05-15-2013, 06:33 PM
Oh what the heck - I gave it it's own thread anyway: It's just too different from 'The Floating Fortress'.
K, I wanna try something new this time. Been wanting to play for a while now but couldn't decide on the genre. I decided on scifi but didn't want to start yet another thread - so this might not strictly be 'The Floating Fortress'. In that case we might want to move the thread, let's see how it will fare. ^_^ 0000
Setting is fortified cortex involving excellent power pack and below average motion detector.
Belligerent .
I googled 'Cortex' which brought me to a nice somewhat scifi-ish game called 'Cortex Command' - there's also the picture of a 'belligerent' there.
I didn't find the demo they talked about in the wikipedia article anymore but I watched the videos on YouTube for a while.
The have jet packs by the way- that's a bit like a power pack.
So 'cortex' seems to be the outer layer of something.
Let's just say someone who didn't get caught by the motion detectors storms a fortress, guns blazin'.
Deserted hideout.
We see a deserted hideout.
Anyone here?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
Shrewd priest who is slightly weaker than you and whose motivation is to publicize disbelief, create wrath, and operate purity; who speaks of prejudiced reputation and is focused on your the character.
Some zealot's ranting.
Passion / Leadership.
Maybe he wants to be the leader. Who used to hide here?
Usurp / Anger.
Some rebels. What were they about?
Vengeance / Weather.
Makes me think of Renée Zellweger in Cold Mountain.
Maybe it's about some actual weather making device - after all this is speculative fiction.
Is it about weather control?
(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.
The evil priest wants to control the weather. People would suffer - right?
(Sure Thing | 7[d10]) Yes.
I also watched something about underwater stations in a scifi setting - we'll do that too.
So he talks to our hero. Maybe calling her a jezebal?
(Very Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.
NPC Action.
Oppress / Dreams.
What are her dreams?
Befriend / Evil.
What is it what he deems evil?
Inquire / Liberty.
Introduce a new NPC.
Inconsiderate statesman who is slightly stronger than you and whose motivation is to refine force, work wealth, and damage ghosts; who speaks of knowing requests and is focused on your equipment.
A refinery?
(Sure Thing | 9[d10]) Yes.
Is it maybe about career choices?
(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
What does she want to become?
Humble Crystalline .
Abuse / The public.
A diplomat. And it's not for girls?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
It's still possible - he just wouldn't like it.
(Sure Thing | 7[d10]) Yes.
NPC Action.
The zealot?
(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.
The refinery?
(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
Introduce a new NPC.
Devoted politician who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to pursue sensuality, patronize gluttony, and establish opulence; who speaks of knowing curiosity and is focused on your retainers.
NPC Action.
The other politician?
(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
PC negative.
The other politician.
(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
The zealot.
(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Me too?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes. +Event: Break / Joy
I get sad.
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes. +Event: Oppress / Nature
The refinery?
(Very Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and... +Event: Overthrow / Weapons
The rebels are back?
(Somewhat Likely | 5[d10]) Yes, but...
They've got captured.
(Very Likely | 5[d10]) No, but...
They give up their weapons?
(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...
They hold us as hostages?
(Somewhat Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
PC positive.
'And so she joined their ranks and now fights the bosses who try to destroy the oceans.'
(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
It is good.
But then happens ... what?
The bad guys?
(Somewhat Likely | 3[d10]) No.
The rebels?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 7[d10]) Yes, but...
Her being a rebel makes her old friends turn against her.
(Very Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Against the advice of her comrades, however, she decides to meet one of her old friends.
(Sure Thing | 9[d10]) Yes.
Untrained outlaw who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to abuse valor, assist narcissism, and join communications; who speaks of mysterious assessment and is focused on your history.
Some Han Solo type - maybe a mole. So they talk for a while - what then?
NPC Action.
What benefits?
Work hard / Friendship.
Ambiguous event.
He has to travel?
(Somewhat Likely | 2[d10]) No.
She got used to being on the run?
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and... +Event: Betray / News
She's got betrayed?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but... +Event: Carelessness / Environment
Oh, he doesn't care about the environment.
(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
Also something's on the news - something about the environment, his reaction to shows her that he doesn't care.
What is it?
Malice / Jealously.
They're jealous and mean and want to harm the oceans! - But how?
Develop / A plan.
Some insane plan to destroy the environment.
'Oh my gosh' she thinks. 'We'll have to stop them!'
Move away from goal.
Because she wants to travel with that guy? o0
(Very Likely | 7[d10]) Yes.
'Okay, the environment will take care of that itself' she thinks.
No, sorry - I don't buy this. After all those years she wouldn't leave the rebels just because of some guy she knew from before.
Not when she learns of some new crazy plan to harm the environment.
Maybe she's got tired of fighting?
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Something about the rebels?
(Very Likely | 5[d10]) No, but... +Event: Vengeance / Goals
Intolerance / Portals.
Remote event.
Aquatic production plant.
She realizes it's become more than just showing 'them' because they said she couldn't become a diplomat.
Insensitive artisan who is much weaker than you and whose motivation is to process secret societies, spoil pleasure, and operate the downtrodden; who speaks of knowing arrangements and is focused on your community.
Ambiguous event.
His home?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes. +Event: Triumph / Dispute
NPC Action.
Insecure .
Scholarly duelist who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to plunder pain, administer literature, and institute expertise; who speaks of hostile combat and is focused on your weapons.
Close an event.
Oh maybe the Han Solo type of guy?
(Somewhat Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
Okay, whole new story now for a while - whole new characters (or mostly that is):
The setting is insectoid maelstrom involving very high quality jetpack and crystal necropolis. Your quest is to negotiate with the vat-grown at the temporal flux research outpost. Trying to stop you is the seeker droid skilled in astronomy. You are currently at the andromeda medical station.
(Man, this makes me want to play 'proper' 'Floating Fortress' again!
So, we have a maelstrom - and a necropolis.
Eager Avian .
Childish crone who is slightly weaker than you and whose motivation is to abduct zeal, implement laziness, and develop advice; who speaks of mysterious enigmas and is focused on your friends.
Maybe he's a pilot. Like - with his whole heart. This crone talks to him about kid-napping one of those zealots. They're probably rebels and she's like a female Yoda.
(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Gets treated by her at the medical station. His assignment is to negotiate with a vat-grown guy at a temporal-flux research outpost.
NPC negative.
Famous .
Some hero of the rebel movement has bad news about the hero's home.
What happened?
Fight / Nature.
They destroy the environment. Does he want to go back home and help?
(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
Introduce a new NPC.
Needy conscript who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to defile nature, proclaim force, and damage justice; who speaks of knowing rumors and is focused on your community.
A soldier in charge of an ambush on his home community('s environment)
Move towards goal.
Oh, and the rumor might be that it's our hero's home-place.
(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
They want to harm them, because of that. (Nice cut-scene)
Okay, so freaks all out in the nurse's room.
NPC negative.
The intellectual.
Is the crone the NPC?
(50/50 | 4[d10]) No. +Event: Expose / A plot
The famous guy then: 'Keep calm, dude! Just think for a minute!'
(They might just want to lure you there - it might be a trap!)
Close an event.
He's still packing. (I kinda like that he might be an insectoid).
NPC Action.
Ditzy .
Miserly merchant who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to plunder academia, guide happiness, and relate lust; who speaks of hostile judgment and is focused on your future action.
But he's also challenged to take part in some acrobatic flying. The business man looks for college pilots and he already has some money on him and doesn't want him to leave.
(Sure Thing | 7[d10]) Yes.
Ambiguous event.
So, what will he do? (Cliffhanger here)
Second of three mini plot-lines:
The setting is toxic staging area involving very high quality credit chip and burning tower. Your quest is to convince the amphibian at the weaponized headquarters. Trying to stop you is the reptilian mercenary skilled in robotics. You are currently at the guild badlands.
Game of cards in some warehouse. Maybe even chess or a trading card game. Stakes are high! We're at the guild badlands - maybe some 'gangland'.
Maybe it's some place in space.
NPC Action.
Greedy .
Plebeian statesman who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to relate lies, explain myths, and compose the wealthy; who speaks of prejudiced records and is focused on your community.
Okay, they play and talk - what happens next?
Ambiguous event.
What is it?
Propose / Opulance.
Raise the stakes.
Close an event.
Work hard.
Okay he basically offers them his watch and stuff to stay in the game.
NPC Action.
NPC Action.
NPC Action.
Is he good at playing cards?
(50/50 | 3[d10]) No.
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
Is his int high?
(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.
Very high?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
Bonus to gambling?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.
10 = 1[d4]+1[d4]+1[d4]+4[d10]+3
17 = 4[d4]+2[d4]+2[d4]+6[d10]+3
Okay, he loses.
NPC Action.
![[Image: 9h.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/9h.gif)
![[Image: 1d.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/1d.gif)
![[Image: 12d.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/12d.gif)
![[Image: 12h.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/12h.gif)
![[Image: 6h.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/6h.gif)
2 new cards
![[Image: 3d.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/3d.gif)
![[Image: 13s.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/13s.gif)
Two queens.
![[Image: 9c.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/9c.gif)
![[Image: 9h.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/9h.gif)
![[Image: 1h.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/1h.gif)
![[Image: 11s.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/11s.gif)
![[Image: 5h.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/5h.gif)
2 new cards
![[Image: 5d.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/5d.gif)
![[Image: 9c.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/9c.gif)
Three nines. (That was fun!
NPC positive.
So two of the other players win?
(Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.
Is his smooth talking high?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and... +Event: Communicate / A plan
His Persuade?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
Very high?
(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.
(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...
A bonus. D6?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.
D4+2 then.
18 = 3[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+5[d10]+4[d4]+2
SO he made them accept his watch/heirloom/whatever.
What was it?
Ancient artifact.
And the plan is about how he could get the artifact back?
(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
Okay, cliffhanger here. Subplot 3 of 3:
The setting is armored battle station involving superb holo-projector and cyborg cruiser. Your quest is to destroy the data at the dominion labyrinth. Trying to stop you is the insectoid warrior skilled in starship gunnery. You are currently at the andromeda singularity.
Is the singularity inside the ship?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.
Okay, so our hero is in the engine room.
Talking to a hologram. IS he skilled in engineering?
(50/50 | 3[d10]) No.
(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.
NPC positive.
Does the holo argue with him?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
He's not listening?
(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
What is it about?
Debase / The mundane.
Some jump drive?
(Very Likely | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Why is our hero here in the engine room?
Dispute / Tactics.
Is it on board the station?
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Triumph / Randomness.
So they discuss if they could space jump with the station?
(Somewhat Likely | 1[d10]) No, and...
It's about some esoteric space travel concept though.
(Likely | 4[d10]) No.
Is he a scientist?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
He doesn't know much about space travel.
(Very Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Neither does the holo.
(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
So it's just a random location. They've been arguing and talking and now they are here.
(Very Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.
It's about tactics - maybe they discuss the station's firepower?
(Somewhat Likely | 1[d10]) No, and...
Stop that!
What kind of tactics?
Separate / Trials.
Something else then. Just a random location. Fine.
Introduce a new NPC.
Conniving tradesman who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to create purity, execute zeal, and develop military; who speaks of inquisitive chaos and is focused on your family.
Calm .
NPC negative.
What kind of news?
Arrive / Ambush.
An ambush - is it the cruiser?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
The tradesman sounds like one of the bad guys. Is he from the cruiser?
(Somewhat Likely | 1[d10]) No, and...
SO he's on board the station?
(Likely | 9[d10]) Yes. +Event: Mistrust / Extravagance
Are they under attack right now?
(Somewhat Likely | 2[d10]) No.
Will it happen in the future?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
So it already happened.
(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
And he arrived here after the ambush?
(Very Likely | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
But what?
Imitate / Plans.
We should get back at them?
(Likely | 3[d10]) No.
They might attack again?
(Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.
Move towards goal.
They might attack their home and they should help them.
(Likely | 5[d10]) No, but...
They might get assistance from home.
(Very Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Move towards goal.
The spiritual.
Okay, 'cliffhanger' then. On with the main story - but later.
K, I wanna try something new this time. Been wanting to play for a while now but couldn't decide on the genre. I decided on scifi but didn't want to start yet another thread - so this might not strictly be 'The Floating Fortress'. In that case we might want to move the thread, let's see how it will fare. ^_^ 0000
Setting is fortified cortex involving excellent power pack and below average motion detector.
Belligerent .
I googled 'Cortex' which brought me to a nice somewhat scifi-ish game called 'Cortex Command' - there's also the picture of a 'belligerent' there.
I didn't find the demo they talked about in the wikipedia article anymore but I watched the videos on YouTube for a while.
The have jet packs by the way- that's a bit like a power pack.
So 'cortex' seems to be the outer layer of something.
Let's just say someone who didn't get caught by the motion detectors storms a fortress, guns blazin'.
Deserted hideout.
We see a deserted hideout.
Anyone here?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
Shrewd priest who is slightly weaker than you and whose motivation is to publicize disbelief, create wrath, and operate purity; who speaks of prejudiced reputation and is focused on your the character.
Some zealot's ranting.
Passion / Leadership.
Maybe he wants to be the leader. Who used to hide here?
Usurp / Anger.
Some rebels. What were they about?
Vengeance / Weather.
Makes me think of Renée Zellweger in Cold Mountain.
Maybe it's about some actual weather making device - after all this is speculative fiction.
Is it about weather control?
(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.
The evil priest wants to control the weather. People would suffer - right?
(Sure Thing | 7[d10]) Yes.
I also watched something about underwater stations in a scifi setting - we'll do that too.
So he talks to our hero. Maybe calling her a jezebal?
(Very Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.
NPC Action.
Oppress / Dreams.
What are her dreams?
Befriend / Evil.
What is it what he deems evil?
Inquire / Liberty.
Introduce a new NPC.
Inconsiderate statesman who is slightly stronger than you and whose motivation is to refine force, work wealth, and damage ghosts; who speaks of knowing requests and is focused on your equipment.
A refinery?
(Sure Thing | 9[d10]) Yes.
Is it maybe about career choices?
(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
What does she want to become?
Humble Crystalline .
Abuse / The public.
A diplomat. And it's not for girls?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
It's still possible - he just wouldn't like it.
(Sure Thing | 7[d10]) Yes.
NPC Action.
The zealot?
(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.
The refinery?
(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
Introduce a new NPC.
Devoted politician who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to pursue sensuality, patronize gluttony, and establish opulence; who speaks of knowing curiosity and is focused on your retainers.
NPC Action.
The other politician?
(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
PC negative.
The other politician.
(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
The zealot.
(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Me too?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes. +Event: Break / Joy
I get sad.
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes. +Event: Oppress / Nature
The refinery?
(Very Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and... +Event: Overthrow / Weapons
The rebels are back?
(Somewhat Likely | 5[d10]) Yes, but...
They've got captured.
(Very Likely | 5[d10]) No, but...
They give up their weapons?
(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...
They hold us as hostages?
(Somewhat Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
PC positive.
'And so she joined their ranks and now fights the bosses who try to destroy the oceans.'
(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
It is good.
But then happens ... what?
The bad guys?
(Somewhat Likely | 3[d10]) No.
The rebels?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 7[d10]) Yes, but...
Her being a rebel makes her old friends turn against her.
(Very Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Against the advice of her comrades, however, she decides to meet one of her old friends.
(Sure Thing | 9[d10]) Yes.
Untrained outlaw who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to abuse valor, assist narcissism, and join communications; who speaks of mysterious assessment and is focused on your history.
Some Han Solo type - maybe a mole. So they talk for a while - what then?
NPC Action.
What benefits?
Work hard / Friendship.
Ambiguous event.
He has to travel?
(Somewhat Likely | 2[d10]) No.
She got used to being on the run?
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and... +Event: Betray / News
She's got betrayed?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but... +Event: Carelessness / Environment
Oh, he doesn't care about the environment.
(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
Also something's on the news - something about the environment, his reaction to shows her that he doesn't care.
What is it?
Malice / Jealously.
They're jealous and mean and want to harm the oceans! - But how?
Develop / A plan.
Some insane plan to destroy the environment.
'Oh my gosh' she thinks. 'We'll have to stop them!'
Move away from goal.
Because she wants to travel with that guy? o0
(Very Likely | 7[d10]) Yes.
'Okay, the environment will take care of that itself' she thinks.
No, sorry - I don't buy this. After all those years she wouldn't leave the rebels just because of some guy she knew from before.
Not when she learns of some new crazy plan to harm the environment.
Maybe she's got tired of fighting?
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Something about the rebels?
(Very Likely | 5[d10]) No, but... +Event: Vengeance / Goals
Intolerance / Portals.
Remote event.
Aquatic production plant.
She realizes it's become more than just showing 'them' because they said she couldn't become a diplomat.
Insensitive artisan who is much weaker than you and whose motivation is to process secret societies, spoil pleasure, and operate the downtrodden; who speaks of knowing arrangements and is focused on your community.
Ambiguous event.
His home?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes. +Event: Triumph / Dispute
NPC Action.
Insecure .
Scholarly duelist who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to plunder pain, administer literature, and institute expertise; who speaks of hostile combat and is focused on your weapons.
Close an event.
Oh maybe the Han Solo type of guy?
(Somewhat Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
Okay, whole new story now for a while - whole new characters (or mostly that is):
The setting is insectoid maelstrom involving very high quality jetpack and crystal necropolis. Your quest is to negotiate with the vat-grown at the temporal flux research outpost. Trying to stop you is the seeker droid skilled in astronomy. You are currently at the andromeda medical station.
(Man, this makes me want to play 'proper' 'Floating Fortress' again!
So, we have a maelstrom - and a necropolis.
Eager Avian .
Childish crone who is slightly weaker than you and whose motivation is to abduct zeal, implement laziness, and develop advice; who speaks of mysterious enigmas and is focused on your friends.
Maybe he's a pilot. Like - with his whole heart. This crone talks to him about kid-napping one of those zealots. They're probably rebels and she's like a female Yoda.
(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Gets treated by her at the medical station. His assignment is to negotiate with a vat-grown guy at a temporal-flux research outpost.
NPC negative.
Famous .
Some hero of the rebel movement has bad news about the hero's home.
What happened?
Fight / Nature.
They destroy the environment. Does he want to go back home and help?
(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
Introduce a new NPC.
Needy conscript who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to defile nature, proclaim force, and damage justice; who speaks of knowing rumors and is focused on your community.
A soldier in charge of an ambush on his home community('s environment)
Move towards goal.
Oh, and the rumor might be that it's our hero's home-place.
(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
They want to harm them, because of that. (Nice cut-scene)
Okay, so freaks all out in the nurse's room.
NPC negative.
The intellectual.
Is the crone the NPC?
(50/50 | 4[d10]) No. +Event: Expose / A plot
The famous guy then: 'Keep calm, dude! Just think for a minute!'
(They might just want to lure you there - it might be a trap!)
Close an event.
He's still packing. (I kinda like that he might be an insectoid).
NPC Action.
Ditzy .
Miserly merchant who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to plunder academia, guide happiness, and relate lust; who speaks of hostile judgment and is focused on your future action.
But he's also challenged to take part in some acrobatic flying. The business man looks for college pilots and he already has some money on him and doesn't want him to leave.
(Sure Thing | 7[d10]) Yes.
Ambiguous event.
So, what will he do? (Cliffhanger here)
Second of three mini plot-lines:
The setting is toxic staging area involving very high quality credit chip and burning tower. Your quest is to convince the amphibian at the weaponized headquarters. Trying to stop you is the reptilian mercenary skilled in robotics. You are currently at the guild badlands.
Game of cards in some warehouse. Maybe even chess or a trading card game. Stakes are high! We're at the guild badlands - maybe some 'gangland'.
Maybe it's some place in space.
NPC Action.
Greedy .
Plebeian statesman who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to relate lies, explain myths, and compose the wealthy; who speaks of prejudiced records and is focused on your community.
Okay, they play and talk - what happens next?
Ambiguous event.
What is it?
Propose / Opulance.
Raise the stakes.
Close an event.
Work hard.
Okay he basically offers them his watch and stuff to stay in the game.
NPC Action.
NPC Action.
NPC Action.
Is he good at playing cards?
(50/50 | 3[d10]) No.
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
Is his int high?
(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.
Very high?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
Bonus to gambling?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.
10 = 1[d4]+1[d4]+1[d4]+4[d10]+3
17 = 4[d4]+2[d4]+2[d4]+6[d10]+3
Okay, he loses.
NPC Action.
![[Image: 9h.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/9h.gif)
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![[Image: 12h.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/12h.gif)
![[Image: 6h.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/6h.gif)
2 new cards
![[Image: 3d.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/3d.gif)
![[Image: 13s.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/13s.gif)
Two queens.
![[Image: 9c.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/9c.gif)
![[Image: 9h.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/9h.gif)
![[Image: 1h.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/1h.gif)
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![[Image: 5h.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/5h.gif)
2 new cards
![[Image: 5d.gif]](https://www.rpgsolo.com/cards/5d.gif)
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Three nines. (That was fun!

NPC positive.
So two of the other players win?
(Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.
Is his smooth talking high?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and... +Event: Communicate / A plan
His Persuade?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
Very high?
(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.
(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...
A bonus. D6?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.
D4+2 then.
18 = 3[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+5[d10]+4[d4]+2
SO he made them accept his watch/heirloom/whatever.
What was it?
Ancient artifact.
And the plan is about how he could get the artifact back?
(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
Okay, cliffhanger here. Subplot 3 of 3:
The setting is armored battle station involving superb holo-projector and cyborg cruiser. Your quest is to destroy the data at the dominion labyrinth. Trying to stop you is the insectoid warrior skilled in starship gunnery. You are currently at the andromeda singularity.
Is the singularity inside the ship?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.
Okay, so our hero is in the engine room.
Talking to a hologram. IS he skilled in engineering?
(50/50 | 3[d10]) No.
(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.
NPC positive.
Does the holo argue with him?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
He's not listening?
(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.
What is it about?
Debase / The mundane.
Some jump drive?
(Very Likely | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Why is our hero here in the engine room?
Dispute / Tactics.
Is it on board the station?
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Triumph / Randomness.
So they discuss if they could space jump with the station?
(Somewhat Likely | 1[d10]) No, and...
It's about some esoteric space travel concept though.
(Likely | 4[d10]) No.
Is he a scientist?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
He doesn't know much about space travel.
(Very Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Neither does the holo.
(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
So it's just a random location. They've been arguing and talking and now they are here.
(Very Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.
It's about tactics - maybe they discuss the station's firepower?
(Somewhat Likely | 1[d10]) No, and...
Stop that!
What kind of tactics?
Separate / Trials.
Something else then. Just a random location. Fine.
Introduce a new NPC.
Conniving tradesman who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to create purity, execute zeal, and develop military; who speaks of inquisitive chaos and is focused on your family.
Calm .
NPC negative.
What kind of news?
Arrive / Ambush.
An ambush - is it the cruiser?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.
The tradesman sounds like one of the bad guys. Is he from the cruiser?
(Somewhat Likely | 1[d10]) No, and...
SO he's on board the station?
(Likely | 9[d10]) Yes. +Event: Mistrust / Extravagance
Are they under attack right now?
(Somewhat Likely | 2[d10]) No.
Will it happen in the future?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
So it already happened.
(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
And he arrived here after the ambush?
(Very Likely | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
But what?
Imitate / Plans.
We should get back at them?
(Likely | 3[d10]) No.
They might attack again?
(Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.
Move towards goal.
They might attack their home and they should help them.
(Likely | 5[d10]) No, but...
They might get assistance from home.
(Very Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Move towards goal.
The spiritual.
Okay, 'cliffhanger' then. On with the main story - but later.