My DIY Projects
Hey, all. I know I haven't been posting as much this past year.  Part of that is due to planning, packing, and making a major move to a different state.  The other is, well, my various interests have shifted over the years and I'm not spending as much time on solo tabletop RPGs as in the past.  I'm not abandoning the pastime by any means (I'm in the middle of campaign, after all, not to mention the tons of solo games I've collected on, but I'm just not playing as frequently.

What I have been doing these past few months are several tabletop gaming related crafting projects.  I recently featured these projects on my blog.  If you're interested it can be read here:
Nice to hear from you, Teviko and good luck with you DIY projects. They look cool!

(Enjoying my content? Want to show your support? Consider joining my Patreon at Roll, Ponder, and Play!)


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