6
Defense 6
Move 20
Science 1
Research 1
Lore 1
Shooting 1
Sneak 1
Analysis 1
Stunt Points: 6
Our vessel is The Oracle, a large exploration spacecraft with enough crew quarters to house up to 120 people and enough food and supplies to last for several months in the great dark of space.
The Oracle (US-106)
Large Exploration Spaceship converted from a military vessel.
Strength 9
Quick 8
Health 25 + 3 (military hull) = 28
Defense 11.
Movement 5
Jump ability -/4
Cargo Capacity 100
Crew optimum number 12 (skeleton) /120 full complement
Size large
Lv Basic/E
Wp (weapons) 6 Conventional Torpedoes/Conventional
Weapon Array/2 shuttles
The Oracle has just exited a jump point. (Jump points are areas where the space time continuum is particularly thin, allowing for jump drives to activate. Jump points tie only to one other jump point.)
Why am I attached to this vessel?
Change / Fame
Life was going nowhere for Ardelle Leath. She was in a dead-end navy job that involved only theory and not a lot of real-life research. When a military science and exploration vessel named The Oracle put out posts seeking applicants, she put in for a transfer and was accepted aboard as a junior officer. She's pretty fresh in the space navy though, only an Ensign, but she's anxious to prove herself and wants to get a ship of her own someday to sail the stars.
Is the vessel in good shape when it leaves jump space?
(Likely | 9[d10]) Yes
Did I leave family behind?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes
Do I have siblings?
(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...
So I'm an only child, but have some nieces and nephews that I treat as younger siblings.
I'll say I'm in my early 20s.
On a scale of 1 to 100 what's my appearance with 100 being among the super models and most loverly of ppls?
95 = 95[d100]
Wow... okay. OneDice doesn't have a stat for charisma or appearance, so that's why I asked that. I'm pretty darn good looking I guess. That could cause problems when you stand out like that. We'll see.
Interestingly this could also explain the Change / Fame answer above. Perhaps I was super model status and needed a reality check and so joined the Mil. Sure. Why not.
Appearance: muscular (toned), green eyes, shoulder length reddish brown hair, tied in pony tail usually, and of course beautiful.
Do I have a boyfriend back home?
(Somewhat Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
And it's progressed more than just boyfriend status. It's getting serious. Are we engaged?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Yes, but there's no formal date. The idiot has cold feet. Men these days! Justin Stevens is his name if it matters.
And here we go...
Episode 1: Beginnings
The strange colorless gray of jump space finally disappeared with a lurching sensation as The Oracle twisted back into normal space, and the jump drives cut off with a dull shudder.
Ardelle never felt more grateful. Being in jump space felt decidedly odd. Her skin had begun to itch and feel rubbery, like it wasn't her own. The longer she went, the more odd it felt. Thankfully, most jumps only lasted a few days, but this one was longer, it being a jump to an unknown destination. They had been getting to the the edge of explored space for a month now, and just ten days ago had entered the jump node at Crocos. Crocos had been mapped a year earlier, but no one had been beyond it.
That was all changing.
The military, of course, had a vested interest in knowing what was down the spiral arm of the galaxy. Hence the reason for this mission to map out new star systems. While the existence of alien species was statistically rare, statistical anomalies did occur, and the upper brass wanted to be prepared should anything untoward be out there.
Time to roll up a random star system using OneDice space source book...
3 = 3[d6]
Solo star.
4 = 4[d6]
Blue to white star
1 = 1[d6]
Main sequence star. Common type.
1 = 1[d6]
Special Location
2 = 2[d6]
Meteoroid Shower
The location is subject to constant meteoroid storms
which pose a danger to any vessel entering it. All piloting TNs are increased
by 1 in this square, with any failure resulting in one dice of damage to the
ship from a meteoroid impact.
(Blue to White Solo Type F)
Number of orbits:
7 = 2[d6]+5
7 orbits
3 = 3[d6]
3 = 3[d6]
4 = 4[d6]
1 = 1[d6]
5 = 5[d6]
1 = 1[d6]
Standard Planet
Standard Planet
Standard Planet
Gas Giant (maybe with habitable moons)
Main World:
3 = 3[d6]
I'll say the planet in orbit 3.
The Oracle heads in system. Sensors immediately pick up a LOT of celestial bodies.
Is the ship's helmsmen particularly skilled?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 9[d10]) Yes
Right on! We'll say his name is Jayme Drav.
Who is our captain? Male?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
Okay. Female she is, and her name is Cpt Marsa Alestranda
Is The Oracle at optimum crew size?
(Somewhat Likely | 7[d10]) Yes
2 = 2[d6]
2 x 2 = 4 days / move of 5. = .8 days to travel between planets/orbits in this system.
Ardelle had just been on her way to the mess for breakfast three hours after exiting jump space, when the alarm started to blare. The alarm's pitch started high, dove down low and then climbed back up in pitch. Companion to the audible alarm was a flashing red that filled the hallway.
Captain Alestranda's voice came over the comms, precise and clipped with urgency, "All hands, collision alert! Brace for impact!"
Worry coursed through Ardelle. Collision? With what? Another ship? Space was a vast ocean of emptiness, with sometimes hundreds of light years between planetary systems. But she grabbed a hand rail anyway, painfully aware that ships moving at sub-light speeds typically ended up as a bright cloud of space dust if they hit something large enough going those speeds.
She felt the ship shiver under some of the smaller impacts. Probably some sort of debris in space, and certainly not enough to punch through its armored hull, but still, it worried her. She knew she was green. Outside of training and simulators, this was her first, real, on-ship assignment into space.
The pilot, Ens. Jayme, on the bridge will try to slow down and hopefully dodge some of the larger space debris.
Is it hard to avoid the debris?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Target Number (TN) to beat is between challenging (6) and hard (8). I'll say 7.
Does Jayme have a 3 in pilot? If no, he has a 2.
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
9 = 6[d6]+3
When we rolled up the planet, it said that all piloting rolls are at -1 in this sector. So 9 - 1 = 8 so he still beats the difficulty TN of 7. There's just a lot of space debris in this sector, but it makes for some beautiful looking meteor showers if any one ever makes it down onto a planet's surface with an atmosphere to see them.
Is The Oracle a new ship?
(50/50 | 4[d10]) No
Ardelle felt the reaction-control thrusters first, and she guessed the ship was turning. Then she felt The Oracle's main engines light off with a shuddering creaking sound that groaned through the deck plates. Inertial dampeners kicked in to compensate. Had they not, the crew would have been a pulpy mess on the innards of the ship. Ardelle remembered doing combat maneuvers in training, and this felt very much like that. She clung to the railing. Other crew members around her in the hall did the same.
Can she hang on? TN 5
3 = 1[d6]+2
It was too much. Her hands were sweaty, and she slipped and went careening across the hallway.
Does she hit another person?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 9[d10]) Yes
She'll try land well. TN 5 on Quick to land gracefully and not take damage.
8 = 6[d6]+2
With a lurching jerk of the engine, her grip broke free, and she hurled down the hall into another person who was hanging onto another railing. She spun, and managed to plant both feet into his chest, knocking him away from his railing before she rolled to a halt. The man fell on the floor and rolled several times.
Then it was over. The engines cut off, and she knew they were heading in a new vector now. She picked herself up and did a self assessment. Everything felt normal aside from some minor bruises and scrapes.
She walked over to the man she had hit and helped him to stand.
Is he angry?
-2 because she's obviously hot stuff, and it's hard to be angry at pristine beauty.
(Unlikely | 4[d10]) No
The young man stood, and a grimace passed over his face. He was of average height, average build, and average looking. She watched his face and waited. And yup, there it was. The response was almost universal in the XY chromosomal half of their species when they saw her. The slightly raised eyebrow, the eyes that widened, the slight intake of breath.
Is he a shy type.
(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes
They both wore the standard-issue uniform, gray one-size-fits-all shirt and pants. While the uniform didn't go out of its way to accentuate her curvaceous form, it did nothing to hide it either.
She smiled kindly, took his arm and gave him an apology. He just nodded his thanks, ran a hand through his red hair, and his face flamed up nearly scarlet in color. He gave her an up and down look and then stammered his own apology when his eyes finally settled on her face.
She looked at him, and he looked away. Her eyes passed over his name tag near his insignia. A fresh recruit.
"Crewman Walker," she said.
"Yes ma'am," he answered.
Does he try to get to know her anyway (shy -1).
(Somewhat Unlikely | 8[d10]) Yes
"You okay?"
"Yes ma'am. I'm fine."
"Very good," She turned to leave.
"Uh, you new around here Ma'am?" he asked when she didn't immediately walk away.
"Umm... no." she said pointedly and gave a small smile.
He shook his head slightly as if not believing he was talking to her, and scrubbed at his regulation hair cut again. "I'm... So-so rry, Ensign Leath," he finally managed, noticing her tag above her breast. "That was stupid. Duh. I've seen you before. Everyone has." He winced the minute he said it.
Inwardly, she sighed at the truthfulness of it. She knew she stood out. There were many days when she wished she were just average or even just a tad ugly. But her parentage had blessed her with unusual genetics, and the glances of both genders tended to settle on her, whether she liked it or not, the men in thinly-masked adoration, and and women in thinly-veiled jealousy. Sometimes they weren't masked at all.
"Quite so," she said, folding her arms.
He looked taken aback. "I--I--"
She sighed. "I meant that I'm agreeing with you that we've all seen each other by now, and it looks like we'll all be here on this same boat for quite a bit yet."
She knew that with fully-stocked larders and fuel cells, the ship could stay out for several months at a time. This would likely be a long tour of duty.
He nodded, and his glance flicked up to her face again before he glanced away down the hallway past her. It was painful, knowing he both wanted to stay around her but couldn't feel comfortable around her either. She knew with one up-turned look or glance she could wither the man. But she wouldn't. She wanted to be more than just a pretty face and an alluring figure. She had to be better than that. She desperately hoped she had moved beyond the embarrassing shallowness of her last five years before her decision to join the military.
"Oh," he managed a weak smile. "Well, that's good. Maybe--maybe I'll see you around."
"That's quite likely..." she gave a small sigh. "And where are you from, Ensign?"
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
He shuffled his feet, "One of the lunar colonies. My parents were total space nerds and sunk everything they had into buying a little place on the barren rock. I couldn't wait to get away. They somehow loved it." He shrugged. "Me? I wanted to go earth side, or anywhere with a real atmosphere. But the Mil sent me here, instead," he shrugged and gave a dramatic breath. "Recycled atmosphere. Tastes great."
She gave a genuine laugh. "There's certainly nothing like the sweet morning smell of stale-scrubbed O2." And it was true. There was nothing like it. The air always had a faint stale smell of wires, electricity, and air ducts.
"What about you, ma'am?" he asked, warming up to her now, apparently realizing she wasn't going to bite him.
"Call me Ardelle. Earth. I grew up in Arizona," she said. "Snowflake."
He raised his eyebrows.
"No, that doesn't mean it's cold there. Anyway, as a little girl I always loved to lay out on a blanket at night and see the night sky. I hiked to the observatory to take tours. Anyway, then I grew older, and I turned into a mess...but my uncle set me straight."
"What was the problem?"
"I was the problem. I was a total jerk. No offence, but I wouldn't have given you the time of day five years ago. It was all about looks and status and partying."
He frowned, seeing some image of her in a new light.
"But my best friend died. Drug overdose," she added with a sigh. "And, well, that was the wake up call I needed. I'm happy I answered it. I know the Mil isn't for everyone, but I needed it to set me straight, and now I owe her and my uncle a favor to do my best here."
"Huh," he said. Then his eyes flicked down to her name tag again and his face blanched. "Wait... no. Really? You're the Ardelle Leath?"
"In the flesh," she gave a mild mock bow, complete with a sardonic grin.
"But... you are on the magazines and in the vids and..." his voice trailed off seeing her in a new light.
"Yeah," she cringed a little. "But that was version 1.0. You're looking at 2.0. Upgraded model."
"Upgraded model, huh?" he smiled. "I like that. Hey, you wanna get a cup of coffee together."
She flashed her engagement ring at him. He fairly wilted and slapped a hand to his forehead, and color rose up in his face like the collision alarm. "Oh man, that was stupid. I'm sorry, I thought--"
"Sure, Crewman Walker. I'm bored, why not." And she was. She hadn't received any mail for weeks now. She loved Justin back home, but... well, Justin was Justin. Sweet. Adorable. But he wasn't...what was the word? Down to earth. He wasn't down to earth quite like this young gentleman was. She shrugged as her reasoning ran full circle... and plus she was bored.
She followed him to the mess hall.
(You might also enjoy my Zombie Apocalypse story... Jodi's Story)
Episode 1 - Beginnings (see below)
Episode 2 - Anomaly
Episode 3 - Planetside
Episode 4 - Bravo
Episode 5 - Charlie
Episode 6 - Activation
Episode 7 - Secrets
Episode 8 - Paradise
Episode 9 - Discovery
Episode 10 - Softening
Episode 11 - Survey
Episode 12 - Message
Episode 13 - Coils
Episode 14 - History
Episode 15 - Encounter
Episode 16 - Rodeo
Episode 17 - Chameleons
Episode 18 - Divinity
Episode 19 - Xenodoc
Episode 20 - Terminal
Episode 21 - Apocalypse
Episode 22 - Preparations
Episode 23 - Droplets
Episode 24 - Formation
Episode 25 - Stormfront
Episode 26 - Gravity
Episode 27 - Decision
Episode 28 - Sacrifice
Episode 29 - Ancillary
Episode 30 - Flight
Episode 31 - Landing
Episode 32 - Mutiny
Episode 33 - Captain
Episode 34 - Ending
About the Setting
For the Setting, I've always loved Jack Cambell's military sci-fi books. So, I'm borrowing loosely from that, but many things will be different because I can't remember everything. Think of it as a rough approximation / alternate universe around the time period of his Genesis Fleet series. Colonies are going far and wide with lots of exploration, and there the farther away from Earth the less oversight.
There are jump drives, but no hyper drives. This means ships have to get to an established jump point in a star system for the jump engines on the ships will take them to another system. The jump points are bi-directional, meaning they're like tubes that connect system to system. All other speeds in planetary systems are done at sub-light speeds. There is no teleportation or cloaking (at least not known to humans). This is where human space travel is currently at for this setting.
(Disclaimer- I'm not much of a sci-fi writer and have never been in the military, so this will be a bit of a challenge. I also don't know that much about science, so... well, you're going to have to voluntarily suspend your disbelief in major ways. But what the heck... It's all for fun, and it's mainly for me anyway.)
The RPG System
I'll be trying out the OneDice system, specifically the Space source book. OneDice was on sale via PDF on Bundle of Holding recently and I snagged a copy. Seems like a fast system (and I like fast systems). But then nothing is as fast as just using the buttons on the Play screen and asking questions. I might switch to something else if OneDice isn't my cup of tea.
My Character
I'm playing Ardelle Leath. She's with the Space Navy, and over the last five years, she's gone through basic training and officer school, but this is her first real mission. She's attached to an exploration vessel called The Oracle. She works closely with the captain and the bridge as an assistant to the Science Officer. She often takes the science station. She is a member of the "backup" bridge crew, not the main crew.
Here are her stats:
Ardelle Leath
Strong 2
Quick 2
Clever 2
Health 6
Defense 6
Move 20
Science 1
Research 1
Lore 1
Shooting 1
Sneak 1
Analysis 1
Stunt Points: 6
Our vessel is The Oracle, a large exploration spacecraft with enough crew quarters to house up to 120 people and enough food and supplies to last for several months in the great dark of space.
The Oracle (US-106)
Large Exploration Spaceship converted from a military vessel.
Strength 9
Quick 8
Health 25 + 3 (military hull) = 28
Defense 11.
Movement 5
Jump ability -/4
Cargo Capacity 100
Crew optimum number 12 (skeleton) /120 full complement
Size large
Lv Basic/E
Wp (weapons) 6 Conventional Torpedoes/Conventional
Weapon Array/2 shuttles
The Oracle has just exited a jump point. (Jump points are areas where the space time continuum is particularly thin, allowing for jump drives to activate. Jump points tie only to one other jump point.)
Why am I attached to this vessel?
Change / Fame
Life was going nowhere for Ardelle Leath. She was in a dead-end navy job that involved only theory and not a lot of real-life research. When a military science and exploration vessel named The Oracle put out posts seeking applicants, she put in for a transfer and was accepted aboard as a junior officer. She's pretty fresh in the space navy though, only an Ensign, but she's anxious to prove herself and wants to get a ship of her own someday to sail the stars.
Is the vessel in good shape when it leaves jump space?
(Likely | 9[d10]) Yes
Did I leave family behind?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes
Do I have siblings?
(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...
So I'm an only child, but have some nieces and nephews that I treat as younger siblings.
I'll say I'm in my early 20s.
On a scale of 1 to 100 what's my appearance with 100 being among the super models and most loverly of ppls?
95 = 95[d100]
Wow... okay. OneDice doesn't have a stat for charisma or appearance, so that's why I asked that. I'm pretty darn good looking I guess. That could cause problems when you stand out like that. We'll see.
Interestingly this could also explain the Change / Fame answer above. Perhaps I was super model status and needed a reality check and so joined the Mil. Sure. Why not.

Appearance: muscular (toned), green eyes, shoulder length reddish brown hair, tied in pony tail usually, and of course beautiful.
Do I have a boyfriend back home?
(Somewhat Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
And it's progressed more than just boyfriend status. It's getting serious. Are we engaged?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Yes, but there's no formal date. The idiot has cold feet. Men these days! Justin Stevens is his name if it matters.
And here we go...
Episode 1: Beginnings
The strange colorless gray of jump space finally disappeared with a lurching sensation as The Oracle twisted back into normal space, and the jump drives cut off with a dull shudder.
Ardelle never felt more grateful. Being in jump space felt decidedly odd. Her skin had begun to itch and feel rubbery, like it wasn't her own. The longer she went, the more odd it felt. Thankfully, most jumps only lasted a few days, but this one was longer, it being a jump to an unknown destination. They had been getting to the the edge of explored space for a month now, and just ten days ago had entered the jump node at Crocos. Crocos had been mapped a year earlier, but no one had been beyond it.
That was all changing.
The military, of course, had a vested interest in knowing what was down the spiral arm of the galaxy. Hence the reason for this mission to map out new star systems. While the existence of alien species was statistically rare, statistical anomalies did occur, and the upper brass wanted to be prepared should anything untoward be out there.
Time to roll up a random star system using OneDice space source book...
3 = 3[d6]
Solo star.
4 = 4[d6]
Blue to white star
1 = 1[d6]
Main sequence star. Common type.
1 = 1[d6]
Special Location
2 = 2[d6]
Meteoroid Shower
The location is subject to constant meteoroid storms
which pose a danger to any vessel entering it. All piloting TNs are increased
by 1 in this square, with any failure resulting in one dice of damage to the
ship from a meteoroid impact.
(Blue to White Solo Type F)
Number of orbits:
7 = 2[d6]+5
7 orbits
3 = 3[d6]
3 = 3[d6]
4 = 4[d6]
1 = 1[d6]
5 = 5[d6]
1 = 1[d6]
Standard Planet
Standard Planet
Standard Planet
Gas Giant (maybe with habitable moons)
Main World:
3 = 3[d6]
I'll say the planet in orbit 3.
The Oracle heads in system. Sensors immediately pick up a LOT of celestial bodies.
Is the ship's helmsmen particularly skilled?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 9[d10]) Yes
Right on! We'll say his name is Jayme Drav.
Who is our captain? Male?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
Okay. Female she is, and her name is Cpt Marsa Alestranda
Is The Oracle at optimum crew size?
(Somewhat Likely | 7[d10]) Yes
2 = 2[d6]
2 x 2 = 4 days / move of 5. = .8 days to travel between planets/orbits in this system.
Ardelle had just been on her way to the mess for breakfast three hours after exiting jump space, when the alarm started to blare. The alarm's pitch started high, dove down low and then climbed back up in pitch. Companion to the audible alarm was a flashing red that filled the hallway.
Captain Alestranda's voice came over the comms, precise and clipped with urgency, "All hands, collision alert! Brace for impact!"
Worry coursed through Ardelle. Collision? With what? Another ship? Space was a vast ocean of emptiness, with sometimes hundreds of light years between planetary systems. But she grabbed a hand rail anyway, painfully aware that ships moving at sub-light speeds typically ended up as a bright cloud of space dust if they hit something large enough going those speeds.
She felt the ship shiver under some of the smaller impacts. Probably some sort of debris in space, and certainly not enough to punch through its armored hull, but still, it worried her. She knew she was green. Outside of training and simulators, this was her first, real, on-ship assignment into space.
The pilot, Ens. Jayme, on the bridge will try to slow down and hopefully dodge some of the larger space debris.
Is it hard to avoid the debris?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Target Number (TN) to beat is between challenging (6) and hard (8). I'll say 7.
Does Jayme have a 3 in pilot? If no, he has a 2.
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
9 = 6[d6]+3
When we rolled up the planet, it said that all piloting rolls are at -1 in this sector. So 9 - 1 = 8 so he still beats the difficulty TN of 7. There's just a lot of space debris in this sector, but it makes for some beautiful looking meteor showers if any one ever makes it down onto a planet's surface with an atmosphere to see them.
Is The Oracle a new ship?
(50/50 | 4[d10]) No
Ardelle felt the reaction-control thrusters first, and she guessed the ship was turning. Then she felt The Oracle's main engines light off with a shuddering creaking sound that groaned through the deck plates. Inertial dampeners kicked in to compensate. Had they not, the crew would have been a pulpy mess on the innards of the ship. Ardelle remembered doing combat maneuvers in training, and this felt very much like that. She clung to the railing. Other crew members around her in the hall did the same.
Can she hang on? TN 5
3 = 1[d6]+2
It was too much. Her hands were sweaty, and she slipped and went careening across the hallway.
Does she hit another person?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 9[d10]) Yes
She'll try land well. TN 5 on Quick to land gracefully and not take damage.
8 = 6[d6]+2
With a lurching jerk of the engine, her grip broke free, and she hurled down the hall into another person who was hanging onto another railing. She spun, and managed to plant both feet into his chest, knocking him away from his railing before she rolled to a halt. The man fell on the floor and rolled several times.
Then it was over. The engines cut off, and she knew they were heading in a new vector now. She picked herself up and did a self assessment. Everything felt normal aside from some minor bruises and scrapes.
She walked over to the man she had hit and helped him to stand.
Is he angry?
-2 because she's obviously hot stuff, and it's hard to be angry at pristine beauty.
(Unlikely | 4[d10]) No
The young man stood, and a grimace passed over his face. He was of average height, average build, and average looking. She watched his face and waited. And yup, there it was. The response was almost universal in the XY chromosomal half of their species when they saw her. The slightly raised eyebrow, the eyes that widened, the slight intake of breath.
Is he a shy type.
(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes
They both wore the standard-issue uniform, gray one-size-fits-all shirt and pants. While the uniform didn't go out of its way to accentuate her curvaceous form, it did nothing to hide it either.
She smiled kindly, took his arm and gave him an apology. He just nodded his thanks, ran a hand through his red hair, and his face flamed up nearly scarlet in color. He gave her an up and down look and then stammered his own apology when his eyes finally settled on her face.
She looked at him, and he looked away. Her eyes passed over his name tag near his insignia. A fresh recruit.
"Crewman Walker," she said.
"Yes ma'am," he answered.
Does he try to get to know her anyway (shy -1).
(Somewhat Unlikely | 8[d10]) Yes
"You okay?"
"Yes ma'am. I'm fine."
"Very good," She turned to leave.
"Uh, you new around here Ma'am?" he asked when she didn't immediately walk away.
"Umm... no." she said pointedly and gave a small smile.
He shook his head slightly as if not believing he was talking to her, and scrubbed at his regulation hair cut again. "I'm... So-so rry, Ensign Leath," he finally managed, noticing her tag above her breast. "That was stupid. Duh. I've seen you before. Everyone has." He winced the minute he said it.
Inwardly, she sighed at the truthfulness of it. She knew she stood out. There were many days when she wished she were just average or even just a tad ugly. But her parentage had blessed her with unusual genetics, and the glances of both genders tended to settle on her, whether she liked it or not, the men in thinly-masked adoration, and and women in thinly-veiled jealousy. Sometimes they weren't masked at all.
"Quite so," she said, folding her arms.
He looked taken aback. "I--I--"
She sighed. "I meant that I'm agreeing with you that we've all seen each other by now, and it looks like we'll all be here on this same boat for quite a bit yet."
She knew that with fully-stocked larders and fuel cells, the ship could stay out for several months at a time. This would likely be a long tour of duty.
He nodded, and his glance flicked up to her face again before he glanced away down the hallway past her. It was painful, knowing he both wanted to stay around her but couldn't feel comfortable around her either. She knew with one up-turned look or glance she could wither the man. But she wouldn't. She wanted to be more than just a pretty face and an alluring figure. She had to be better than that. She desperately hoped she had moved beyond the embarrassing shallowness of her last five years before her decision to join the military.
"Oh," he managed a weak smile. "Well, that's good. Maybe--maybe I'll see you around."
"That's quite likely..." she gave a small sigh. "And where are you from, Ensign?"
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
He shuffled his feet, "One of the lunar colonies. My parents were total space nerds and sunk everything they had into buying a little place on the barren rock. I couldn't wait to get away. They somehow loved it." He shrugged. "Me? I wanted to go earth side, or anywhere with a real atmosphere. But the Mil sent me here, instead," he shrugged and gave a dramatic breath. "Recycled atmosphere. Tastes great."
She gave a genuine laugh. "There's certainly nothing like the sweet morning smell of stale-scrubbed O2." And it was true. There was nothing like it. The air always had a faint stale smell of wires, electricity, and air ducts.
"What about you, ma'am?" he asked, warming up to her now, apparently realizing she wasn't going to bite him.
"Call me Ardelle. Earth. I grew up in Arizona," she said. "Snowflake."
He raised his eyebrows.
"No, that doesn't mean it's cold there. Anyway, as a little girl I always loved to lay out on a blanket at night and see the night sky. I hiked to the observatory to take tours. Anyway, then I grew older, and I turned into a mess...but my uncle set me straight."
"What was the problem?"
"I was the problem. I was a total jerk. No offence, but I wouldn't have given you the time of day five years ago. It was all about looks and status and partying."
He frowned, seeing some image of her in a new light.
"But my best friend died. Drug overdose," she added with a sigh. "And, well, that was the wake up call I needed. I'm happy I answered it. I know the Mil isn't for everyone, but I needed it to set me straight, and now I owe her and my uncle a favor to do my best here."
"Huh," he said. Then his eyes flicked down to her name tag again and his face blanched. "Wait... no. Really? You're the Ardelle Leath?"
"In the flesh," she gave a mild mock bow, complete with a sardonic grin.
"But... you are on the magazines and in the vids and..." his voice trailed off seeing her in a new light.
"Yeah," she cringed a little. "But that was version 1.0. You're looking at 2.0. Upgraded model."
"Upgraded model, huh?" he smiled. "I like that. Hey, you wanna get a cup of coffee together."
She flashed her engagement ring at him. He fairly wilted and slapped a hand to his forehead, and color rose up in his face like the collision alarm. "Oh man, that was stupid. I'm sorry, I thought--"
"Sure, Crewman Walker. I'm bored, why not." And she was. She hadn't received any mail for weeks now. She loved Justin back home, but... well, Justin was Justin. Sweet. Adorable. But he wasn't...what was the word? Down to earth. He wasn't down to earth quite like this young gentleman was. She shrugged as her reasoning ran full circle... and plus she was bored.
She followed him to the mess hall.