Are you going to implement Mythic variations 2?
Are you going to implement customer dice?
For example, Star Wars RPG, Genisys, Legend of the five rings.
I think the current Mythic implementation meets the needs of this site. Is there any particular Mythic 2 functionality that you are thinking of?
I am not clear on what you are asking regarding the dice.
(11-11-2018, 10:40 PM)Mark Wrote: [ -> ]I think the current Mythic implementation meets the needs of this site. Is there any particular Mythic 2 functionality that you are thinking of?
I am not clear on what you are asking regarding the dice.
Hi Mark,
Tnx for the quick reply.
For the Mythic 2: Mostly the behavior check.
For the dice. I made a typo. I meant custom dice.
I would like to know if you will make the option to roll dice pools. That have non standard dice.
The exmples I gave you are systems that use symbols instead of numbers and you roll multiple dice of differing sides.
For the dice have you tried at the MAD button? I would have to research the behavior check functionality.
(11-13-2018, 09:18 PM)Mark Wrote: [ -> ]For the dice have you tried at the MAD button? I would have to research the behavior check functionality.
I meant custom dice as in Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars/Genesys/L5R systems.
MAD would quite work. They are still numberd and there is no way to differentiate between
an Ability die and a difficulty die. Both are D8 with symbols which cancel each other out to do a skill check
I’d also like to see Mythic variations 2 implemented. The behaviour check is a cool feature.