Classic Fantasy "Cartoon Action Hour: Season 3": Fantasy series.
Lady Annabelle and Cassie the Fairy entered the Silent Grotto Cave to find Eris with two small squads of skeletons with her. Eris yelled, "My skeletons, get rid of those annoying thorns in my evil side!"

As both skeleton group rushes Cassie and Annabelle, Cassie decides to fly right into her group

Skeleton's Rolls:
7 = 7[d12]
11 = 11[d12]

[Goons only take the lowest number out of their two rolls and that means the Roll of the Skeleton is a 7.
Now it's Cassie turn and she decides to fly into the skeletons:

10 = 10[d12]

10 + 3 (For FLIGHT) + 2 (For the Addition Feature] = 15

Cassie quickly flies right into her group of skeletons sending her group of skeletons on a one-way trip to the Moon.
Now, it's Annabelle's turn against her group of skeletons

Skeleton Rolls:
11 = 11[d12]
9 = 9[d12]

This time, the Skeleton get a 9 for their roll as Goon Squad only take the lowest number
Annabelle decides to swing her mace wildly around

6 = 6[d12]
6 + 4 (For MACE) + 2 (For Action Feature) = 12.

Her plans work but not to the epic levels of Cassie, but when she is done, her skeletons decided to  run for the nearest graveyard as fast as possible. Eris stated, "I AM GETTING TIRED

Eris flies right towards Cassie:

Eris's Roll:

3 = 3[d12]

3 + 6 (For her Flight) = 9

Cassie's Roll:

7 = 7[d12]
7 + 6 = 13

13 > 9. No effect as Cassie as dodged Eris successfully.

Now it's Cassie's turn to attack:

Cassie's Roll:
9 = 9[d12]

9 + 4 (For her Staff) = 13

Eris's Roll:

9 = 9[d12]

9 + 6 (For Agility) = 15

15 > 13. Eris dodges Cassie's staff with ease.
Annabelle's term now. Her roll is a

3 = 3[d12]

3 + 1 (For her AGILITY) = 4

Eris's Roll:
9 = 9[d12]

9 + 4 (For Hiding) = 13

13 > 4. Despite a normal long jump for Anabelle, Eris was to hide behind a rock pile.

Since she is hiding, Eris tries to think of a way to get out of the battle with her body in one piece.

[Oomph Pool is the following math bit: 2 (Players) + 4 (Eris's Star Power) + 2 (For having Eris thinking instead of acting) = 8 Oomph presently]

Cassie's Roll:

9 = 9[d12]

9 + 5 (For Social Butterfly) = 14

Cassie stated, "Come on out from where you are hiding, Eris. If it takes us a century we going to find you."

Annabelle is trying to help with her smartness. Let's see the Fickle going to a issue.

3 = 3[d12]

2 = 2[d12]

2 + 2 (For Smarts) = 4.

Annabelle stated, "I rather become old maid after getting you then dead."

Does Eris leave her hiding place?

(Very Likely) Yes, and...

Eris decide to put her hands up - -dropping her sword to the ground.
Cassie asked, "Do you know how to get back to the Fairy Kingdom?"

(Sure Thing) Yes

Eris chanted a strange spell that afterward that only leave the bones of the defeated skeletons there.

Cassie: 3 (6)
Annabelle: 3 (6)
Eris: 4 (6)
Logging off,
Dr. Thinker
a.k.a MadWritter
"Flubs and Boons"
Where does the group appear?

Weathered mansion

The group appeared inside a weathered mansion with a lot of fairies go here and there. Two of the oldest fairies approach them. One of the fairies stated, "Cassie, you are home!"

Cassie stated, "Can you call the King and the Queen so they can deal with Eris."

Cassie's father stated, "Not a problem. Both of them are staying with us since his castle been ruined by one of his wizard's spells."

Cassie's mother stated, "As for your human friend, I will use my magic transport her back to her homelands."


So what do you think?
Logging off,
Dr. Thinker
a.k.a MadWritter
"Flubs and Boons"

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