Superheroes Being A Beat Rider Is Suffering
Hello, everyone. I've come across this by randomly googling "Solo RPG", expecting to get some sort of advice for solo roleplaying. Turns out this site exists. So I decided to go on a little trip with this RPGSolo tool. What kind of adventure am I taking? Well... Let's decide what hero I am... ROLL THE WHEEL!



I'm a Date Wizard! Alright, let's begin!

The setting is movie theatre involving grenade launcher and underground lab. Your quest is to destroy the highway. Trying to stop you is the genetic hybrid skilled in super agility. You are currently at the highway.

A hybrid, eh? What sort of hybrid are we talkin'?

Goji berry.


A Goji Ninja!? Okay then... Wait, destroy!? I'm the bad guy?!

(50/50 | 3[d10]) No. +Event: Praise / Wounds

Oh. So... This highway is really, REALLY bad and supporting the underground lab that is working off a recent "mad-man with a grenade launcher" incident that caused lots of damage. On the highway carries a clone of that very same mad-man, and the Goji Ninja stands in my way, because he's convinced that I'm evil. Let's do this.

"Goji! We need to stop the secret organization from destroying this city!" Does that convince him not to kick my ass?

(Unlikely | 4[d10]) No. +Event: Attainment / The spiritual

"No. I obviously need to stop you from destroying this highway!" And he throws a throwing star at me!

(2 = 5[d20]+-3) Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

It barely scratched me, though. I throw a fireball towards him. Does he dodge it?

(Unlikely | 7[d10]) Yes.

He does and responds with a throwing star. Do I dodge it?

(Unlikely | 3[d10]) No.

And I get...

(12 = 15[d20]+-3) Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention.

Stabbed in the arm. Well, that's great! Juuust great. Is my arm injured enough to be unable to cast spells?

(Somewhat Likely | 2[d10]) No. +Event: Dominate / Lies

Alright. With the event, the Date Wizard somehow figures out that Goji is somewhat convinced by the lab to protect the highway from me through the use of lies. Am I somehow able to make him see the truth?

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...

He seems really convinced to killing me. That's fine. Well, I cast another fireball. Does he dodge?

(Somewhat Likely | 4[d10]) No, but... +Event: Oppose / The spiritual

The fire managed to hit the car.

(13 = 10[d20]++3) Moderate Damage: Hampers functionality significantly; will require repair/mechanical attention.

And it causes it to delay a bit. I could probably get the mad-man out. Will that be able to convince Goji of the truth?

(Unlikely | 3[d10]) No.

Okay. Bad idea. Well, I need to destroy the bridge, and Goji being in my way will just have to wait. So... I back away and cast fire blast at the bridge. Does it hit?

(Sure Thing | 7[d10]) Yes.

(18 = 13[d20]+5) Severe Damage: Incapacitating and may become Critical if not addressed.

It created a massive dent into the ground and caused the SUV to derail and get knocked to its side. Does it explode?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No. +Event: Bestow / Competition

As it turns out, this entire battle was a game made by some guy. Who ever wins this battle goes up the rankings. Date Wizard just happens to be at...

12 = 9[d10]+3

Rank 12. Goji, on the other hand is...

10 = 10[d10]

10. So this is a low-ranked game. Is the object to get to the mad-man?

(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.

Huh... So what is it then?

Agree / Goals.

Agree to the goals? The goals of destroying the highway?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

Ooooooh, it's a diplomatic thing! Who can convince each other to agree to their goals. Goji wants me to stop blowing up the highway and I want him to help me nab Mad-Man. It all makes sense! Alright. I throw another fire- wait, I have to get him to agree... and he's stubborn. Screw it. I chain him. Does he dodge the chains?

(Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.

Figured. I summon more chains, but, I predicted ahead of time of where he'd dodge. Does he still evade the chains?

(Somewhat Likely | 7[d10]) Yes.

Shit. Does it just slow him down?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

Okay. Perfect. I throw a fireball at him. Does he dodge?

(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.

Good. Direct hit!

(5 = 2[d20]+3) Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Dent.

Well, he didn't take that much. He throws a ninja star at me again.

(0 = 3[d20]+-3) Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Dent.

And it barely hurts me. At this rate, I need to destroy the bridge. I think one more Fire Blast will do it.

(Sure Thing | 9[d10]) Yes.

(16 = 8[d20]+8) Severe Damage: Incapacitating and may become Critical if not addressed.

Does Goji get pissed off with me?

(Likely | 4[d10]) No.

Huh? I guess he's cool with me blowing shit up. ALRIGHT! LET'S DO IT AGAIN!

(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...


(Very Likely | 7[d10]) Yes.

... Yes. Yes. Yes. Alright! I snagged up that rank rather easily! Or... am I disqualified because of the rules of the game?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

Shit. Well, being a Beat Rider is suffering.

  1. ???
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. ???
  9. ???
  10. Goji (Deceased)
  11. ???
  12. Dayzard (Disqualified)
  13. ???
  14. ???
  15. ???

Well, that was entertaining. Might do more of this.
I've decided to do another game.

In the city of... Cityness, there are a group of powerful heroes called Beat Riders. All through-out the day, these Beat Riders strive to be Number 1 and hope to rule the city with an iron fist. When we last left off our hero, he got disqualified for killing another Beat Rider. Do we still play as that Beat Rider?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

Alright. So, our story is that Dayzard, the Date Wizard, is trying to get his spot back... maybe even take the spot that Goji was on considering he doesn't need it anymore. Something tells me this won't be easy. What does Dayzard have to do to get his job back?

Ambush / Fears.

Ah, a test to truly prove that he is worthy of being a Beat Rider. He must face his fears. ... Wait, what the heck ARE his fears?

Attract / Power.

He fears of being power hungry? Dude, you're like, at the bottom tier! You have to fight so many Beat Riders before you get to Number 1! Some of them multiple times! Why are you even in the Beat Rider game if you're scared of getting powerful? You know what? Screw it! We're staying out of the Beat Rider circuit. We can do this stuff without some complex ranking system. Am I right?

(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...

We're totally allowed in our custody to be judge, jury and executioner? Awesome! Alright, so now that we got a new lease on life, what is the first action now that we're free from the grasps of the Beat Rider circuit?


... Open what?


... Open... an illness? Oh God we're going to be total villains with my interpretation.

So, armed with a deadly virus, Dayzard runs to the old people shelter. Does he find anyone who could oppose him?

(Somewhat Likely | 2[d10]) No.

Alright! Time to make some old people sick! He carefully unscrews the jar that contains the deadly virus. Does he do it in a way that might infect him?

(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and... +Twist: NPC / Appears

He's doing it in a way that infects only the entire building. Nice! But wait, an NPC appears! Is he a Beat Rider?

(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and... +Twist: Physical event / Hinders the hero

He's here to hinder our hero's progress! Who is this Beat Rider!?



A Bilberry Spartan!? WE'RE SCREWED! Wait, are we screwed?

(Likely | 5[d10]) No, but...

He's still gonna hinder our progress. Welp, if it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he gets. Dayzard fires a firebolt at Bilz. Does it hit?

(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.


(18 = 15[d20]+3) Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

Nice. We've burned him! However, he comes over and slashes us with a sword. Does it hit?

(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.

(17 = 14[d20]+3) Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

Ouch! We're getting pummeled. Is the virus securely in the shelter?

(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.

Good! Let's run out of here then! Do we get hindered by Bilz still?

(Likely | 7[d10]) Yes.

So he slashes us.

(5 = 1[d20]+4) Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

But it barely hurts us. Good. I turn around and cast another firebolt at him.

(Somewhat Likely | 1[d10]) No, and...

Not only does it hit, but it sets the home on fire. Wait, does that set Bilz enough to go and save those people?

(50/50 | 3[d10]) No.

Dude! People are burning alive! Whatever. Another firebolt.

(Somewhat Likely | 1[d10]) No, and...

It just makes the building burn faster. Greeeeaaaaat. I'm so glad my first interpretation of "Open Illness" is "make old people sick". So Bilz slashes at us again.

(Somewhat Likely | 1[d10]) No, and...

Not only does he miss, but he gets his sword stuck. Now do we get out of there?

(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...

The building explodes! Nice! Does it kill Bilz?

(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.

Nice! Wait... that means I'm on America's Most Wanted now...

(Sure Thing | 7[d10]) Yes.

Shit. Well, being a Beat Rider is suffering.

  1. ???
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. Bilz (Deceased)
  9. ???
  10. Goji (Deceased)
  11. ???
  12. Dayzard (Disqualified)
  13. ???
  14. ???
  15. ???

I really like this!
Very enjoyable :-)
Thank you... I find it really enjoyable. To the point where I'm actually gonna do another run. Right now.

So when we last left Dayzard, he not only left the Beat Rider circuit, but he also managed to become the villain. Now he's landed himself on America's Most Wanted and now he's have himself padded at...

High school.

A high school? You're just trying to push the limits, aren't you?

(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.

Huh... There's got to be a reason for you to be holed up in the school then...

Thwart the evil plans of the mystical warrior at the dormitory.

Oh? A mystical warrior? You mean... A Beat Rider?

(Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.

Sweet! Roll em up!



Nectarine Gladiator! Alright! And he's evil too... So is he out of the circuit as well?

(Somewhat Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.

Ah... Oh! This must be a way for him to enter the circuit as well... What was Necta's rank before he left the circuit?

9 = 4[d10]+5

Rank 9!? Sweet! We nab him and we'll earn the rank! Are there students in the school?

(Somewhat Likely | 1[d10]) No, and...

The school is completely empty save for me and him! Nice! Alright, Necta, let's kick some ass! Is he in my immediate area?

(Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.

Alright! I cast firebolt! Does he get hit?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

(17 = 14[d20]+3) Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

Nice! Necta responds with two swords. Does he hit me?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

(9 = 7[d20]+2) Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

Ouch. Well, I guess I'll try to respond by casting Chain to hold him in place. Does he get hit?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

Shit, he chopped away at the chains and is heading to me. Does he hit with both his swords?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

(4 = 2[d20]+2) Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

Hah! I get a simple scratch! I cast another fireball at point blank!

(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...

Yes, and he's on fire! Now how is he hurt?

(18 = 14[d20]+4) Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

Alright, is he incapacitated?

(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.

Alright. Can he still fight?

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...

He swings right as I ask this. And he hits.

(12 = 10[d20]+2) Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention.

Ouch. He's getting hurt big time. I throw another fireball.

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

(21 = 18[d20]+3) Killed.

OH SHIT! I kicked that guy's ass! Wait, does killing him make me able to return to the Circuit?

(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...

I get a demotion for my shenanigans in the previous stories. Very well. What rank am I demoted to?

16 = 6[d10]+10

16!? That's insane! I get bumped down several ranks!? ... {Sigh} Being a Beat Rider is suffering...

  1. ???
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. Bilz (Deceased)
  9. Necta (Deceased)
  10. Goji (Deceased)
  11. ???
  12. Dayzard (Disqualified)
  13. ???
  14. ???
  15. ???
  16. Dayzard (Reinstated)
  17. ???
  18. ???
  19. ???
  20. ???

I love this game. I really do. I'm going to create a weapons list for future Beat Riders.
Alright. Previously, I got back into the Beat Rider circuit, but at the heavy cost of being demoted to the 16th rank. Now I have to get back up by starting another Beat Rider game. What game objective will it be this time?

The setting is shelter involving high quality family heirloom and flying fortress. Your quest is to hide out at the junkyard. Trying to stop you is the alien skilled in boxing. You are currently at the city.

An alien skilled in boxing? Is this guy an official Beat Rider?

(Unlikely | 9[d10]) Yes.

Does he have a motif?

(Somewhat Unlikely | 4[d10]) No.

So he's an Alien... Okay. Could I get more information about this Alien?

Established courtier who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to establish spirits, convey envy, and inform poverty; who speaks of hostile belief and is focused on your parents.

Why would an alien be interested in my parents?

Deceive / Expectations.

Um... I'll have to take your word for it. So, I'm guessing that, on my way back to the Beat Rider rankings, this alien tries to take me out because of how bad I was. Is this guy a high-ranking Beat Rider?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

5 = 8[d10]-3

Oh Crap! The top five! Well, he's pretty tough. The junkyard seems to be where the Beat Riders have their official meetings and the flying fortress... Who does that belong to? The same family that had that heirloom?

(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.

Okay... Is the family associated with the Beat Riders?

(50/50 | 3[d10]) No.

Hm... They're associated with that lab from a while ago. Is the alien and the family connected?

(50/50 | 4[d10]) No. +Twist: Organization / Helps the hero

Huh, but it seems that the family ARE interested in helping me out, hence the fortress. So I hop in. Does the Alien follow suit?

(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...


(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

(18 = 13[d20]+5) Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

OUCH DAWG! Does he fall? (since the fortress is in the sky)?

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and... +Twist: Physical event / Hinders the hero

No, he holds on and attacks me with a strange alien power... Which is...

Super genius.

His genius... What? So, super genius beat rider alien who has a thing for my parents... WHAT. Screw it. I'm gonna Avada Kedavra that guy. Does it hit?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

Of course. FIREBALL!

(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and... +Twist: NPC / Appears

(6 = 2[d20]+4) Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

So while the fireball doesn't hit him, an NPC appears. Is he a Beat Rider?

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...

He's another alien. Oh crap he has brothers. What's his alien power?

Ancient artifact.

He has the Heirloom. Oh crap. It's a-


Welp, I'm boned. He swings his Halberd at me. Does it hit me?

(50/50 | 3[d10]) No.

Good. I dodged it. I toss a fireball. Hit?

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...

It hits the engine.

(14 = 11[d20]+3) Moderate Damage: Hampers functionality significantly; will require repair/mechanical attention.

Well, that's fun. Are we close to the junkyard?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No. +Twist: Physical event / Hinders the hero

The fortress blows up. Do I fall through the hole that it makes?

(Likely | 2[d10]) No.

Okay. I stand my ground... Do the aliens fall?

(50/50 | 3[d10]) No.

Okay. Fireball at the one alien holding on.

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No. +Twist: Emotional event / Changes the goal

So this battle is apparently so emotional, that my character's goal changes... Wait, is it my character whose goal has changed?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

Okay. So I guess he's getting a relapse.

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

Oh? He's not thinking about giving up being a Beat Rider. But what's his new goal then?

Stop the assassin at the cavern.

THERE'S AN ASSASSIN!? WHAT THE HECK!? Okay, is the assassin a Beat Rider?

(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...

He's a VERY High-ranking Beat Rider.

2 = 2[d4]

TOP 2.



... We're screwed. It's Gaiz! Is he gunning for us?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes. +Twist: Physical event / Hinders the hero

He has a freaking rocket launcher and blows us sky high!

(18 = 13[d20]+5) Severe Damage: Incapacitating and may become Critical if not addressed.

Does the fortress fall?

(Very Likely | 7[d10]) Yes.


(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...

They take less damage because they're aliens. Me?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

Okay. First the Aliens.

(20 = 17[d20]+3) Critical Injury: Requires immediate attention; clearly life-threatening if not immediately deadly.

They got critically injured.

(24 = 19[d20]+5) Killed.

And I get- Oh you son of a bitch. Welp, Gaiz kicked my ass. Being a Beat Rider is suffering.

Can I at least play Gaiz next?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.


  1. ???
  2. Gaiz (Currently Playing)
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. Predalien
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. Bilz (Deceased)
  9. Necta (Deceased)
  10. Goji (Deceased)
  11. ???
  12. Dayzard (Disqualified)
  13. ???
  14. ???
  15. ???
  16. Dayzard (Deceased)
  17. ???
  18. ???
  19. ???
  20. ???
Alright, so now I'm playing Gaiz, the Orange Zande. Does the story start right as Dayzard gets offed?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

Alright. So it takes place... a day later?

(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...

At night. So, what's happening?

The setting is stronghold involving cheap sports car and necropolis. Your quest is to rescue the super soldier from the metropolis. Trying to stop you is the VTOL aircraft skilled in sonic blast. You are currently at the shopping mall.

Oh, so we ARE starting where we last left off... The VTOL seems to be the fortress... So, is the super soldier a Beat Rider?

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...

He's just a normal super soldier. Alrighty. Is the soldier locked inside the VTOL?

(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes. +Twist: Emotional event / Changes the goal

And he's revealed to be Gaiz' disowned dad, so Gaiz decided to change his goal to destroy the VTOL. So, he fires at the VTOL. Does he hit?

(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...

It does hit the propellers. It's the blast that caused the fortress to fall down and killed Dayzard. Does he fire another shot?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

And does he hit?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

It misses. Does the VTOL fall to the ground unharmed?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

So as it lands, it explodes. A job well done... Does this affect his rankings as a Beat Rider, since he killed TWO Beat Riders?

(Likely | 3[d10]) No.

I guess being highly ranked does that. Alright, next day. Where is our hero now?

Setting is launch pad involving purse and barracks.

A barracks that also has a launch pad. Is this his home?

(Very Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.

Sweet. Alright, since he's number two, I want to get Number 1. Who is the Number 1 Beat Rider?

Star fruit.


Oh snap. It's Papou, the oldest Beat Rider known to man! ... Let's retire his ass! Can Beat Riders call other Beat Riders for one on one fights?

(Sure Thing | 10[d10]) Yes, and...

We can have it be any place. Alright, I call the lazy guy up and challenge him to fight. Does he accept?

(Likely | 2[d10]) No.

Of course not. He feels cozy. Do we have to have a challenge in order to have a ranked battle?

(Somewhat Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.

Well... Guess a raid on his parade would constitute a challenge... What's Papou doing now?


Recruiting new Beat Riders. Yeah, that makes sense, a lot of people were getting killed off. I go over and ask him to have a fight, to show the Beat Riders how we do things around here. Does he agree?

(Very Likely | 8[d10]) Yes. +Twist: NPC / Appears

Yes, but suddenly, an NPC appears!

Ungrateful female freak of nature.

OH GOD! Is it a Beat Rider?

(50/50 | 3[d10]) No. +Twist: Item / Ends the scene

Nope. It's a monster... and she has...

Top-secret files.

Files of what? The lab?

(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but... +Twist: Item / Ends the scene

The Beat Riders themselves!


AND SHE'S MAKING A GET AWAY! Does Papou offer Gaiz to a challenge of whoever captures her the first?

(Sure Thing | 9[d10]) Yes.

Let's kick some ass and chew some bubblegum then!

  1. Papou
  2. Gaiz (Currently Playing)
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. Predalien (Deceased)
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. Bilz (Deceased)
  9. Necta (Deceased)
  10. Goji (Deceased)
  11. ???
  12. Dayzard (Disqualified)
  13. ???
  14. ???
  15. ???
  16. Dayzard (Deceased)
  17. ???
  18. ???
  19. ???
  20. ???
Alright, when we last left our heroes, the monster has top secret information of the Beat Riders and Gaiz and Papou get a challenge: whoever captures her first wins. Let's do this... Does Gaiz have his rocket launcher?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

I fire it. Does it hit?

(Somewhat Likely | 9[d10]) Yes. +Twist: Organization / Helps the hero

(6 = 1[d20]+5) Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

It barely hits her. However, she gets attacked by the Laboratory with a turret mounted van. Do they hit her?

(Likely | 7[d10]) Yes.

Are the bullets fifty caliber?

(Likely | 3[d10]) No.

(20 = 17[d20]+3) Critical Injury: Requires immediate attention; clearly life-threatening if not immediately deadly.

It hits her. Does she lose control of her Hovercycle?

(Likely | 4[d10]) No.

She keeps going. Does one more rocket launcher do her in?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

Nope. She's trying to get away. Does Papou's Rocket Punch defeat her?

(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...

She gets knocked off her hovercycle. How far is she off the ground?

3 = 3[d10]

Three feet.

(11 = 3[d20]+8) Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

She breaks a leg. Does Papou get to her first?

(Somewhat Likely | 6[d10]) Yes.

And he wins. Well crap. But, there's the Laboratory. Do we fight them next?

(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...

We look at them with curiosity. Why did they help us fight someone who would prove detrimental to the Beat Riders, their apparent nemesis? Would they explain?

(Almost Impossible | 2[d10]) No.

Of course not. They go off. Do we follow?

(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but... +Twist: Organization / Helps the hero

Yes, but they leave behind a clue. A guinea pig. What we're looking for may not be good. We follow them. Where to they wind up? The Laboratory?

(50/50 | 4[d10]) No.

Then where?

Mobile base.

A mobile base? Is it also a suit?

(Somewhat Unlikely | 4[d10]) No.

Hah. Anyways, they're at White Base. What's there?

Worn-out missile launcher.

Do they allow us in?

(Very Unlikely | 5[d10]) No, but... +Twist: Emotional event / Changes the goal

Papou finds out about clue and has a emotion breakdown. Does Gaiz find out at the same time?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

So he has no idea why Papou is freaking out. All we can do is wonder. He gets up and tells us that he quits being a Beat Rider, and that Gaiz should too. Does he accept?

(Very Unlikely | 2[d10]) No.

Of course not! With him out, we become Number 1! Papou glares at Gaiz and warns him that he won't like his position. Everyone will gun for him. EVERYONE! Alright, let's do it! Tune in next time where we defend out position as Number 1 Beat Rider!

  1. Gaiz (Currently Playing)
  2. Papou (Retired)
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. Predalien (Deceased)
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. Bilz (Deceased)
  9. Necta (Deceased)
  10. Goji (Deceased)
  11. ???
  12. Dayzard (Disqualified)
  13. ???
  14. ???
  15. ???
  16. Dayzard (Deceased)
  17. ???
  18. ???
  19. ???
  20. ???
Alright, when we last left our Beat Rider, he hit the number one spot. And now people will for him. Let's get started.

The setting is church involving floating object and police station. Your quest is to dismantle the doomsday device at the highway. Trying to stop you is the street gang skilled in xeno-biology. You are currently at the launch pad.

A street gang? Their leader a Beat Rider?

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...

He's just a gang leader. Well, this is fun. What weapon do I have in stock? Do I have my Rocket Launcher?

(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...

I do have two weapons instead. ROLL THE WHEEL!



Oh snap! Magic Longbow! This is gonna be sweet! So... Wait, why do they even have the doomsday device in the first place?

Cruelty / A plot.

They seem to be in on the Laboratory plot. Well, they seem to be normal humans. A simple arrow will kill them.

(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...

The arrow misses and hits the lamp post. Well shit. Now the gang get their xeno-guns and fire. Do they hit?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

(2 = 1[d20]+1) Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

It barely hits me. Magic Arrow, do your shit!

(50/50 | 3[d10]) No.

Screw you! They fire. Do they hit me?

(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes.

(20 = 19[d20]+1) Critical Injury: Requires immediate attention; clearly life-threatening if not immediately deadly.

I get shot in the chest. They REALLY don't want me to destroy that doomsday device. Can I get up?

(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...

But someone saves me. Is it another Beat Rider?

(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.

Goji berry.


Goji 2.0?

(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...

But it's not really a Goji berry-based Rider. It's...


... Whatever that is. Its weapon?


Nice. Does he dynamically chop the villains?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes. +Twist: Item / Ends the scene

He does and in his other hand he has...

Priceless art.

A piece of art. Damage roll

(7 = 6[d20]+1) Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

The gang leader gets away with a minor scratch. Do I get up now?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

Okay. I shoot my longbow at the Doomsday Device. Do I hit?

(Likely | 8[d10]) Yes.

(22 = 17[d20]+5) Killed.

KABOOM! Yeah! I blew it up! I look over to the Goji Spartan and I give him a thumbs up. Does he take advantage of my weakness?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

Well fuck. He attacks me. Does he hit?

(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...

I don't get as much damaged.

(13 = 14[d20]+-1) Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention.

I just get an injury of a chopped off arm. That's fun. I whack him with my magic bow. Does it burn him alive?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

It does. Yay!

(23 = 18[d20]+5) Killed.

Well, we murdered another Beat Rider, but at least we made it out with a little scratch... Yeah, lost arm and all... wait, we haven't figured out what rank the Beat Rider was at.

3 = 2[d10]+1

Oh, okay. So that's three of the top five Beat Riders taken down. Who is the mysterious Fourth Beat Rider?


Shaolin Monk.

We're so kicking his ass next part.

  1. Gaiz (Currently Playing)
  2. Papou (Retired)
  3. Kinta (Deceased)
  4. Kung Pao
  5. Predalien (Deceased)
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. Bilz (Deceased)
  9. Necta (Deceased)
  10. Goji (Deceased)
  11. ???
  12. Dayzard (Disqualified)
  13. ???
  14. ???
  15. ???
  16. Dayzard (Deceased)
  17. ???
  18. ???
  19. ???
  20. ???
Alright. To ensure our spot as Number 1 Beat Rider, we need to kill or incapacitate Kung Pao. Now... Let's get started!

The setting is elementary school involving cheap antidote and safe house. Your quest is to patrol the crash site. Trying to stop you is the arch mage skilled in powered armor. You are currently at the morgue.

So, since we're the ones attacking Kung Pao, we're the ones who is trying to stop him patrolling the crash site... Wait, how did the safe house become a crash site?

Open / Vehicle.

So a vehicle opened up? Be more clear.

Hastily / Mysterious.

Okay, a mysterious vehicle opened up... I'm gonna guess the antidote was a bomb. Alright, let's face Kung Pao! I attempt a surprise sneak attack. Do I succeed?

(Likely | 7[d10]) Yes.

Alright. I grab him. I try to snap his neck. Do I succeed?

(Unlikely | 7[d10]) Yes.

... Do I kill him?

(Very Likely | 9[d10]) Yes.

Let's see here... It'd end the story early, so let's see how hurt he is.

(21 = 11[d20]+10) Killed.

ALRIGHT! I GET IT! HE'S DEAD! I AM NUMBER 1! ... Alright. Now I go to the laboratory to see what the fuck is going on. Who stands in my way?

Gargantuan beast.

Well shit. Does the beast notice me?

(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...

He is close to noticing me. Can I sneak attack it?

(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but... +Twist: Organization / Helps the hero

The Laboratory manages to help me attack it for some reason. Does the beast have a neck to snap?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

I try to do that. Do I succeed?

(50/50 | 2[d10]) No.

Okay. So I'm clutched onto him. Does he notice me?

(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes.

Shit. How does the Laboratory help me?

Punish / Emotions.

They call him hairy? ... Wow. How sensitive can they be? Alright. He's distracted. Do I snap his neck?

(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...

I kill him instantly. I get off the dead beast. Do I notice anything weird?

(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes.

Alright. I notice that there's a horde of troopers behind some of the scientists. I try to attack the troopers by firing my arrows. Do they hit?

(50/50 | 4[d10]) No. +Twist: Item / Ends the scene

They miss and-

Mass grave.

Kidnap me and place me in a mass grave without my Beat Rider powers. Just left there to die...

Shit. Well, being a Beat Rider is, and will always be, suffering.

  1. Gaiz (Currently Playing) (Deceased)
  2. Papou (Retired)
  3. Kinta (Deceased)
  4. Kung Pao (Deceased)
  5. Predalien (Deceased)
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. Bilz (Deceased)
  9. Necta (Deceased)
  10. Goji (Deceased)
  11. ???
  12. Dayzard (Disqualified)
  13. ???
  14. ???
  15. ???
  16. Dayzard (Deceased)
  17. ???
  18. ???
  19. ???
  20. ???

Fear not! I shall return in...

Being An Energy Rider Is Suffering!

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